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The Flash Sourcebook
Final Draft Manuscript by Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.
The Flash I
REAL NAME: Jason “Jay” Peter Garrick
OCCUPATION: Former research scientist
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Keystone City, Kansas
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 179 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown (now graying)
RACE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
While attending Keystone City’s Midwestern University in 1938, Jay Garrick gained
super-speed after an accidental exposure to the fumes of irradiated water. Inspired by pulp hero
Whip Whirlwind, Garrick developed his own co stumed identity, calling himself the Flash. On his
first case, he rescued fellow student Joan Williams’s kidnapped father from the clutches of
Throughout the 1940s, Joan was the Flash’s girlfriend, his crime-fighting partner, and the
only one privy to his secret identity. Later, as the Flash’s fame grew, so did his affiliations:
Garrick was a founding member of the Justice Society of America and worked with the All-Star
Squadron during World War II. Through these teams, Garrick met his best friend, Alan Scott (the
Golden Age Green Lantern), and became well acquainted with his fellow speedsters Johnny Quick
and Quicksilver (later known as Max Mercury). Less able help for the speedster came in the
form of three bumbling assist ants, Winky, Blinky, and Noddy.
The Flash also developed a cabal of regular opponents. The greatest of these were the
Fiddler, the Shade, and the original Thinker, each of whom battled the speedster into the present
era. Other recurrent Flash foes included the original Turtle, the first Star Sapphire, the villainous
Thorn, the malicious Rag Doll, and the evil speedster Rival.
A combination of factors, including his marriage to Joan and the disbanding of the JSA,
led to the Flash’s retirement in 1950. Using money earned from his many scientific patents,
Garrick purchased Keystone Research Laborat ories. For the next few years, he occupied his t ime
with business and scientific research.
In 1956, the Flash’s three greatest foes suspended Keystone City in time, co mpletely
erasing it from the outside world’s memories. They then robbed the city at will. Twelve years ago,
the second Flash (Barry Allen) intervened to restore Keystone to its normal state. The younger
hero then helped his predecessor defeat the villainous trio.
Free again, Garrick resumed crime fighting on a semi-ret ired basis (often teaming wit h his
successor). He later joined the JSA when it reunited. One of the team’s modern cases led to
Garrick’s imprisonment in a different dimension, fighting the forces of Ragnarok (the judgment
day of Norse mythology) for a time. Yet another heir to his mantle welcomed his return, and Jay
became a sort of “substitute grandfather” to the third Flash, Wally West.
Thanks to his connection to the Speed Force, Garrick remains surprisingly vital for a man
of his years. While not as active a crime fighter as he once was, the original Flash is ever-ready if
he’s needed by the current generation of costumed heroes.
RECENTLY: Garrick still watches over Keystone City, assisting Wally West whenever the cause
arises. However, he now devotes most of his time as the Flash to the new JSA, alongside whom
he has fought several of his enemies—even some once believed dead, such as the Thinker and
The Flash I
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 7D (clothesline, disarm, spin attack +1D each), dodge 8D
Coordination 3D: Catch 9D, thrown weapons 5D (helmet +3D)
Physique 2D: Running 10D
Knowledge 3D: Criminology 4D, research 5D (speed reading +3D), scholar 5D, science 5D
Perception 2D: Engineering 5D, invent 5D, kn ow-how ( Speed Manipulatio n) 10D, repair 5D,
search 8D, streetwise (Keystone Cit y) 7D
Presence 3D: Charm 5D, command 5D, disguise (blurring facial feature s) 7D, persuasion 7D,
willpower 7D
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA) –20D, Ally (Flash III, Jesse Quick, Max
Mercury, Impulse) –8D each, Charismatic –3D, Courage –2D, Fast Reactions –4D, Leadership
Ability –2D; Age: Old +9D, Dependant (Joan Williams-Garrick) +1D, Enemy (the Fiddler, the
Shade, the Thinker) +3D each, Enemy (Injustice Society of the World) +5D.
PDV: 4 (15 while moving with Speed Manipulation)
POWERS: Flash package (see Chapter 8) except: Speed Manipulation 11D, Sustenance 3D.
EQUIPMENT: Winged helmet (BDV 2D as thrown weapon only; AV 18 vs. overhead physical
attacks only; Body Points 24).
Johnny Quick
REAL NAME: John Chambers
OCCUPATION: Businessman, former newsreel photographer
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blond
RACE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
A tragic automobile crash left young Johnny Chambers an orphan. The famed
mathematician Ezra Gill then became his legal guardian, and Chambers grew up observing the
professor’s quest for the secret formula of all space and time.
In his final days, Gill succeeded. With his dying words, he taught Chambers the formula
and made him swear to use it to serve only justice. Once Chambers could mentally visualize what
the formula described, he found he could move at tremendous speeds after reciting it aloud.
Chambers’s lifelong interest in photography earned him a job as a newsreel photographer
for Sees All/Tells All News, working for producer Thaddeus Morgan. Morgan assigned Tubby
Watts to assist Chambers, and the two quickly became best friends.
While on assignment in mid-1941, Chambers saved a man’s life using his speed formula.
He also learned he had been the target of a murder at tempt. To capt ure t he guilty parties while
incognito, Chambers devised his crime-fighting alter ego Johnny Quick, entrusting only Tubby
Watts (who so on became Quick’s sidekick) wit h the secret of his dual identity.
During World War II, Quick served as one of the All-Star Squadron’s core members,
where he first met Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle). After a brief courtship, Johnny and Libby
married in the spring of 1942.
