d20 Top Fashion Games Fungal Festerings - Cavern Habitat.pdf

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While deep, dark underground areas usually provide
shelter, a stable temperature, and quite often a
source of water they often tend to lack in other
things that living creatures need to thrive. A light
source would be nice, a continual offering of edible
food would be great, and fresh, clean air to breathe
is most desperately needed. But, beyond magic, how
can one acquire such things underground? The an-
swer is fungi.
Written By:
Dave Woodrum
Copyright 2007, Top Fashion Games
OGL Information:
The Tome Of Arcane Mycology is
published under the Open Game Li-
All text in this book is designated as
being 100% Open Game Content.
This edition of Fungal Festerings provides six differ-
ent fungal growths that make caves and caverns a bit
more habitable.
Air Maker’s Lichen
Type: Diminutive lichen
Base Coloration: Dark apple green
Markings: Edgings of brilliant blow
Identification: Average DC: 14
Growth Rate: 1d4+4 months
Life Cycle: 1d4+2 years
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 1d20x50
Habitat: Rocky walls of caverns, caves, mines, and dun-
Environment: Underground (35%)
Cultivation: Difficult DC: 17
Notable Uses/Effects: Environmental
Considered to be sacred by many a dwarf and human
miner alike, the air maker’s lichen is well named. Colo-
nies of these minute little lichens can be commonly found
growing in underground areas that are both natural or
man made. The air maker’s lichen functions much like a
plant in its ability to take in stale air and convert it back
into much needed oxygen. A patch of 25 or more of these
lichens have enough air converting ability to keep a 100
square foot area continuously oxygen rich. Due to their
known properties these lichens are especially common in
old mines where the lichen was intentionally placed there
by expert herbalists.
A small patch of a dozen air maker’s lichens are typically
sold live on the open market for a value of 2gp.
This product is an expansion of The
Arcane Tome Of Mycology, a pdf
product from Top Fashion Games. The
Arcane Tome Of Mycology is a free
product and can be downloaded from
rpgnow.com and other sources on the
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Lantern Fairy Amanita
Type: Tiny Gilled Mushroom
Base Coloration: Luminous pale green
Markings: Luminous yellow tinting at edges of cap
and at base
Identification: Average DC: 12
Growth Rate: 2d4 weeks
Life Cycle: 2d6+2 months
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 2d20+10
Habitat: Mineral rich caves and caverns
Environment: Underground (15%)
Cultivation: Difficult DC: 18
Notable Uses/Effects: Environmental
This 2 foot tall mushroom softly pulsates with a
strong, illuminating glow. Unlike most forms of
mushrooms the lantern green amanita is more like
a lichen in the sense that the fungi appears to
thrive mostly from the mineral rich rocky floor of
the cavern or cave. The glow of the fungus is quite
strong, with each mushroom emitting an illumina-
tion that is similar in strength to a hooded lantern.
Scholars believe that this illumination comes from
the amanita chemically digesting the surrounding
Due to the beneficial glow of the amanita it is
common to find these mushrooms strategically
growing in underground areas inhabited by intelli-
gent creatures. Though their presence is rare on the
open market it is said that a live lantern green ama-
nita can bring as much as 10gp each. A small vial
of the fertile spores normally fetches a price of 5gp
and contains enough spores to successfully grow
around 3 patches of the amanitas.
Cultivation: Very Difficult DC: 24
Notable Uses/Effects: Environmental
These vividly colored lichens get their name for
more than just their fiery colorations. As the lichen
breaks down the rock of their cavernous homes a
significant amount of heat is produced. Typically a
colony of 16 to 35 lichens can produce enough of
such a heat source to raise the temperature of a 200
square foot area by as much as 15 degrees Fahren-
Mute Puff
Type: Tiny Puffball
Base Coloration: Deep black to blue at base
Markings: Broad red or yellow streaks edged in
Identification: Difficult DC: 16
Growth Rate: 2d4+5 days
Life Cycle: 1d4+4 weeks
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 3d20+25
Habitat: Moist caverns with lots of organic debris
Environment: Underground (20%)
Cultivation: Difficult DC: 15
Notable Uses/Effects: Environmental
When searching deep, moist caverns it is possible
to find “fields” of dark, streaked puffballs. Within
the area of these puffballs one will notice that the
air has an unusually crisp, clean smell. Although
one would think that the otherwise stale cavern air
would be pure and inviting to the lungs, the crisp-
ness is actually caused by the spores of the puff-
balls growing underfoot.
