Blayne Cooper - Hard Times.pdf
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Copyright © 2007 by Blayne Cooper
Spinsters Ink
P.O. Box 242
Midway, Florida 32343
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmit-
ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
First Edition
Editor: Katherine V. Forrest
Cover designer: LA Callaghan
ISBN-10: 1-883523-90-7
ISBN-13: 978-1-883523-90-9
I always have to give a shout-out to Bob. His patience, love and
partnership are a big part of what make my life worth living. I love you
more every day.
But this book is dedicated to my sister Mandy. It’s a great feeling
knowing that as I march through life someone has my back. Even if that
someone might give me a hard pinch when I’m not looking. Don’t get
too comfortable. My revenge will happen when you least expect it and be
twice as bad. Someday we’ll be black-and-blue old ladies together. Isn’t
sisterhood wonderful? I love you.
This story is a little grittier than my usual tale. But despite my best
efforts to indulgently wallow in drama, I continue to discover that I’m
not a very dark person at all. So when I felt lost among my own words, I
turned to my friends for encouragement and advice. They never let me
down. Susan and Steph, your support helped make this book happen. As
always, thank you.
My editor, Katherine Forrest, worked hard to make this a better story.
Her efforts show in the inal product. On a personal note, and as one
who has been much edited, I can happily say that her laid-back style was
a breath of fresh air. Thanks a bunch.
About the Author
Blayne Cooper is the author or co-author of a variety of iction rang-
ing from mystery/romance to outrageous parody. While she enjoys the
challenge of working in multiple genres, it’s writing about the humor
found in everyday life that gives her the most pleasure. The University
of Oklahoma College of Law grad loves travel, reading and spending
long, sleepless nights crouched over her computer in search of the perfect
words that will make people laugh or weep uncontrollably. She’s still
looking, but having a great time on the journey.
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