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Conversation Tools: Palm Reading and Astrology
by Bobby Rio
Social Training Lab
Conversation Master Class
Palm Reading and Astrology Cheat Sheet
The first type of hand is thin, long, with thin fingers, and kind of pointed.
This woman is very sensitive and emotional. She is able to pick up subtle signals very
easily and she is highly intuitive. This woman is not a logical person. It is an easy task
to get this woman attracted to you by concentrating on her emotions. She is very
interested in spirituality, psychology, and the occult. Some of them even have an
uncanny psychic ability, or sixth sense. These women are caring, and love good-old
fashioned romance.
The second type of hand is short, with thicker fingers, and a square looking
These women love spending time outdoors. They are very physical women, and
sometimes impatient. You can depend on these women to be emotionally stable. They
have the ability to have many great insights, particularly due to their ability to look past
the surface and see something much deeper in life. Family is important to these women,
and they tend to be very pragmatic and practical. They are realistic and honest. They
are planners, which means they look beyond what's happening right now and into the
The third type of hand has a long palm, but short fingers.
This woman is a people person. She is fun, dynamic, and alive. She needs a constant
challenge, and lives fast. She is excitable, and often exudes an almost charismatic,
sexual presence. These women need a lot of physical activity, and love to be the center
of attention. They are incredible lover and romantics, but have the tendency to fall in
love rather quickly. Unfortunately, some of these women can get bored easily in
relationships if they're not stimulated enough.
The fourth type of hand is long, with thin fingers, and a short palm.
These women are very intelligent. They have a very sharp, quick mind that needs
constant stimulation on an intellectual level. They are always on the hunt for new
experiences and can also get bored with repetitive routines. You can find many of these
women in bookstores and are a great source of friendly interesting conversation.
They're extroverted, talented, inventive, and futuristic, and fun.
The fifth type of hand has knotty fingers and knuckles that are highly and
visibly pronounced.
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This woman is philosophical, idealistic, and a seeker of knowledge and truth.
Sometimes she can be very critical, and remains distant emotionally. Sometimes she
can be overly analytical and logical.
The Heart Line
A shorter heart line means this woman wants to enjoy fun times. She wants to avoid
commitments, and often marries later in life. If she could have a discreet affair, it would
be great for her.
The more curve the heart line has, curving up, the stronger sexuality she expresses. She
loves hot, steamy, passionate sex. The more physical contact you give her, the better.
She's very aggressive and sometimes takes the initiative in a sexual encounter. Yet she is
sincere, and marries only for love. But if the heart line curves down, the woman will
have intense issues of jealousy.
With a straight Heart Line, the woman needs intellectual stimulation and needs a man
that can be on her same level and wavelength. She's very patient and is willing to wait
before getting into any kind of serious relationship. It's very important for her to know
the man she's attracted to on a very intimate level. If the line spans the entire length of
the palm, that she will always choose work before love, and be jealous, possessive, and
even short tempered.
If the heart line ends anywhere beneath the index finger, this woman is very romantic
and generous in love. You will feel very good with this woman if you get more intimate
with her. The index finger, according to palmistry, represents the planet Jupiter, a
planet that is associated with generosity. This kind of woman will make you feel like the
most attractive guy on earth.
If the heart line ends in the between the middle and index finger, this woman is
extremely affectionate. You'll notice that she does things to prove her love and devotion
to you, but is not as expressive verbally. Nevertheless, she is a mature, devoted woman
who will tend to be realistic in her expectations of love and is a great woman to spend
time with.
If the heart line ends with a fork, two or three pointed forks mean that the woman is
kind, compassionate, sympathetic, romantic, and a good listener.
If the heart line ends on the edge of the index finger, this woman has very high
standards of her lover. She gives a lot, but she also expects a lot from him.
And sometimes we encounter a woman with line marking branching out from the top
her heart line. Some lines branch out, some lines circle, and some lines break within the
heart line itself.
Branches represent a woman who is flirty, sexy, and charming.
With circles this woman could be keeping secrets.
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Conversation Master Class
Breaks in the line on the other hand represent numerous disappointments in her
relationship life.
Lovers union. Just count the lines you see on her hand and they will tell you how many
powerful connections she's had or will have. You can go anywhere with this because she
will attach all of the feelings associated with these past, present, or future loves to you as
you do this.
The Head Line
Now, reading the head line, the main horizontal line of the hand located right under the
heart lines.
For the purpose of attraction, we look at the head line in relation to the heart line and
the life line.
The wider the space between the head line and heart line, the more of an extroverted,
fun, people person she is. The narrower, just the opposite, introverted, quiet, and shy.
When the heart line is thicker, more detailed, more pronounced, or deeper than the
head line, the woman tends to rely on her feelings and emotions primarily. She is also
more sexual, giving, and impulsive.
If the opposite is the case, when the head line is dominant, the woman is much more left
brained and logical.
Lines that are even tend to let you know what the woman has a balance between her
emotions and her logic.
Look for space between the head line and the life line.
When space exists between the head and life lines, the person may take many risks and
is very trusting. Sometimes they may even make impulsive decisions without
considering the consequences. If there's no space and head line and life line meet, the
woman tends to be on the cautious side. It may take time for her to trust people.
Astrology Signs
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac
ARIES -The Ram (March 21-April 20)
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mars which is located in it's
natural First House. It is associated with the beginning of a cycle. When a planet or
house cusp is in Aries, the planet or house will describe how or where you strive to be
Aries turns ideas into action, is spontaneous, competitive and enthusiastic. It will also
show qualities of impulsiveness, selfishness and aggressiveness.
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A person born under the sign of Aries will tend to be a natural leader with great passion.
They like to start things for others to finish because they become easily bored and want
to move on to some new challenge.
Some positive traits: Initiating, pioneering, eager, courageous, independent, dynamic.
Some negative traits : Quick-tempered, violent, impatient, egotistical, intolerant.
TAURU S-The Bull (April 20-May 20)
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet venus, which is located
in it's natural house. When a planet or house cusp is in Taurus, it will describe how
and/or where you will seek stability and security.
People with the Sun in Taurus are usually very practical and level-headed; they won't be
easily led by idealism. Risks are taken only if it is absolutely necessary and only after
much consideration. This is a sign that's slow to change and would prefer a steady
routine in life. They are not afraid of hard work because they value emotional and
material security.
Taurus can be very caring and warmhearted but there is a tendency to be extremely
jealous, possessive and very stubborn. Taurus must strive to keep an open mind because
his strong personal convictions can blind him to the ideas of others.
Some positive traits: Stable, dependable, practical, conventional, determined and
Some negative traits: Possessive, stubborn, materialistic, lazy.
GEMINI -The Twins (May 21-June 20)
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. When a planet or house
cusp is in the sign of Gemini, the planet or house will describe how or where you
communicate the most. It also represents the conscious mind and the thinking process.
In general, a person born under the sign of Gemini will tend to need constant change
and variety in their lives; as well as the need to communicate on all levels. They are the
happiest when they have more than one interest to pursue. Sometimes this can lead to
inconsistency and irresponsibility because they fail to complete what they start. In spite
of this trait, they have excellent memory, quick minds and can be very logical and
rational people.
Some positive traits: Versatile, adaptable, inquisitive, intelligent, quick to learn.
Some negative traits: Superficial, short attention span, restless, nervous, nervous, lacks
concentration, conniving.
CANCER -The Crab (June 21-July22)
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Conversation Master Class
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