d20 Top Fashion Games Secret Societies - Eyes of the Purple Cyclops.pdf

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The Secret Orders collection from Top Fashion Games
reflects upon the various secret societies or cults that
might be found in a fantasy campaign setting. While
most of this information is provided in a manner that is
intended to be full of gaming flavour and light on rules it
is possible that a few elements, notably races and mon-
sters, may not be compatible or featured in a particular
role playing setting.
Due to their rise of power, prestige, heroism,
and great wealth, successful, proven adventur-
ers are usually popular amongst the current
members of the order. Wealthy merchants and
individuals in prestigious military position or
civil rule also find their selves approached.
By common standards, a typical Eye is human
or elven blood and male. There is no sense of
barring within the order for gender or race,
however, and members have been known to
hail from both genders as well as a wide variety
of bloodlines. Some of the more unusual mem-
berships since the beginning of the order have
included centaurs, satyrs, and even a couple of
dragons. One of the more active members of
the order is, curiously enough, a vampire.
While the presence of this individual may be
initially unsettling to newer Eyes, the order
highly regards this undead member due to the
vampire’s efforts in enforcing protection and
safety against the elements of evil that exist
near or within the member’s city. In exchange
for their information and valued assistance, the
other Eyes of the city chapter make it possible
for the vampire to freely feed upon the rebel-
lious and unwanted criminal elements.
The Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops is a sprawling but se-
cretive order of the wealthy, heroic, and otherwise influ-
ential. Though mostly male and human, elven, or half
elf, the secretive organization holds no barring against
anyone that faithfully shares the same interests and
goals. Realizing that a sense of order and harmony can-
not be truly maintained through the directions of feudal
monarchies, powerful dragons, or clerical orders alone,
it is the determination of the Purple Cycles and its Eyes
to forge a sense of influencing bond to keep the very
world from falling into complete and utter anarchy. The
effects of this bond can be felt across a wide degree of
surrounding elements. Though the reigns of religious
and political power are the most widely kept in check,
the effects of the order have also helped influence the
stabilization of commodity trade, the reduction or pre-
serving of monstrous species, and the distribution or
control of magical spells and items. Much to the jeal-
ousy of high princes and priests alike, it is rumored that
the Elder Eyes of the order also have a few lost, power-
ful artifacts in their possession.
Written By: Dave Woodrum
Published By: Top Fashion Games/Dark
Quest Games, LLC
Copyright 2007
Membership into the order is no easy or casual prospect.
Interested initiates do not approach members of the or-
der but are rather approached. For such an event to occur
the prospective initiate must display some worthy degree
of power, influence, or heroism. Though a scant few no-
bles and religious figures have been accepted into the
Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops over its centuries of exis-
tence, most of the members are plucked from the secu-
lar, non-noble circles of society.
Universal Fantasy:
This product is designed to work with
most popular forms of high fantasy, pa-
per and dice format role playing games.
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Though having no concern of distinction between
good and evil members alike, the Eyes do shun the
elements of chaos. Though not entirely lawful in
nature, these individuals hold anarchy and disor-
der to be highly undesirable elements. Still
though, the Eyes hold no true degree of loyalty to
the establishments of government created by no-
bles, religious order, or the philosophies of man.
The Eyes Are loyal to the whole of the Purple Cy-
clops and their ultimate purpose only.
Once accepted as a member, the Eyes are held as
members for life. Though harbouring no ill to-
wards one another, it is accepted that should an
Eye turn rogue or try to abandon their member-
ship, then it is best that the Eye be gouged. Mur-
der of another is considered a terrible thing
amongst the members, but such things are re-
quired if the Eyes wish to maintain their secrecies
and capabilities of influence. Few, however, ever
wish to leave the order. The Eyes offers a great
deal of advantage and added influence for its
members, and when part of the Eyes one can ex-
pect to find protection and security for their fami-
lies, businesses, and friends, as well as their own
sonal instalments. Eyes pay a sum of 2% of their
total profitable earnings on a seasonal instalment
basis, while Master Eyes pay a sum of 3% of their
total profitable earnings. Elder Eyes pay a full 5%
of their total profitable earnings on a seasonal in-
stalment basis.
Rank And Advancement:
The members of the order often refer to prospec-
tive initiates as “winks”. Once a wink has ac-
cepted such a prospect and enters the order, they
partake their part of an initiation ceremony. Upon
doing so, the prospect gains the rank of initiate.
