English Express.txt

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Meeting and greeting 

Hugh: Hello. 
Emma: Hello. How nice to see you! 
Hugh: Nice to see you too. 
Emma: It’s been ages. How are you? 
Hugh: I’m very well, actually. I’m very well. How about you? 

meeting - spotkanie 
greeting - powitanie 
nice to see you - mi³o ciê widzieæ 
it’s been ages - wieki ca³e (ciê nie widzia³am…) 
actually - faktycznie, w rzeczy samej 
I’m very well - u mnie wszystko w porz¹dku 
how about you? - a u ciebie?


actually - faktycznie, w rzeczy samej, prawdê powiedziawszy; ale nie: aktualnie. Actually to konwersacyjny 'wtrêt', potoczny i popularny sposób zwracania uwagi rozmówcy, na to, co mówimy. 
W odpowiedzi na: 
How are you? (Jak siê masz?) 
mo¿emy odpowiedzieæ np: 
I’m not too bad 
I’m OK 
I’m fine 
I’m very well 

Uprzejmoœæ wymaga, aby nastêpnie zapytaæ np: 
And you? 
How about you? 
What about you? 

Meeting and greeting: Shall I meet you for a drink? 

Hugh: Emma! 
Emma: Hugh? 
Hugh: Hello! 
Emma: Hello. How nice to see you! 
Hugh: Nice to see you, too. 
Emma: It’s been ages. How are you? 
Hugh: I’m very well, actually. I’m very well. How about you? 
Emma: Yeah . Yeah... I’m fine. I’ve been quite busy. But you look great. How are the family? 
Hugh: Oh - they’re fine - they’re fine. 
Emma: And your mum? How’s she? 
Hugh: Yeah - she’s all right. No, we’re all fine. 
Emma: Oh, good. 
Hugh: It’s so nice to see you. 
Emma: Look, look, that’s the bell. Look. We. shall I meet you for a drink? 
Hugh: I’ll see you for a drink afterwards. 
Emma: Yeah - yeah. OK. Bye. 
Hugh: Bye. 

shall I meet you for a drink? - mo¿e pójdziemy na drinka? 
I’m very well - u mnie wszystko w porz¹dku 
busy - zajêty 
family - rodzina 
they’re fine - u nich wszystko w porz¹dku 
mum - mama 
bell - dzwonek 


Shall we... 
Shall I... 
Œwietnie nadaj¹ siê do sk³adania wszelkiego rodzaju propozycji 
Kiedy spotykamy osobê nam znan¹, powiemy: 
Nice to see you 
W odpowiedzi powinniœmy us³yszeæ: 

Nice to see you 
Nice to see you 
Nice to see you, too 

Introducing people 

Hugh: Oh, Emma, here comes Gary. Gary, I’d like you to meet Emma. Emma, this is Gary. 
Emma: Pleased to meet you. 
Gary: Pleased to meet you. 
Hugh: Emma’s just joined us - she’s joining the English department. 
Emma: Yes. 
Gary: Oh, that’s great. 
Hugh: And Gary’s deputy head of the history department. 
Emma: Oh, really. 
Gary: Yes. 
Emma: Oh. I’m really happy to be here. 
Gary: Well, it’s good to have you on board! 
Emma: Thanks. Thanks. 

to meet - zapoznawaæ (z kimœ), poznawaæ (kogoœ) 
to join - tu: rozpoczynaæ pracê, zacz¹æ pracowaæ 
the English department - wydzia³ angielskiego 
deputy head - zastêpca kierownika/dyrektora


