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Unit 7 test

Test A

Listening                                            Score: ____/5

1 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Następnie dopasuj poniższe zdania do osób biorących udział w rozmowie. Wpisz w luki Grace lub Pete.

1 _________ thinks building a shopping centre is a good idea.

2 _________ thinks the centre will be noisy.

3 _________ didn’t know that the park was a home for a type of birds.

4 _________ thinks that  animals shouldn’t pay the price for development.

5 _________ suggests ways of solving the problem of pollution.


Reading                             Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć wyrazów. Uzupełnij luki (15), wpisując odpowiednie litery (AF). Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje od do żadnej luki.             

A speakers

B emailing

C printer

D computer

E screen

F internet


Can you imagine your life without a computer? Why / Why not? Answer the questions in about 200 words.

I definitely cannot imagine my life without a computer. In fact, we have four of them at home. At first, it was my dad who had one. He used it for his work so it was always busy. Three years ago I got my own laptop. I use it a lot. I like surfing the 1 ______________ and playing online games. I bought good 2 ______________ for better sound. Then my mother started using my computer for online shopping. She didn’t like it, though. She said it was too small and she couldn’t see the cursor. So, last year we bought a new computer for my mum. She now spends a lot of time on it 3 ______________ friends and doing other kinds of social networking. Meanwhile, my dad bought another laptop. He needed it when he went on business. This Christmas, I got a new three-in-one 4 ______________. I can use it to type homework but it’s also a scanner and photocopier. My mum got a new mouse. It’s a nice colour and it fits her hand. She likes her new present very much and she spends even more time on the 5 ______________. I think that my whole family cannot imagine life without a computer now.


Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami.

make    break    download    install    back

1 Remember to ______________ up your computer files.

2 I have to ______________ a firewall for protection.

3 Can you please ______________ some copies for me?

4 I’d like to ______________ some music.

5 Some hackers may try to ______________ in your computer.

Score: ____/5



Dopasuj wyrazy do opisów.

A scanner

B software

C speaker

D mouse

E virus

1 A thing you hold in your hand and move on your desk to control the movement of a cursor.  ____

2 A computer programme which copies itself and disturbs the work of a computer. ____

3 A machine which is used for transferring texts and pictures into a computer. ____

4 A piece of equipment used for playing the sound from a computer. ____

5 The programmes which control what a computer does. ____

Score: ____/5


5 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, aby powstały zdania w stronie biernej.

1 roads / every / in / are / new / our / built / city / year


2 1903 / invented / in / by / aeroplane / the / Wright / brothers / the / was


3 money / lot / spent / been / has / of / a / cars / fast / on


4 copies / 10,000 / next / will / printed / be / year


5 railway / old / the / being / is / repaired / now


Score: ____/5

6 Ułóż zdania w stronie biernej, używając podanych czasowników w odpowiedniej formie.

1 The Theory of Relativity ______________ by Albert Einstein in 1919. (publish)

2 Nothing ______________ about it yet. (do)

3 I don’t believe that life on other planets ______________. (discover)

4 Listen! My new CD ______________ at the moment. (play)

5 A lot of trees ______________ every year. (cut down)

Score: ____/5

7 Napisz zdania, w których albo zgadzasz się z podanymi stwierdzeniem (same), albo się z nimi nie zgadzasz (opposite).

1 Tom hasn’t been to London. (same) ______________________________________

2 They play basketball. (opposite) ______________________________________

3 Annie didn’t stay at school. (opposite) ______________________________________

4 Jake can speak French. (same) ______________________________________

5 She is upset. (same) ______________________________________

Score: ____/5








8 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz.

1 1 It’s a very important file. I must back up it / it up.

2 The thieves broke into the house / the house into.

3 I’d like to print out it / it out.

4 I can’t find my glasses. Help me look for them / them for.

5 The music is too loud. Can you turn down it / it down?

Score: _____/5


W ok. 100 słowach napisz, jak najczęściej korzystasz z komputera.





Total score: ____/50














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