Such initiates are sometimes referred to as
“blinks”, but this term has been often viewed as
being somewhat derogatory throughout the years;
hinting that the initiate is little more than a “blink
in the eye of the great Cyclops”. Initiates, or
“blinks”, must accept this position in the order for
a period of no less than a year. Then upon the
passing of their first year, the initiate undergoes a
ceremony more mentally gruelling than the fair,
mild entry ceremony.
During the second ceremony the initiate of the
order will be grilled with a series of questions re-
garding various secret signs, symbols, sayings,
and histories of the order. Should they pass this
test then the initiate will be advanced to the posi-
tion of acolyte. If the initiate should fail then they
will remain as an initiate for at least another full
year until they are allowed to repeat the ceremony
once more. These ceremonies of passing are held
during the second full moon of each season.
Once the member has reached the stage of acolyte,
or “brow” as the members of the order commonly
refers to such post, the member must remain an
acolyte for a period of no less than five years.
Once this time is up, the acolyte may advance via
a third ceremony, which is much similar to the
ceremony given to initiates of one or more years.
Should the acolyte fail then the acolyte must wait
another full year before they can try again. If the
acolyte passes the gruelling questions of the cere-
mony then the acolyte becomes a fully fledged
Membership Dues:
Members of the Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops pay
regular dues that equal out to a percentage of the
member’s profitable earnings. Though such dues
are not enforced, most all members are more than
willing to pay this amount, even more when possi-
ble. Membership as an Eye normally proves prof-
itable in its own right, allowing the fully expected
percentage to be easily contributed. Once a mem-
ber, an Eye will find that other Eyes will share
their goods, services, and so forth at a rate that is
usually around 25% lower than fees or costs ex-
pected from other paying customers. Many Eyes
even freely share their services, abilities, and
goods with other members of the order from time
to time.
The expected percentages are as follows. Pros-
pects, or “winks”, pay no percentage. Initiates and
acolytes pay a sum of 1% of their total profitable
earnings, which is turned over to the order in sea-
Once an Eye, the member of the order must serve
in the order for a full ten years before being held
in consideration for advancement to that of Master
Eye. Though there are no more gruelling ceremo-
nies, the Eye must also perform at least one sig-
nificant favour or action for the benefit of the or-
der or a prominent order member before such ad-
vancement can be considered. After gaining the
title of Master Eye, the member is automatically
eligible to be considered an Elder Eye after two
more significant favours and fifteen more years of
membership within the order. Though the Elder
Eyes hold the ultimate sense of rule, judgement,
and order, such power and consideration of judge-
ment tends to be shared reasonably with the Eyes
and Master Eyes.
age membership in comparison to the local popu-
lation is around 1 member per every 1,000 citi-
zens, with such a ratio comparison naturally being
a wee bit higher in regions where populations are
not nearly as numerous.
The Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops yield a sense of
influence upon their society that is best described
as powerful yet subtle. While the chief realms and
powers of politics are the primary interests of the
order, the Eyes also tend to have their hands in
economics, information exchange, elements of
magical interest, and cultural affairs. The Eyes Of
The Purple Cyclops also tend to hold a sway of
attention when it comes to the matters of mon-
strous creatures. Though it would seem that the
order would devote their selves particularly to
keep savage beasts at bay, the Eyes also recognize
that even the most loathsome of monstrosities can
sometimes have their own place within the realm.
Therefore, the Eyes make an effort to help pre-
serve a particular species should the numbers of
such monstrosities become endangered or near
extinction. In times past, the Eyes have benefited
the safety of hunted down monstrosities such as
chimera, manticore, griffons, wyverns, and drag-
ons. The members of the order are also known for
their particularly common protect of more friendly
creatures, especially unicorns, satyrs, and dryads.
The Eyes, however, normally refuse to protect the
interests of outer worldly monsters, particularly
demons and such ilk.
The most common symbol of the order is the im-
age of a Cyclop’s gazing face. This face has pur-
ple skin and black hair. Normally the head of the
Cyclops is backed by a golden triangle that is sur-
rounded by numerous stars. Though the members
of the order tend to remain fairly secretive about
their acts, traditions, and associations, it is not un-
common to find one’s membership pronounced
through a form of jewellery that incorporates this
common symbol. Rings of gold and deep amethyst
are the most common, as are pins, clasps, and
amulets as well.
Spiritual Focus:
Although the order accepts all manner of faith
amongst its members, the Eyes Of The Purple Cy-
clops neither champions nor upholds any particu-
lar faith, religion, or spiritual outlook. While ac-
knowledging that a determination of faith can be a
very powerful tool when it comes to upholding a
sense of balance, harmony, and peace, the mem-
bers of the order also recognize that religion can
be used to enslave, improperly influence, or gener-
ally wreck havoc.
