10Laws being man-Paul.pdf

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The Ten Laws of Being a Man
How to Instantly Overcome the Ten Pitfalls of Masculine Life,
& Master the Ten Skills That Are Yours Forever When You Do
Paul Dobransky, M.D.
Copyright, 2008 Dr Paul, Mystery Industries TM, 2008, Dr Paul, Mind OS, the Operating System of the Human Mind, TM
2004, Patent-Pending 2000-2008, Dr Paul Dobransky and Mystery Industries. All Rights Reserved
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................2
WITH SATISFYING CONNECTIONS TO WOMEN ........................................4
RESPECT AND AVOID IT, BUT DO NOT FEAR DEATH ..............................8
(And You Control Both)...................................................................................13
CHOOSE THE RIGHT WOMAN .....................................................................18
(Or Risk Being Left, Cheated On, Fired, Or Unfulfilled) ..................................24
(How to Avoid Being Broken Up With,
Losing Jobs, and Lack of Wealth) ...................................................................32
ALWAYS KNOW WHEN TO QUIT WHAT DOESN’T WORK .........................40
IN YOUR MISSION WITHOUT FRIENDS ......................................................45
RISK FAILING YOUR MISSION .....................................................................50
AND YOUR BIRTHRIGHT AS A MAN ............................................................55
The Ten Laws of Being a Man
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A very long time ago I realized that being a man was not going to be
something that would just happen to me as I passively wait. As a boy, I thought
that if I simply worked hard at my studies - then waited - all the rewards I had
seen my heroes in the movies enjoy would just come to me. That responsibility,
honor, money, love, and recognition would just be given to me. After all, so many
men had these things, and they must have come from somewhere. Unfortunately
there is no textbook at school, or teacher, or even a magazine or television show
that helps men specifically learn the exact steps to realizing their purpose in life.
There have been plenty of advocates for women in the past forty to fifty years,
and an evermore towering list of sources for education on how to be a successful
woman. But nothing for men.
Well there is something you need to know about me right now. I am for the
underdog. I started life as one, and I had to overcome my heritage without losing
a sense of identity in the process. I never, ever, ever want to see another man
who does not have access, guidance, and instruction at the core, universal skills
it takes to live a life as a prosperous, fulfilled man. One with all the responsibility,
honor, wealth, love and recognition that are his birthright.
While there are many opinions and talking heads out there who would like
to define what it is to be a man – some to set themselves as more important or
powerful than others, and some to ease their own anxieties in a chaotic world –
neither are my goal. I simply want every man - with the curiosity and interest in
growing into his full potential – to have every possible opportunity to reach that
life he has always wanted. For him to do so not by the permission of others, but
because he has discovered in himself the desire to do so – to grow to become
what he knows in the silence of his most terrible hours, he CAN be someday.
That moment is far closer to your grasp than you may have ever imagined.
You see, the materials, courses, and in fact an entire curriculum for men
to study, experience and practice are all available at www.doctorpaul.net a nd are
the type of guidance that took me nearly twenty years to build for you. Yet,
applying these materials could change your life THIS INSTANT.
It is not based on my opinion, or anyone else’s. Those would simply be
what worked for me, or “them,” only in the right place, at the right time, under the
right conditions that randomly granted a brief period of wealth or love, honor or
The Ten Laws of Being a Man
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recognition. No, it is science and only science that can give you EXACTLY what
you are looking for, in ANY and EVERY situation, challenge, or opportunity as a
man – here, there, and everywhere in the world, in any culture, or any period of
history. I have taken all that I have learned, experienced, researched, tested, and
correlated with the existing body of science literature on male psychology, and
turned it into a set of LAWS that apply to all men, everywhere, and correlate with
the deeper instruction available at www.doctorpaul.net.
In the end you will find that in simplest form, being a man involves having the
character to find a mission for your life that you unwaveringly follow, and the skill
to consistently have satisfying, rewarding, and passionate relationships with
The Ten Laws of Being a Man
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The First Law
“Know that in everything you do, you must balance its value in furthering your MISSION as
a man, with its value at building satisfying connections to WOMEN”
The time is now. Let’s lift the curtain on all the mysteries of psychology. It
is an invisible force, colorless, weightless, and never in error – everything that
happens in the mind, happens for a reason. Even though it can’t be weighed or
measured, it is the most real and powerful force in existence. More powerful than
nuclear energy, because it invented the use of that energy. More powerful than
the force of war, disease, or corruption, because it can invent the solutions to
each and every one of these. This is the basis of all I teach; for when you find
that psychology can be set down as a simple set of diagrams, as in my mindOS
course , you find there is NOTHING you can’t solve. One can literally see both a
problem and its solution drawn right there in front of you, in a picture.
There is a core lesson you will need before you can do anything else as a
man. It rests in the only scientific definition of masculinity you will find anywhere
in the world. My equation is this:
Being a man (Masculinity)
Your Devotion to Your Mission in Life as a Man
Your Skill at Attracting, Connecting With, and Securing Women in Your Life
You will find that this equation is true for all men, for all time, in every
culture, in every place on earth. Whether we hide from it, are ashamed of it, are
told it isn’t true, the equation of masculinity has your answers. If those threatened
by our masculinity tell us to change our minds if we want to avoid trouble, it will
still be there - not changing, ever. Not ever.
Why this equation is always true, and crucial, before you can learn
anything else, is that without it you will most certainly FAIL to overcome the First
Pitfall of life:
“A lack of masculinity is a lack of passion
for life, which lowers your career potential,
and lowers your sexual attractiveness in
the eyes of women.”
The Ten Laws of Being a Man
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