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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little
preparation needed by the DM. The encounters are little
gems of ideas built around a single situation, person,
location, creature or object that the players stumble
across in their travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the
DM needs to use the encounter. Whether used as a dispos-
able diversion or the springboard for adventure, Critical
Hits give the overworked DM a break and the players
some memorable encounters that encourage creative
V o l u m e 3 N o 2 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 8
S C U T T L E R ’ S C A V E
Published by
In Scuttler's Cave, the players are undertaking a sea
voyage of some kind. As they make their way down the
coast, the party encounters what appears to be a ghost
ship. In fact, the ship is a disguised pirate vessel and it
is loaded with loot. Following the pirates back to their
lair, the players find a hidden cave housing treasure and
trouble. Can they defeat the buccaneers or will the
party be fed to the sharks of Scuttler's Cave? As with
other Critical Hits, text inside a border should be read
aloud to the players (unless you have modified the
setting, in which case you're on your own!).
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Simon Lucas
Robin Elliott & Matthew Harffy
Cover Illustration
Matthew Harffy (Ship model courtesy of Greg Crowfoot,
Interior Illustration
Robin Elliott
Kirsty Crabb
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
Your ship hugs the coastline as you make you way
through the still waters. The gentle slap of the ocean
against the bow of the vessel is restful but the close fog
prevents you from relaxing. Your eyes strain to pene-
trate the thick mist, but visibility is so reduced that
the stern of the ship is not visible from the bow. On
edge, you struggle to discern shapes in the fog, listen-
ing intently for any sound that might indicate danger.
You cannot continue for long in this weather before a
mishap befalls you. You will have to find a place to
take shelter.
Legion Publishing, Critical Hits, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire,
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The players must try to avoid the perils of the coast-
line of Babennan, with eagle-eyed lookouts keeping watch
for reefs, rocks and other vessels.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 2 - EL 8
If the players manage to avoid detection they watch
the ship slip silently past and notice that it is towing two
other, smaller vessels in its wake. If the party seems
reluctant to follow the pirates, the captain of their ship,
spurred on by the talk of booty and the potential for
sudden wealth decides to trail the ships and offers to pay
the PCs if they will help him capture the pirates’ cargo.
Drifting on the mist is the faint sound of voices, "Sound
the fog horn Gennt, with this haul we don't want to
come a cropper before reaching the haven." A deep,
haunting sound like a horn or a huge sea shell being
blown reverberates through the dense fog, which
muffles and distorts the sound making it hard to tell
where the sound originated.
If the pirates spot the PCs' ship they change course
and attack. Their favored tactic is to attempt to board
their victims' vessel and take the crew in single combat.
Relying on the fear most crews have of ghostly vessels and
the numerous haunted ship stories that circulate the bars
of the realm's seaports, the gang's illusionist conjures up
ghostly lights to create the illusion of a ghost ship and an
undead crew. The stats for the main members of the
pirate crew are presented below (see The Pirates) and
there are, in addition, 20 buccaneers that board the PCs’
ship. The hand-to-hand combat is fast and furious and the
illusionist uses his array of spells to aid the pirates in the
battle. Seeing they are outnumbered by a superior force,
the crew of the PCs' ship quickly gives up, leaving the PCs
to fight alone. The pirates are happy to take prisoners
(with the intention of ransoming off any wealthy captives
to their families) so if the players ask for quarter, it is
given and they find themselves bound and blindfolded in
the hold of the Pirate King. Seeing that the PCs' crew is
obviously penniless, they abandon the poor sailors in
small rowing boats and set them adrift in the fog.
Have the players make a Listen check (DC15) to pick up
snippets of the conversation from the other vessel, though
they have yet to locate it in the inclement weather.
"We were lucky to stumble on that ship in the fog,
skipper," you hear a reedy voice comment. "Aye lad,"
comes the voice of the captain that you heard earlier,
"They wasn't ready for us. Nice of them to bring us
such booty too! Carlo, steer us a straight course for the
Haven and we'll see how rich we are, eh lads?" A chorus
of cheers floats eerily across to you through the mist.
