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German UNESCO World
Heritage Sites Association
United Nations
Educational,Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Heritage in Germany
Where history comes to life
aNd abbeys
tOWN CeNtres
Castles aNd
Nature, gardeNs
aNd laNdsCapes
Other WOrld
herItage sItes
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360°-panoramas and video clips.
World Heritage on the World Wide Web
Never before have World Heritage sites been so easy to access. For a tantalising taste of what
Germany has to of er, go to Countless videos and 360° panoramas enable
you to easily explore our fascinating sights and attractions before you visit Germany and see
them for yourself!
United Nations
Educational,Scientific and
Cultural Organization
German UNESCO World
Heritage Sites Association
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aNd abbeys
tOWN CeNtres
Castles aNd
Nature, gardeNs
aNd laNdsCapes
Other WOrld
herItage sItes
UNESCO World Heritage sites in
Germany – where history comes to life 4
Aachen – Cathedral 6
Bamberg – Old Town 7
Berlin – Museum Island 8
Berlin – Modernism Housing Estates 9
Bremen – Town Hall and Roland statue
in the market square 10
Brühl – Castles of Augustusburg
and Falkenlust 11
Dessau and Weimar – Bauhaus Sites 12
Dessau-Wörlitz – Garden Kingdom 13
Eisenach – Wartburg Castle 14
Eisleben and Wittenberg –
Luther Memorials 15
Essen – Zollverein Coal Mine
Industrial Complex 16
Goslar – Mines of Rammelsberg,
Historic Town of Goslar and Upper Harz
Water Management System 17
Hildesheim – St Mary’s Cathedral
and St Michael’s Church 18
Cologne – Cathedral 19
Roman Limes 20
Lorsch – Benedictine Abbey
and Altenmünster 21
Lübeck – Historical Centre 22
Maulbronn – Monastery Complex 23
Messel Pit Fossil Site 24
Muskauer Park 25
Upper Middle Rhine Valley 26
Pfaffenwinkel –
Wieskirche Pilgrimage Church 27
Potsdam and Berlin –
Prussian Palaces and Parks 28
Quedlinburg – Old Town 29
Regensburg – Old Town with
Stadtamhof 30
Reichenau – Monastic Island 31
Speyer – Cathedral 32
Stralsund and Wismar –
Historical Centres 33
Trier – Roman Monuments, Cathedral
of St Peter and Church of Our Lady 34
Völklingen Ironworks 35
The Wadden Sea 36
Classical Weimar 37
Würzburg – Residence with
Court Gardens and Residence Square 38
Recommended tours 39
Production credits 44
Map of World Heritage sites 46
In cooperation with
UNESCO-Welterbestätten Deutschland e V
Palais Salfeldt · Kornmarkt 6
06484 Quedlinburg
Tel +49(0) 39 46 - 81 12 - 53 /- 54
Fax +49(0) 39 46 - 81 12 - 56
Email: info@unesco-welterbe de
Website: www unesco-welterbe de
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Zollverein Coal Mine, essen
Monastery, Maulbronn
luther Memorials, eisleben
garden Kingdom, dessau-Wörlitz
historical Centre, lübeck
Wartburg Castle, eisenach
Where history comes to life
UNESCO World Heritage sites are outstanding
testimonies to the history of mankind and
nature: silent yet eloquent witnesses to mag­
niicent cultural achievements and natural
through its most fascinating examples Examine
the earliest traces of world history at the Messel
Pit Fossil Site in Hessen Combine a visit to Berlin
with a stroll through 6,000 years of cultural
history, or let yourself be inspired by the clarity
of Bauhaus architecture in Dessau and Weimar
All the World Heritage sites in Germany are well
worth a visit Succumb to the magic of these
historical locations Explore different stages of
the history of mankind UNESCO World Heritage
is always truly remarkable As are journeys to
the German World Heritage sites This brochure
provides information and suggestions on how
to experience history while enjoying the beauty
of each region
Only the most exceptional examples are in-
scribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list and
enjoy the special international protection associ-
ated with that status Sites range from individ-
ual architectural monuments to entire towns,
and from industrial heritage to extraordinary
natural landscapes Travelling to UNESCO World
Heritage sites is a remarkable journey back into
history – a unique experience Discover history
www unesco-welterbe de
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Old town, regensburg
Messel pit Fossil site
Potsdam Schloss Sanssouci
sanssouci palace, potsdam
Monastic Island, reichenau
Das klassische Weimar
Classical Weimar
the uNesCO
World heritage Convention
assistance The convention aims to promote and
intensify both cooperation between all people
and nations and the protection of natural and
cultural heritage Sustainable travel can be a
way of contributing to the protection of World
Heritage sites The German UNESCO World
Heritage Sites Association seeks to increase the
popularity of German World Heritage sites and
to promote low-impact and specialised tourism
to the sites on a sustainable scale This is seen as
an opportunity not only to provide information
about and access to the World Heritage sites,
but also to ensure their continued preservation
from the funding provided by tourism income
The ‘Convention concerning the Protection of
the World Cultural and Natural Heritage’ was
adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO
in 1972 It charges all of mankind with the pro-
tection of cultural and natural heritage of ‘out-
standing universal value’ By signing the con-
vention, each country pledges to protect the
monuments located within its borders and to
preserve them for future generations In return,
UNESCO member states receive specialist advice
on preserving their monuments Countries
with limited resources may also receive inancial
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