Chambers continued appearing as Johnny Quick through 1954, but sometime afterwards,
he put away his costume and left his job at Sees All/Tells All News to explore his power’s origins
and raise his daughter, Jesse. During his explorations, various meta-physicians convinced him the
formula was really a mantra t hat released his full human po tential, an idea Chambers lucrat ively
promoted on the lecture circuit.
The formula also maintained Chambers’s youth over the decades, and he then began to
market products that promised the same results through his company, QuickStart Enterprises. The
business became a financial success, but it also put distance between Chambers and his wife,
which eventually led to divorce.
RECENTLY: Chambers’s loneliness made him long for the All-Star Squadron’s camaraderie,
and he eventually returned as Johnny Quick to help his old friends in times of emergency. During
one such occasion, Chambers fought Savitar and his minions, and finally heard the Speed Force’s
call. With his daughter now carrying on his heroic legacy, Chambers felt his purpose on Earth had
been served. At long last, he left this plane of existence to merge with the extradimensional
source of his powers.
Johnny Quick
Reflexes 2D: Acrobatics 3D, brawling 6D, dodge 6D, piloting (sel f) 7D
Coordination 2D: Catch 4D, sleight of hand 4D
Physique 2D: Flying 4D, running 8D
Knowledge 2D: Criminology 3D, research 4D, scholar 3D
Perception 2D: Artist (filmmakin g) 5D, know-how (journalis m) 6D, kn ow-how ( Speed
Manipulatio n) 7D, repair 5D, search 8D, streetwise 5D
Presence 2D: Bluff 7D, charm 7D, persuasion 8D, willpower 7D
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Attractive Appearance –2D, Fast Reactions –4D,
Observant –2D, Wealth –4D; Employed +4D, Secret Identity +3D.
PDV: 3 (12 while moving with Speed Manipulation)
POWERS: Speed Manipulation 9D [Limitation: Limited Ability (the Speed Manipulation
die code drops by an amount equal to the die code in Gravity Manipulation when he is in flight)
–2D], Gravity Manipulation (flight) 5D [Limitations: Limited Ability (Self Only) –2D, Linked to
Speed Manipulation (can only fly when moving ultra fast)]. All powers have the Limitation:
Duration Change: Activated (he must speak the formula “3X2(9YZ)4A” to activate power).
REAL NAME: Chester P. Runk
OCCUPATION: Removal specialist
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Southampton, New York
WEIGHT: 515 pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
RACE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Chester Runk demonstrated his genius by constructing a matter-transmitter at age 24.
During its initial test, it imploded and melded itself to Runk’s body. Afterwards, Runk was forced
to transfer huge amounts of matter into the extraspacial “Chunk Dimension” or else implode into
the dimension himself.
Runk encountered the third Flash while absorbing various valuables around New York
City. Their brief first confrontation resulted in West’s banishment to the Chunk Dimension,
however, he eventually persuaded Runk to free him and other captives in order to commence a
better life.
West and Runk soon became fast friends. Runk embarked on a lucrative new career as a
removal specialist, consigning unwanted materials to the Chunk Dimension for a fee. Runk hired
Mary West, as his administrat ive assistant. He even purchased West’s mansion in an effort to help
alleviate his friend’s debt problems.
The mansion was soon occupied by a plethora of Runk’s distant relatives, who took
advantage of his sweet and generous nature. This did little to alleviate Runk’s persistent feelings
of loneliness, as West increasingly ignored their friendship. His feelings were shared by West’s
then-girlfriend, Connie No leski, who co nfided her troubles to Runk. This led t o a romantic
relationship between them, the news of which surprisingly resulted in no ill feelings between the
longtime chums.
RECENTLY: Runk answered the call of Roland, a friend of Bart Allen’s from Manchester,
Alabama, whose town was in danger of being washed away in a flood. Touched by the
youngster’s plea, Chunk not only saved the town, but did it free.
Reflexes 2D
Coordination 2D
Physique 3D: Lifting 4D
Knowledge 5D: Computer ops 6D, research 6D (physics +2D), scholar 6D (Chunk Dimension
+4D), science 7D (physics +2D), security 6D
Perception 5D: Engineering 6D (applied physics gadgets +2D), invent 6D (applied physics
gadgets +2D), repair 6D (applied physics gadgets +2D)
Presence 3D: Charm 5D, willpower 8D
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Contact (The Flash [Wally West]) –4D, Mechanical
Aptitude –2D, Wealth –6D.
PDV: 1
POWERS: Dimensional Travel (Chunk Dimension) 20D (Enhancements: Mastery [can’t end up
in wrong dimension] +6D, Additional Effect [Chunk dimension is much larger than normal pocket
dimensions] +3D; Limitation: Side Effect [gets drawn into the Chunk Dimension if he doesn’t
absorb enough material, though he can return from it] –2D).
Joan Garrick
REAL NAME: Joan Williams Garrick
OCCUPATION: Former research assistant, now retired
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Keystone City, Kansas
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 148 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde, now gray
RACE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
In 1938, Joan Williams was a student at Keystone City’s Midwestern University, where
she first met her future husband, Jay Garrick. Though initially unimpressed with him, she
developed a greater appreciation for Jay after he used his newly developed hyperspeed powers to
save her from a mobster’s bullet. Pursuing her assailants as the Flash, Garrick brought them to
justice and freed Joan’s kidnapped father from their clutches.
Joan was the only person Jay entrusted with the knowledge of his secret identity, which
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