Have any of the PCs on lookout make Spot checks
(DC25) to detect the eerie lights of the ship. The ship is
the Pirate King, a sleek, fast brigand vessel operated by a
vicious crew of pirates. When the fog rapidly descended,
the expert sailors of the Pirate King decided to take
advantage of the cover and search for new victims.
If, by some accident, the players come out of the
battle on top, the pirate chief offers to lead them to his
hideout if the players spare his life. (This is a diversion
from the intended plot, you will need to make some alter-
ations to what follows. In this version of the story, in the
cave, the pirate chief knows there to be a second crew of
his sailors and hopes to lure the PCs back and turn the
tables on them.)
Without a sound, the mist parts and a hideous face
looms through the gloom. The horned visage has fur-
rowed brows and dead eyes, great jaws with wicked
pointed fangs and a curving tongue snaking between
them. The sailors traveling in the ship with you recoil
in horror as the dragon bears down on your, suddenly
fragile-seeming vessel.
The beast is actually the carved figurehead of the
Pirate King, a buccaneer ship cruising through the fog
searching for victims. It has so far attacked and seized
two unsuspecting vessels and, if the party's ship is spotted,
the PCs may have to prepare to repel boarders.
The fast-moving ships slide soundlessly forward as the
fog starts to lift as suddenly as it fell. Ahead of the
ships is a craggy rock face soaring up hundreds of feet
in a sheer cliff. The dragon ship and its captured cargo
heads straight for the cliff. It neither slows nor steers,
instead plowing through the water straight toward the
rocks. In the blink of an eye, and without a sound the
first in the string of three ships sails into the cliff and
vanishes. The two captured vessels follow silently in its
wake and they too disappear into the rock wall.
The dragon is nothing more than an ornately carved
figurehead belonging to the mysterious ship cutting
soundlessly through the water across your bows. Its hull
is made of some kind of black wood but there is an
ethereal glow emanating from the craft.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 2 - EL 8
The sheer rock face is an illusion cast by the illusion-
ist Malachi Jeebs on the mouth of the cave to shield the
entrance to the pirates’ lair. As the fog begins to lift, the
characters can each make a Spot check (DC15) to notice
the vat number of ominous dorsal fins that circle in these
waters. A successful Local Knowledge check (DC15)
reminds PCs that the shark-infested Babennan coastline
is a notorious spot for shipwrecks with no survivors.
pirates' many successful raids. If the player characters
make it onboard, see the Pirate Kingbelow.
The Fairy Queen
A sleek elven ship, the Fairy Queen was carrying a
diplomat and a message of great importance, begging for
military aid in a coming conflict. Along with the message,
the ship carried tributes to offer to the noble intended
recipient of the message. This vessel was the first ship the
pirates ambushed in the fog, and they seized this dainty
elven vessel intact along with its precious cargo. Also
onboard are the children of a dignitary from an elven
court who were traveling with their father when the ship
was attacked. They hid themselves away in a chest in
their bedroom and were overlooked when the pirates
were sweeping through the ship. Unbeknownst to the two
children, the elves onboard fought to the death and their
father has been slain. The ship itself rightfully belongs to
the two orphans hiding on board, but is worth 12,000 gp
on the open market.
In fact, most of the shipwrecks along this desolate
coast are the work of the pirates. One of their lucrative
activities is the "chopping" of the ships they raid. They
steal the vessel, feeding their crew to the sharks (who
gather in these waters for precisely this reason), then
remove any identifying features before selling it on as a
different ship in nearby ports. The modification work is
carried out in their hideout, in a cavern behind the illu-
sory rock face.
