1 00:03:51,411 --> 00:03:58,840 Nós chicoteamos animais selvagens quando eles tentam se rebelar. 2 00:04:00,186 --> 00:04:03,519 Aquele modo que você aprenderá não escapar novamente. 3 00:04:07,027 --> 00:04:08,016 Segure isto. 4 00:05:55,969 --> 00:05:59,962 Você sabe o que esta cruz significa, não o faça? Huh? Você cadela mexicana! 5 00:06:00,473 --> 00:06:03,499 O fogo limpará seus pecados fora! 6 00:06:28,535 --> 00:06:30,662 Ei, você! De que cemitério vem você? 7 00:06:30,737 --> 00:06:33,262 Se você viesse aqui para enterrar estes salafrários... 8 00:06:33,339 --> 00:06:35,273 ...pressa para cima, e adquire isto feito quietamente. 9 00:06:35,775 --> 00:06:38,767 Eu preferiria falar. 10 00:06:38,912 --> 00:06:41,437 Do modo está falando você, o se parece está com pressa... 11 00:06:41,548 --> 00:06:44,949 ... terminar no caixão você está arrastando atrás de você. 12 00:06:45,485 --> 00:06:46,474 Talvez. 13 00:06:48,188 --> 00:06:49,519 Você é do Norte? 14 00:06:50,223 --> 00:06:51,952 Eu lutei para o Norte. 15 00:06:52,058 --> 00:06:55,755 We don't like those who fought for the North. This is the South. 16 00:06:55,929 --> 00:06:58,864 I can see that, my brother. I know. 17 00:06:59,866 --> 00:07:02,528 Enough! Forget about this gravedigger. 18 00:07:02,602 --> 00:07:04,035 Let's take care of the woman now. 19 00:07:04,204 --> 00:07:06,365 Taking it out on women doesn't look good. 20 00:07:07,307 --> 00:07:08,296 What did you say? 21 00:07:09,743 --> 00:07:11,176 It doesn't matter. 22 00:07:11,845 --> 00:07:13,938 What matters is that you're about to die. 23 00:07:36,236 --> 00:07:37,726 My name is Django. 24 00:07:37,804 --> 00:07:41,171 As long as you stay with me, nobody will harm you. 25 00:07:54,454 --> 00:07:56,445 You wouldn't make it very far. 26 00:07:57,056 --> 00:07:59,684 Besides, it's not yet time to cross that bridge. 27 00:08:01,461 --> 00:08:05,363 For now, my path goes in the opposite direction. 28 00:08:07,267 --> 00:08:08,291 What's your name? 29 00:08:09,569 --> 00:08:10,558 Maria. 30 00:08:10,837 --> 00:08:12,031 Let's go to the town. 31 00:11:21,461 --> 00:11:23,361 Get me a bed for the girl. 32 00:11:26,132 --> 00:11:29,465 Anything for you, stranger. But the girl... 33 00:11:30,303 --> 00:11:33,898 No, she can't stay here. 34 00:11:34,140 --> 00:11:37,268 And there are no more rooms, they are all taken. 35 00:11:37,377 --> 00:11:39,311 Go and see for yourself. 36 00:11:47,653 --> 00:11:52,249 The key to your room. Give it to me, come on. 37 00:12:00,833 --> 00:12:03,324 Don't worry. l'll pay for the inconvenience. 38 00:12:05,071 --> 00:12:06,698 l hope that's enough. 39 00:12:07,006 --> 00:12:08,997 Oh, well, thank you! Look at this! 40 00:12:16,916 --> 00:12:20,682 Go to sleep. You've had quite an eventful day. 41 00:12:20,787 --> 00:12:23,654 The room is upstairs, at the end of the hall. 42 00:12:44,944 --> 00:12:47,572 Tomorrow morning the girl has to leave. 43 00:12:47,814 --> 00:12:51,511 No later than tomorrow morning, l'm sorry. Understood? 44 00:12:53,286 --> 00:12:56,744 There's no need to hurry my friend. 45 00:13:01,094 --> 00:13:02,789 Bring me something to eat. 46 00:14:10,463 --> 00:14:11,452 Here. 47 00:14:16,502 --> 00:14:20,165 lf you work in the casket business, you chose well. 48 00:14:20,239 --> 00:14:22,400 There is a lot of work around here. 49 00:14:22,542 --> 00:14:25,102 So far, l've met only a few customers. 50 00:14:25,178 --> 00:14:32,482 The damn war between the Mexicans and Major Jackson's soldiers... 51 00:14:32,552 --> 00:14:37,319 ...reduced the town to this, as you can see. 52 00:14:37,390 --> 00:14:38,721 A dead town. 53 00:14:39,825 --> 00:14:42,316 And your women? Do they sleep with the ghosts? 54 00:14:43,196 --> 00:14:50,125 We manage, a bit with the Mexicans, and a bit with the Major's men. 55 00:14:50,236 --> 00:14:52,727 We want to be at peace with everybody. 56 00:14:52,872 --> 00:14:54,169 Without being unfair, right? 57 00:14:54,307 --> 00:14:58,107 Well, there is kind of an agreement... This is a neutral place... 58 00:14:59,011 --> 00:15:02,845 We try very hard to stay alive. 59 00:15:03,516 --> 00:15:06,713 You are new to this place, young man... 60 00:15:07,153 --> 00:15:10,884 You don't know Major Jackson... 61 00:15:12,658 --> 00:15:15,388 You don't know him, do you? 62 00:15:18,831 --> 00:15:22,062 Stop trying to figure out who l know, old man. 63 00:15:41,721 --> 00:15:43,712 Don't you want to offer me a drink? 