Here comes... X – tak powiemy na widok nadchodz¹cej osoby. 
Zauwa¿my, ¿e orzeczenie (comes) wystêpuje tu przed podmiotem (X), aczkolwiek nie jest to pytanie. 
Emma’s just joined us – Emma w³aœnie rozpoczê³a u nas pracê 
It’s good to have you on board – mi³o ciê mieæ w zespole 
Nieznajome osoby mo¿emy zapoznawaæ ze sob¹ na kilka sposobów, np. za pomoc¹ konstrukcji: 
This is... 
Gary, this is Emma 
I‘d like you to meet... 
Gary, I’d like you to meet Emma 
czy te¿ najbardziej formalnie brzmi¹cej konstrukcji: 
Let me introduce you to... 
Gary, let me introduce you to Emma. 
Osoby sobie przedstawiane powiedz¹ sobie wzajemnie to samo: 
Pleased to meet you 
Nice to meet you 


Emma: Oh. 
Hugh: Oh. I’m sorry. 
Emma: No - my fault. Sorry. 
Hugh: No, I’m sorry. 
Emma: Oh. 
Hugh: Anyway. 
Emma: It’s really hot in here, isn’t it? 
Hugh: It is, isn’t it? Far too hot. Are you enjoying the exhibition? 
Emma: Yes. 
Hugh: Good. 
Emma: Well, it’s very quiet today, isn’t it? 
Hugh: Yes... 
Emma: ...which is great. 
Hugh: Are you here on holiday … or here for business, maybe? 
Emma: Yeah... I’m a tourist. So what about you? Are you... do you live in London? 
Hugh: Yes, I live just round the corner. 
Emma: Ah - that’s handy! 
Hugh: Actually, I’m on my way to work … and … it was nice bumping into you. 
Emma: And you. 
Hugh: Anyway... bye-bye. 

chit-chat - pogawêdka 
fault - wina 
hot - gor¹co 
far too hot - o wiele za gor¹co 
to enjoy - mi³o spêdzaæ czas, dobrze siê bawiæ, podobaæ siê 
exhibition - wystawa 
quiet - cicho, tu: pusto, spokojnie 
on holiday - na urlopie 
on/for business - w interesach, s³u¿bowo 
to live - mieszkaæ 
round the corner - za rogiem 
handy - tu: porêcznie, wygodnie 
I’m on my way to work - jestem w drodze do pracy 
to bump into somebody - wpaœæ na kogoœ, zderzyæ siê z kimœ


anyway – u¿ywamy, kiedy chcemy np. zmieniæ temat rozmowy 
actually – u¿ywamy np. dla podkreœlenia tego, co mówimy 
Pytania roz³¹czne, czyli question tags pojawiaj¹ siê bardzo czêsto w nieformalnej rozmowie – zachêcaj¹ do wymiany zdañ 
It’s really hot in here, isn’t it? 
It is, isn’t it? 
It’s very quiet today, isn’t it? 
Yes, it is, isn’t it? 

More chit-chat 

Eva: Is the water good for you? 
Client: Yes, thank you. 
Eva: All right. So, how are you today? 
Client: Oh, I’m well. 
Eva: Yeah. The weather is beautiful today - sunny. 
Client: Yes, it’s a lovely day. 
Eva: Yes, it is. Did you have a nice weekend? 
Client: Oh, yes! 
Eva: That is good, very good. Where do you live? Do you live in this area? 
Client: I live in central London. 
Eva: What’s your name, by the way? 
Client: It’s Carol Fisher, but you can call me Carol. 
Eva: Oh, nice to meet you Carol. My name is Eva. 
Client: Hi, Eva. 

chit-chat - pogawêdka 
weather - pogoda 
beautiful - piêkny 
sunny - s³oneczny 
lovely - cudowny, cudownie 
to live - mieszkaæ 
area - tu: rejon, dzielnica 
by the way - á propos 
to call - nazywaæ 
nice to meet you - mi³o Pani¹ poznaæ