If the PCs sail through the rock wall, either in their
own vessel or as the pirates' captives, they find the huge
cavern beyond is the pirates' lair and the scene is set for
a pitched battle in the stilted huts above shark-infested
Captured on the pirates' last trip, the Maelstrom is a
handsome single-masted craft the gang plan to sell on
once they have "prepared" it. They have yet to remove
the figurehead and the identifying features from the
vessel, but all the riches and valuable fixtures and fit-
tings have been looted for the Pirate King. The crew of
the Maelstromfought valiantly but were all killed in the
struggle with the pirates. Almost "clean", the Maelstrom
has been stripped of nearly all identifying features and,
when the task is done, the pirates intend to sail her to a
local port and sell her on. As they sail up the coast, they
dump the figurehead, the name boards and any easily
identifiable items from the ship into the sea to wash
ashore and cover the true fate of the ship. The pirates
are able to sell the ship to a dealer who asks no questions
for 8,000 gp. If the players should try to sell the ship,
there is a chance that someone in the port feels the vessel
looks very familiar.
Shark (7): Medium-size CR 1;Medium Animal (Aquatic);
HD 3d8+3 (Animal); hp 16; Init +2; Spd Swim 60; AC
15; Atk +3 base melee, +4 base ranged; +4 (1d6+1,
Bite); SQ: Keen scent (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +5,
Will +2; STR 13, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 2.
Listen +7, Spot +7.
Weapon Finesse.
Inside the gigantic cave is the pirates’ lair.
At the rear of the vast cavern, built against the rock,
stand a series of huts built on stilts, linked by thin
planks of wood. On either side of the cave, flanking
the huts is a pair of large planked docks and at each
dock stands a ship.
Carteir Mabster
The Mabster is an eerie ship, which drifted across the
pirates' bows after they had taken the Fairy Queen. It
was sailed from an island realm bearing the corpse of the
islanders' king. The deceased monarch was so evil that his
wickedness did not cease when he died. Instead, the king
cursed his realm and caused famine and plague to beset
the people of the island. Finding his corpse impossible to
destroy, the islanders set him in a sarcophagus and placed
The four ships in the cave are:
The Pirate King
The pride and joy of the gang of pirates, this sleek
black craft is stuffed with the prizes seized from the
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 2 - EL 8
it in the Carteir Mabster . A crew of volunteers sailed the
ship far from the island, freeing it from the curse.
However the cruelty of the king's corpse seeped into the
woodwork of the ship itself and strange things began to
take place onboard. By the time the pirates found the
ship, all the sailors were dead, killed by their evil ruler,
but a chilling warning had been left by the crew for any
that found the Mabster. If the PCs explore this ship, see
A Little Ship of Horrors below.
sionist has a number of triggered illusions protecting his
share of the goods which makes up for the absence of
locks. Most of the pirates fear the wizard and avoid his
3 - Mess Hall
The ship's cook, Kyle Garrick, can usually be found in
the galley here when the ship is in. Long wooden tables
and benches fill the hall where the buccaneers eat their
meals. The diet of the pirates depends entirely on what
they can loot, except for the occasional visit to the local
ports to sell ships when the crew stock up on the essen-
tials. When times are lean on the shipping lanes, rations
here become very basic and the crew's mood deteriorates
rapidly. Woe betide the first ship they come across when
Kyle has been serving gruel for a week.
1 - Jenn Maister's Quarters
Aside from the brig, this is the only building in the
cave with a lockable door, as the pirate leader's quarters
house his personal treasure horde. In Jenn's personal
effects are the following items:
Goods: Cloth of gold vestments (60 gp); golden circlet
with four aquamarines (5000 gp).
Magic: Scroll: Detect Chaos (1), Detect Snares and Pits
(1); Potion: Love; Wondrous: Robe of Useful Items.
Currency: 800 gp.
4 - Pirates ‘ Quarters
The pirate crew is housed in the remaining buildings
in bunks, each with a sea chest at the foot of the bed.
There are few other personal belongings here; though
there is honor among these thieves, most of them keep
their valuables in the treasury, so as not to test that
honor too far!
2 - Malachi Jeeb's Quarters
The only other pirate to have his own room, the illu-
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