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Music Theory
For The Modern Rockin’ Metalhead
Write Better Songs, Right Now!
Kyle Morrison Lovely
B.A – Music and Sound Recording
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accepts no liabilities for misuse, misappropriations, or abuse of the
tools and exercises in this book. There are no expressed or implied
warranties attached to this work. The information contained in this
book is intended to be for entertainment purposes only and is not for
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whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a
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*Each individual’s success and outcome depends on his or her
background, desire, dedication, implementation, and motivation. If
you wish to apply the ideas contained in this book, you are fully
responsible for your actions.
Copyright © 2008 by Kyle Morrison Lovely. All rights reserved.
Published by CreateSpace.
ISBN-10: 1-4414-4874-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-4414-4874-3
Visit for more information.
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: October 2008
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© 2008 Kyle Morrison Lovely. All Rights Reserved.
All who seek knowledge with an open mind…
© 2008 Kyle Morrison Lovely. All Rights Reserved.
If you are reading this book, chances are that you play in a band. If
you play in a band, chances are that you compose original music. If
you compose original music, chances are that you fall into the 99.8
percentile of bands that have not received any sort of formal
recognition for their music. Why are other bands getting attention?
Why do your songs fall short? What do they know that you don’t?
The art of Music Theory is the primary tool of successful musicians
and holds the key to an in depth understanding of how music is
composed, arranged, and understood. In my years as a professional
in the music business, I found that most bands that were trying to
“make it” had little or no knowledge of music theory. For some
reason, there are a large number of aspiring musicians out there who
think they don’t have to know anything about music in order to be
successful in the music business. Most bands fall into this category,
and ultimately made it easier for my band to gracefully crush our
unsuspecting competitors.
Picture this: There are two competing carpenters that are building
houses near each other. One carpenter wanted to start building
houses right after he saw a house he liked. He had the general idea
that he needed wood, nails, plumbing, and electrical to make a house
function. So he immediately started building houses with the idea
that it would work somehow if all of the materials were thrown
together. The second carpenter saw a house he liked which inspired
him to build. But, before he started the process, he learned about
how a solid foundation will make the house stand strong, and how to
properly wire electrical equipment and install plumbing. He read
textbooks, practiced his skills, and studied with more experienced
builders. He gathered as much information as he could before he
even swung his hammer on his first project.
Which builder will you think will enjoy long-term success?
Which one would most likely fail right away or eventually fail?
© 2008 Kyle Morrison Lovely. All Rights Reserved.
Which one will make a better product?
Which one will be recognized for quality work?
Which one will sell more houses and have a successful career?
Without the understanding of the building blocks of music, your tower
of songs will come crashing down. The people that are recognized
for outstanding achievements in music have a true understanding of
the building blocks. Professional songwriters make a killing; the top
people in the industry will make $100,000 per song ! Major record
labels have no problem shelling out millions of dollars per year to
people that can write hit songs for their upcoming pop stars. The
bands that you love to listen to have spent hours upon hours
developing their craft, studying, and practicing. They have worked
hard to become masters of music, and create songs that will last
forever in the pages of music history. If you truly have the desire to
be recognized in the world of music, your journey should start right
here with this book.
But why take advice from me ?
Who am I ?
I am Kyle Morrison Lovely, and I sang for the band Shattersphere for
5 years. I started the band in 2002, and went on hiatus in 2007. My
band has shared the stage with some of the greatest acts in music
such as Alice In Chains, Buckcherry, Mudvayne, Atreyu,
Lostprophets, Hinder, 18 Visions, Powerman 5000, Orgy,
Mushroomhead, Dope, All That Remains, Hed PE, Bloodsimple,
Days of The New, King’s X, Soulfly, and many more. My band has
won numerous songwriting awards such as a 2006 Independent
Music Award, the worldwide Next Hit Song contest, and placed in the
2005 International Songwriting Competition. We’ve also been on
over 300 radio stations nationwide, licensed music to MTV, Extreme
Sports DVDs, and HDTV commercials. We even wrote the theme to
the video game Kaos War: Rise of the Fallen. I’ve played arenas,
strip clubs, rock clubs, dive bars, theaters, and festivals all across the
United States. I’ve interviewed with publications from around the
world, and even took part in an online reality show called Creating
Kaos. I also did some work for World Wrestling Entertainment by
singing the original version of the ECW Theme: Don’t Question My
© 2008 Kyle Morrison Lovely. All Rights Reserved.
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