Personal information 

Clerk: Ah. Good morning, sir. I understand you’d like to open a new bank account with us. 
Customer: That’s right. 
Clerk: Good. Now, then. I need to get some personal information from you. So we’re going to have to fill in this form. So, if I can start with your surname? 
Customer: Yeah - that’s Wallace. 
Clerk: And your first name? 
Customer: ...is David. 
Clerk: Now, what’s your occupation? 
Customer: I’m an assistant manager at a road haulage company. 
Clerk: And how long have you been working there? 
Customer: Oh - er - about fifteen years. 
Clerk: Right, now... what’s your address? 
Customer: It’s 272, Long Road, London. 
Clerk: London. Can you tell me your date of birth, please? 
Customer: Yes, it’s the 15th of February 1961. 
Clerk: Right. That’s lovely. I think that’s all we need for the moment. Could you just sign here, please? 

personal information - dane osobiste 
to need - potrzebowaæ 
to open a bank account - otworzyæ/za³o¿yæ konto w banku 
to fill in a form - wype³niæ formularz 
surname - nazwisko 
name - imiê 
occupation - zawód 
assistant manager - zastêpca kierownika 
road haulage company - firma przewozowa 
to work - pracowaæ 
date of birth - data urodzenia 
to sign - sk³adaæ podpis, podpisaæ


W pytaniu: 
How long have you been working there? 
pojawi³ siê czas Present Perfect Continuous, poniewa¿ czynnoœæ zaczê³a siê w przesz³oœci i nadal trwa (Od jak dawna tam pracujesz?) 

At the Immigration Office 

Official: Hello, Mr Naritomi. 
Kazuhito: Hello. 
Official: Where have you come from, please? 
Kazuhito: I am from Japan. 
Official: You’ve just flown in from Japan today? 
Kazuhito: Yes. 
Official: Is this your first time in England? 
Kazuhito: This is the third time. 
Official: Third time? 
Kazuhito: Yes. 
Official: I see. And how long are you going to stay this time? 
Kazuhito: I will stay in London for two months. 
Official: Two months? 
Kazuhito: Yes. 
Official: And what will you be coming to do? 
Kazuhito: Ah... to study English. 
Official: To study. 
Kazuhito: Yes. 
Official: And could you tell me where you are going to stay - because you haven’t filled it in on your landing card. 
Kazuhito: Yeah. My address is 3, Brown Street, London, W4 6VI. 
Official: Right. And what address is this? Is this friends, or a family, or...? 
Kazuhito: I live with my host family. 
Official: Host family? I see. 
Kazuhito: Yes. 
Official: Do you have a letter from the school that you’re going to? 
Kazuhito: Yes, I have... here you go. 
Official: Thank you. OK. That’s fine. This stamp allows you to stay for a maximum of six months. OK? 
Kazuhito: OK. Thank you. 

Immigration Office - urz¹d imigracyjny 
to fly - lataæ (samolotem) 
to study - uczyæ siê, studiowaæ 
to be going to - mieæ zamiar 
to stay - przebywaæ, zatrzymaæ siê, mieszkaæ 
to fill in - wype³niaæ 
landing card - karta l¹dowania 
host family - rodzina, która siê opiekuje przybyszem zza granicy 
stamp - piecz¹tka 
to allow - pozwalaæ, zezwalaæ 
to stay - pozostawaæ, przebywaæ


Where have you come from? – Sk¹d Pan przyjecha³? 
And what will you be coming to do? – co Pan zamierza tu robiæ? (po przyjeŸdzie)

Can I take a message? 

Hugh: Hello. Geoffrey’s phone. 
Emma: Hello. Is Geoffrey there, please? 
Hugh: No, I’m afraid he’s not. He’s in a meeting. Can I take a message? 
Emma: Er... if you could ask him to call me as soon as possible. Er... Sorry. Emma - to call Emma as soon as possible, would you? 
Hugh: OK. Call Emma. ASAP. Has he got your number? 
Emma: Er - yeah - yeah - he has. But if you could say that it’s really important. I really need to speak to him within the next ten minutes. OK? 
Hugh: OK, Emma. I’ll get Geoffrey to c...
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