Patches of mute puffs continuously emit fine, mi-
croscopic spores that mute out any other smells or
scents in the surrounding air. As a result, creatures
within 50’ of a expansive mute puff patch are inca-
pable of using a scent (ex) ability to track or locate
prey. Other smaller animals are aware of this and it
is not uncommon to find deep dwelling rodents,
reptiles, and other such creatures making their
nests and lairs within a patch of mute puffs. A
typical mute puff patch is around 30’ in diameter.
Lava Lichen
Type: Tiny Lichen
Base Coloration: Brilliant orange
Markings: Red and/or yellow mottling
Identification: Difficult DC: 19
Growth Rate: 1d4 months
Life Cycle: 1d8+5 months
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 1d20+15
Habitat: Rich, moist cavern floors and walls
Environment: Underground (15%)
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Rodent Chanterelle
Type: Tiny Vase Mushroom
Base Coloration: Purplish gray
Markings: Black mottling at base
Identification: Difficult DC: 19
Growth Rate: 1d6+2 days
Life Cycle: 1d4+3 weeks
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 2d20+25
Habitat: Damp corners of caves, caverns, and sew-
Environment: Underground (25%)
Cultivation: Average DC: 14
Notable Uses/Effects: Edible (Animal/Monster)
Though having a taste that is undesirable to more
cultured humanoids this chanterelle is a common
underground source of food for rats, mice, and
other similar creatures. The pulpy flesh of this
vase shaped mushroom tastes and smells a wee bit
like spoiled chicken, making colonies of these
mushrooms also attractive to various forms of nor-
mal and monstrous insects.
Stew Coral
Type: Small coral fungi
Base Coloration: Dull grayish brown
Markings: Rusty reddish orange tips
Identification: Average DC: 14
Growth Rate: 2d6 months
Life Cycle: 1d4+2 years
Growing Season: All year
Grouping: 2d6+10
Habitat: Near underground streams and rivers
Environment: Underground (10%)
Cultivation: Difficult DC: 16
Notable Uses/Effects: Edible
These coral shaped fungal growths can normally
be found growing alongside the cavernous banks
of underground rivers and streams. Stew coral is
an edible fungus that reaches a height of 3 feet and
can weigh as much as 60 lbs. The flavor and tex-
ture of stew coral is often compared to that of rab-
bit with just a slight hint of buttery saltiness. True
to its name, intelligent humanoids are often known
to pull chunks of the coral with vegetables, thus
making a bit of a soup, broth, or stew.
Picked and/or cut stew coral has a shelf life of
about 3 weeks. Though mainly savored under-
ground it is possible to find this coral selling in the
market square for a rate of 2sp per 1lb.
A Winter’s Retreat:
The local druids have used Billowblowe Cavern as a winter retreat for several generations. Due to the
abundance of lava lichens this deep cavern provides a very comfortable shelter from the seasonal bliz-
zards. As the druids make their way to the cavern with goods for winter, however, they find that their
sacred winter shelter has been taken over by a company of opportunistic miners. A recently discovered
vein of sapphire has lured a local merchant’s interest in Billowblowe Cavern, causing the citizens of
surrounding communities to be torn between the choice of keeping the peace with the local druids or
taking sides with the baron in hopes of bringing vast riches to the otherwise humble region.
Dire Infestation:
The sewers below the city have always seen their fair share of rats and other varmints. In recent times,
however, the number of such critters have risen to alarming levels. The local guards and scholars begin
to investigate the matter as the streets and alleys above become flooded with a multitude of mice and
monstrous rodents. While some concerned citizens blame supernatural causes a few cannot help but to
take notice in the strange, vase shaped mushrooms that are rapidly showing up in the catacombs below.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.
Fantasy Fungi Copyright 2005, Top Fashion Games
The Tome Of Arcane Mycology Copyright 2007,
Top Fashion Games
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy
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Content You Distribute.
Fungal Festerings: Cavern Habitat Copyright 2007,
Top Fashion Games
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
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