Occurrence And Frequency:
While isolated only to major cities in the early
days of the order, the Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops
now boast a chapter in nearly every region where
human prosperity is known to flourish. The aver-
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attention from time to time. Noble rulers have ac-
cused suspected members of the order as being
guilty of treason, and the high priests of more than
one major religion have accused the order as a
whole as being guilty of heresy.
The history of the Eyes Of The Purple Cyclops
has been long shrouded in the elements of mys-
tery, secrecy, controversy, and encouraged inaccu-
racy. As much as the doings of the order itself,
there has been a long held debate over the actual
origins of the order itself as well as its unusual
name and symbolisms. While some believe that
the name and origins were derived from a group of
explorers, the ritualistic histories of the order
speak of three brothers who gained their inspira-
tions and worldly knowledge from the teachings
of a giant but kindly Cyclops with bright, ame-
thyst toned skin. Tomes of the order’s libraries
reveal that the brothers held the occupations of
merchant, philosopher, and wizard. According to
such legend, these three brothers were very differ-
ent from one another in nature but sought desper-
ately to discover a sense of unity. After traveling
the world and witnessing many encounters and
events, the brothers fell into the presence of a bi-
zarre looking, single eyed giant of purple skin
while exploring an ancient, legendary cave. Rather
than eating the initially frightened brothers, the
wizened giant instead shared the wisdom of lost
ancients with the three fortunate siblings. All that
the great, ancient Cyclops asked of his young visi-
tors was that they shared their newfound wealth
with the rest of mankind. It was the desire to see
man cast aside inner conflicts as well as its gross
injustices against nature and other species. Under-
standing the hope and wisdom of the one eyed gi-
ant to be good, the three brothers vowed to use
their new knowledge and understanding to benefit
all by forging a prosperous order.
Adventure Hooks:
Due to the subtle but vast influences, the Eyes Of
The Purple Cyclops offer a wide variety of poten-
tial in regards to adventure. A couple of hooks are
provided in the following texts.
Bitten Of Blood And Brotherhood:
A vampire is rumoured to be stalking the harlots,
rogues, and swindlers of the city slums. Desperate
for petty coin, the adventurers find their selves
engaging dual offerings of reward for the slaying
of this perceived threat of undeath. Ironically,
these offerings of reward are being issued from
the local criminal overlord as well as that of the
chief city official. Seeing that their successful pur-
suit would merely please both sides of the urban
environment as well as fill a few coffers, the ad-
venturers will naturally wish to set out on what
they initially view as being a very profitable and
contact boosting quest.
Once engaged in the search for the murderous
vampire, the adventurers suddenly find a sudden
significant degree of the community turning
against them. Though they thought that they
would walk into the quest of the vampire search
with open friendliness from all aspects of local
citizens, the adventurers suddenly find key mer-
chants refusing to do business with them and other
individuals doing what they can to hinder the mis-
sion in any way possible. Dumbstruck, the adven-
turers will naturally want to search for clues re-
garding the sudden changes. Such clues should
reveal a few different individuals with jewellery
bearing the same unusual image of a purple faced
Due to their interests in controlling, regulating,
and balancing all major aspects of their surround-
ing environments, the Eyes Of The Purple Cy-
clops tend have their enemies scattered across a
wide variety of lifestyles, social castes, and par-
ticular interests. By the same token, however, the
unlikely allies of the Eyes are equally as scattered
and diverse. This fact, along with the secrecy and
subtle ways of the Eyes, help quell most threats of
uprising and revenge against the order. Still, the
Eyes find their selves as the interest of unwanted
The Shifting Of The Market:
After learning about a sudden shortage in coffee
beans, a local trader commissions the adventurers
to help escort him to a distant city with his now
very valuable cargo. After surviving the hostilities
of the wilderness trail and entering the city gates,
the trader finds much to his chagrin that the mar-
ket has suddenly stabilized itself, reducing the
once inflated value of the coffee beans that he so
desperately attempted to sell at an increased profit.
Much to the amazement and disbelief of the
trader, however, the city is still in dire shortage of
the coffee commodity, despite the fact that prices
have fallen back down to normal trade standards.
Something is amuck, and while the porters and
locals alike are eager to purchase all the coffee
beans that the trader can spare, no one is willing to
even consider paying more than the normal rate.
After a degree of unsuccessful haggling, the trader
once announces that he has a new task for his em-
ployed adventurers. This mission is to uncover
what plots lurk behind the situation of the city’s
commodity market.
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