
(25 KB) Pobierz
{481}{496}How old are you?
{548}{563}Where're you from?
{588}{608}Where in Shangxi?
{676}{726}Umm, Hebei...
{751}{772}What do you do back home?
{784}{949}Farmed...|worked in the office.
{1011}{1036}Host what?
{1039}{1064}Program host.
{1085}{1105}How long in Beijing?
{1107}{1130}A month.
{1145}{1176}I came September|of last year.
{1202}{1227}What'd you been|doing in Beijing?
{1261}{1332}- What?|- Uh... construction.
{1346}{1464}Construction, farming... work.
{1489}{1517}Medical equipment.
{1539}{1569}Can you ride a bike?
{1600}{1627}Your name?
{1637}{1657}Guo Lian-guei.
{1705}{1728}Express delivery?
{1813}{1835}Don't know.
{1851}{1871}No sure.
{1910}{1944}How much you|earn a month?
{2033}{2069}A few hundred,|almost a thousand.
{2084}{2101}How much?
{2146}{2171}5, 6, 7, 8 hundred.
{4038}{4098}Starting today,
{4100}{4150}you're an employee|of Fei Da Express Delivery.
{4182}{4279}We bathed you|and cut your hair.
{4313}{4365}'Cause we want to change|your image.
{4379}{4492}So that you country kids|can blend in
{4498}{4543}and represent our company.
{4574}{4641}Your image is our image.
{4669}{4725}You must treasure|this opportunity.
{4795}{4919}The bikes we gave you|are your livelihood.
{4936}{5010}These are upscale|mountain bikes.
{5023}{5133}You may not have ever|seen them before.
{5182}{5280}We gave you such good bikes
{5282}{5329}for a good company image
{5349}{5406}and to ensure your efficiency.
{5414}{5463}So we can compete|with other companies.
{5472}{5507}But let me say this first.
{5513}{5565}This bike is not a gift.
{5587}{5615}When you start,
{5618}{5692}we split 80:20 with you.
{5694}{5757}We get 80%, you get 20%.
{5778}{5829}When you earn enough money,
{5831}{5897}the bike is yours.
{5919}{5997}After that, we go 50:50.
{6015}{6069}This is a new|management approach.
{6173}{6225}That's a map of Beijing.
{6277}{6348}Memorize every street.
{6350}{6419}Every road.
{6471}{6557}Starting today, you're|the modern Rickshaw Boys.
{6587}{6604}Work hard!
{7770}{7864}Hey, what's this?|They hired you?
{7892}{7991}No bad! Let me look.
{8024}{8085}Listen to this.
{8151}{8200}What kind of material is this?
{8284}{8338}You got a great job, Guei!
{8401}{8442}Work hard.
{8511}{8544}It's got different speeds.
{8601}{8645}Must be an easy ride.
{8860}{8888}Eat inside.
{9044}{9102}Have some meat.|It's nutritious.
{9240}{9350}Come take a look.
{9542}{9576}This is city folk.
{9627}{9689}Not happy with a big house.
{9698}{9749}Never a smiling face.
{9763}{9981}If it's me, I'd eat|dessert soup everyday.
{10151}{10209}Look, she's wearing|another dress.
{10437}{10507}Qiu, isn't she pretty?
{10547}{10633}Not against the law|to look, is it?
{10721}{10769}You know her?
{10774}{10827}She comes for soy sauce|all the time.
{10913}{10990}You see that, Guei?|A city girl!
{10992}{11066}A big pile of clothes.
{11135}{11175}So wasteful!
{11388}{11424}Stop looking.
{11429}{11469}It's not good|for your health.
{11479}{11507}Go to work.
{16929}{17005}Guei, when does the bike|become yours?
{17079}{17153}In three more days, max.
{17156}{17219}You son-of-gun!
{17260}{17315}It's been only a month...
{17335}{17405}You're gonna be rich.
{19415}{19463}- Liu, what about that matter?|- What?
{19466}{19505}Your count is wrong.
{19517}{19645}Didn't I tell you?|70 yuan more.
{19650}{19684}You can go.
{19715}{19768}In two days, it's yours.
{19798}{19844}I counted,|it should be just right.
{19851}{19908}Your count doesn't count.
{19998}{20084}If we say it's OK, it's OK.
{20163}{20210}- I'll talk to the manager.|- What's with you, kid?
{20340}{20402}He's busy.
{20419}{20500}It's only 70.|One more day and it's yours.
{20514}{20557}70 yuan won't even|buy you medicine.
{20584}{20689}Come tomorrow.|I'll do it for you tomorrow.
{20714}{20758}- Bye.|- Bye.
{21363}{21437}I tell ya city people are no good.
{21458}{21539}They play you|when they pay you.|Play you like a fool.
{21641}{21787}It's nothing, one more day.
{21800}{21845}They can't play you no more.
{21911}{21975}Anyway you got a good job.
{21986}{22040}You get a bike in a month.
{22162}{22344}Just don't let people know|you're not from here.|Understand?
{22405}{22483}Look at you.|Brush your teeth!
{22542}{22576}Come on!
{22792}{22870}You sometimes go|to good places for delivery?
{22882}{23071}I heard there's music|in the hotel's toilet.
{23204}{23278}I wouldn't be able to pee...
{24548}{24607}Welcome.|Please come in.
{24891}{24939}Are you looking for someone?
{24943}{24978}Mr. Zhang.
{24980}{25010}Mr. Zhang?