64 00:15:46,425 --> 00:15:49,690 You know, it takes guts to travel with that girl. 65 00:15:50,062 --> 00:15:52,963 lt means having to face both the racists and the Mexicans. 66 00:15:53,466 --> 00:15:55,661 l like having to face people. 67 00:15:55,735 --> 00:15:58,226 Oh, really? Well, so much the better. 68 00:16:00,039 --> 00:16:05,033 You know, my colleagues are afraid of the casket. 69 00:16:05,177 --> 00:16:10,137 lt doesn't scare me. lt's just like any other job. 70 00:16:11,917 --> 00:16:13,316 ls someone in there? 71 00:16:21,093 --> 00:16:23,084 Someone by the name of Django. 72 00:16:31,203 --> 00:16:34,331 Good day, brother Jonathan. 73 00:16:45,284 --> 00:16:53,692 This is all l was able to scrape together for this month's share. 74 00:16:54,694 --> 00:16:56,685 Business isn't going well. 75 00:16:57,129 --> 00:17:00,997 ln that case it'll be better if you talk about this to the Major. 76 00:18:00,526 --> 00:18:02,517 l'm getting a dress to change into. 77 00:18:03,929 --> 00:18:06,489 You know, the Major's men should be here soon. 78 00:18:07,233 --> 00:18:08,700 Maybe he'll come here himself. 79 00:18:08,768 --> 00:18:13,796 The Major doesn't like the color green. He goes crazy for red. 80 00:18:18,811 --> 00:18:19,800 Here. 81 00:18:22,381 --> 00:18:25,839 l'll change here. l'm used to my mirror. 82 00:18:26,452 --> 00:18:31,082 Don't be down. Maybe, if you are nice to the Major, you can save yourself. 83 00:18:31,257 --> 00:18:35,284 Why don't you dress yourself in red? Of course, listen to me. 84 00:18:35,394 --> 00:18:37,589 Dress in red, and you'll be safe. 85 00:18:37,730 --> 00:18:42,167 The Major isn't after you. lt's the Mexicans he can't stand. 86 00:18:43,335 --> 00:18:46,202 He says it's their skin color that bothers him. 87 00:18:46,272 --> 00:18:49,969 Well, you're really asking for it. You could have stayed with us. 88 00:18:50,075 --> 00:18:51,542 You wanted to run away and... 89 00:18:51,610 --> 00:18:55,137 ...ended up in the hands of Jackson's worst enemies, the Mexicans. 90 00:18:55,214 --> 00:18:59,412 Why did you run away from them as well? But, what do you want? 91 00:18:59,685 --> 00:19:00,674 l don't know. 92 00:19:01,086 --> 00:19:04,817 What do you mean, you don't know? Listen, are you trying to pull my leg? 93 00:19:05,791 --> 00:19:08,419 They'll get rid of your man for sure. 94 00:19:08,928 --> 00:19:11,590 Too bad, he's such a good-looking fellow. 95 00:19:13,098 --> 00:19:15,430 A deck of cards, please. 96 00:19:20,039 --> 00:19:21,563 He wants a deck of cards. 97 00:19:32,718 --> 00:19:34,913 You like to play with the dead guy, don't you? 98 00:19:37,523 --> 00:19:39,320 lf you listen to me, you'll be able to save yourself. 99 00:19:39,391 --> 00:19:41,859 Make yourself as beautiful as possible. 100 00:19:41,927 --> 00:19:44,122 No, thank you. lt wouldn't help. 101 00:19:46,999 --> 00:19:52,460 Damn, that's Jackson having fun. 102 00:19:52,538 --> 00:19:58,807 Some Mexican must have refused to pay. And so, they let him run... 103 00:19:59,979 --> 00:20:00,968 Terrible! 104 00:20:18,197 --> 00:20:19,186 Go ahead! 105 00:20:44,023 --> 00:20:44,990 Another one. 106 00:21:42,948 --> 00:21:44,973 l'm bored now. You take care of it. 107 00:22:12,945 --> 00:22:16,312 An interesting guy has arrived in town. 108 00:22:20,786 --> 00:22:25,416 They'll be coming here, and they'll want to have fun. 109 00:22:26,291 --> 00:22:30,318 Come. Lock yourself in, and don't move. 110 00:22:54,153 --> 00:22:56,644 Major Jackson and his men are coming. Run, go upstairs. 111 00:23:04,329 --> 00:23:06,593 Good day, Mr. Jackson. 112 00:23:27,820 --> 00:23:29,811 Welcome! Make yourself at home. 113 00:23:29,955 --> 00:23:30,922 Come with me. 114 00:23:32,524 --> 00:23:36,824 Unfortunately, it's not all of it, but, as soon as l am able to... 115 00:23:37,129 --> 00:23:41,463 l believe you, Nathaniel, l believe you. 116 00:23:41,934 --> 00:23:44,732 A coward never lies, l know that very well... 117 00:23:45,003 --> 00:23:47,665 ...especially when they pay for their protection. 118 00:23:50,843 --> 00:23:54,176 You'll pay me your share at the fort when we get there in a week. 119 00:23:54,546 --> 00:23:59,006 ln a week? As you wish. Thank you, Major, thank you. 120 00:24:19,905 --> 00:24:22,703 Hey, you, come upstairs with me. 121 00:24:22,808 -->...