{25055}{25113}He's waiting for you inside.
{25142}{25194}Wait. Badge.
{25256}{25289}A gentleman.
{25300}{25338}Slippers, sir.
{25436}{25466}In here please.
{25811}{25861}In here please.
{26670}{26704}Looking for someone, sir?
{26708}{26740}Mr. Zhang.
{26743}{26783}In here, please.
{26993}{27045}Mr. Zhang, a visitor.
{27062}{27089}You have a visitor.
{27113}{27287}What took you so long?|Finish this first.
{27441}{27524}Where's Gua?|Who're you?
{27530}{27577}Express Delivery.
{27586}{27633}Express Delivery?|What's that?
{27662}{27725}The company sent me|to see a Mr. Zhang.
{27727}{27798}I'm Zhang,|what you want?
{27801}{27850}You need delivery?
{27912}{27963}Anyone needs delivery?
{28014}{28089}No. Get going.
{28105}{28133}You got the wrong person.
{28228}{28304}Get lost. People named Zhang|everywhere.
{28313}{28406}We don't care|if you're express delivery.|You pay after you showered.
{28438}{28514}But... I didn't|come to shower.
{28516}{28558}I'm here for Mr. Zhang.
{28561}{28601}Mr. Zhang sent for me.
{28604}{28654}But Mr. Zhang said|no such thing.
{28700}{28771}I am from the delivery company.|You can check this.
{28948}{28983}It's useless showing me that.
{28985}{29008}Take a look.
{29012}{29044}I said it's useless.
{29059}{29121}Anyway you pay for this.
{29166}{29214}But you asked me to get in.|I did, but...
{29237}{29387}You pay if you showered.
{29451}{29564}But you asked me|to shower!
{29572}{29646}I got in and you took off|my clothes.
{29768}{29904}You showered,|you have to pay.
{30130}{30154}Let go.
{30289}{30323}I have no money.
{30344}{30370}What's going on?
{30385}{30410}Let him go first.
{30422}{30510}Mr. Zhang,|he won't pay.
{30512}{30563}Said he's from express delivery,|looking for Mr. Zhang.
{30566}{30622}Yeah, I asked for it.
{30631}{30669}So it's you.
{30675}{30702}You can go.
{30709}{30771}What took you so long?|I waited for a long time.
{30815}{30863}So you went for a shower?
{30867}{30926}Quite a guy!
{30934}{30990}- Give me that document.|- Document?
{30994}{31023}Over there.
{31051}{31103}I am just about to leave.
{31192}{31341}Take this to Mr. Lee at 123|Wang Fu Jin Street. You hear?
{31348}{31400}Now go!
{31406}{31468}Manager, he hadn't paid.
{31470}{31516}Forget it, does he look like|he can afford it?
{36765}{36805}You're too much.
{36808}{36855}You have to work|even if you lost your bike.
{36858}{36912}What's more important,|bike or work?
{36983}{37042}Forget it, stop crying.
{37085}{37139}You're lucky the Manager|didn't fine you.
{37170}{37274}When you look for|another job, be more careful.
{37423}{37467}I say this for your good.
{37513}{37544}Hurry up and go.
{37563}{37595}You're right.
{37622}{37672}Sorry, so sorry.
{37727}{37768}It's okay.
{37777}{37858}Oh? He left already.
{37861}{37924}Don't worry,|it won't happen again.
{37927}{38029}We won't let you down again.
{38117}{38192}Oh, you still here?
{38218}{38284}Manager,|give me another bike.
{38339}{38379}Why can't you understand?
{38381}{38440}I didn't let you go|because of the bike.
{38495}{38562}It's our bad luck losing it.
{38589}{38656}And you had earned the bike.
{38698}{38741}So we don't owe each other.
{38771}{38831}But you got me in big trouble.
{38887}{38920}What you did...
{38923}{39033}put me in hot water all day.
{39058}{39128}They can ask for compensation.
{39130}{39188}Or they can sue you.
{39204}{39275}You lost your bike|and ask for another one.
{39351}{39408}Manager,|I don't want to leave.
{39547}{39587}You don't understand.
{39590}{39631}Being stubborn again.
{39651}{39705}If anything,|you don't have a bike.
{39748}{39783}What about I get it back?
{39843}{39881}I can get the bike back.
{39926}{39963}You out of your mind?
{39979}{40077}Thousands of bikes|like that in Beijing.
{40123}{40164}I marked it.
{40327}{40418}You're a character.|No wonder they say|you're stubborn.
{40455}{40562}If you really marked it,|and if you can really find it
{40564}{40636}I'll give you another chance.|If you find the bike,|I'll keep you.
{40656}{40780}If you find your bicycle...
{40833}{40858}Are those your words?
{40884}{40914}Of course.
{46014}{46071}Absolutely. Jian, your dad|bought you a bike finally.
{46073}{46119}Are you done? Hurry.
{46184}{46230}Nice bike.
{46235}{46359}- It's not stolen, is it?|- Rubbish. Get lost!
{46622}{46707}- I'll go first.|- You don't have to.
{46990}{47027}My chain is loose.
{48481}{48517}You have a nice bike.
{48763}{48791}I'm leaving.
{52552}{52603}I know you're upset.
{52633}{52702}We promised but now it's off.
{52714}{52757}There's nothing I can do.
{52786}{52864}Your sister worked hard.
{52866}{52960}Now she gets into|a ranked school.
{52995}{53042}We have to pay her tuition.
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