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Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc.
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storage or retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games.
Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc.
Product Manager: Jill Hinckley
Project Editor: Carrie Andrews
Design and Layout: Simon Olney and Derek Hocking
Thief: Deadly Shadows © Eidos 2004. Developed by Ion Storm, LLP.
Published by Eidos, Inc. Thief: Deadly Shadows, the Thief: Deadly Shadows
logo, Eidos and the Eidos logo, Ion Storm and the Ion Storm logo are all
trademarks of the Eidos Group of Companies.
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Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated
attempts before the desired result is achieved.
ISBN: 0-7615-4119-5
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004105529
Printed in the United States of America
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The author and Prima would like to thank everyone who
put this book together: Colby McCracken, Julian Mehlfeld,
and Kip Ernst at Eidos for their support and assistance; Steve
Allen and Jeremy Graves for the original maps; Elizabeth
Becker and Denise Fulton who put together the additional
art for the maps.
The author also thanks Jill Hinckley and Carrie Andrews
at Prima; thanks also to Brad Anthony for his dedication,
immense gaming knowledge, and mad writing skills. The
author dedicates this book to Stefano Urbani and his
heavenly Carbonara.
GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
TOOLS OF THE TRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
ROGUES GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
THE THIEVING MINDSET . . . . . . . . . . . .12
THE BLUE HERON INN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
RUTHERFORD CASTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
THE HAMMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
THE PAGAN SANCTUARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
THE SUNKEN CITADEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
THE SEASIDE MANSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
THE CLOCKTOWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
THE KEEPER COMPOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
INNER & OUTER CRADLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
THE MUSEUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
CITY SECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
South Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Stonemarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
The Docks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Old Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
Auldale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
MAP APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
APPENDIX: TIP LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
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throughout the level. At the Expert difficulty level, you may
have to steal 90 percent of the available loot and all three
special loot items while not killing any non-combatants. At
the more difficult levels, you face more enemies and get less
help from items such as healing potions.
Getting Started
You learn quickly
that the expert
difficulty level takes
more patience and
skill to work through,
but the quiet rush
you get at the end
is much more
Garrett may be a master thief in his own right, but you
need lots of practice using his abilities if you want to avoid
spending some quiet time in the deep, dank pits of the
prison. The Dark Age is coming, and you’re stuck in the
middle of three powerful factions vying for control when
the darkness falls.
The walkthrough is at an expert difficulty level so that it
includes all relevant objectives and takes the most restrictive
route through the game. Players on easier settings find
fewer enemies and more items, and usually find easier paths
through the missions. Players on easier settings may not
have to complete all the objectives listed here.
The walkthrough
gives the best route
through each mis-
sion. These are not
the only routes, how-
ever. Diligent thieves
may discover other
dark corners of the
city. Leave no stone
unturned or pocket
unpicked when roaming the city.
Because you’re the best thief ever, you’re held to a high
standard of achievement. Luckily, all factions recognize your
abilities and the overall value of an excellent thief, as well as
how you can help them toward their goals. They are all
determined to “retain” your services by whatever means
necessary. The Keepers have the best (albeit still vague) idea
of the grand role you ultimately play in the prophecies.
You can choose to play on Easy, Normal, Hard, or Expert
levels of difficulty. The mission-specific objectives stay the
same, but the mission-completion criteria become more
numerous and challenging as the difficulty level rises.
In the next section, “Tools of the Trade,” we review all the
tools that you have at your disposal to help lighten the load
of passers-by and other unfortunates. It covers weaponry,
equipment, and miscellaneous magic items that you find
along the way. So get going! There’s loot to steal.
For example,
playing at a normal
difficulty level may
require you to steal
only 40 percent of
the available treasure
and find one of the
rare or special loot
items hidden
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Tools of the Trade
In the event you must do
more than knock your
opponent senseless, the
dagger is your next tool of
preference. A thief always attacks from behind—we are
thieves, after all, not fighters. The idea is to dispatch your
enemies as quickly as possible. This can hardly be done in
face-to-face confrontation with an armed guard, which
serves only to draw more attention to you.
Use the dagger stealthily, from behind (your victims
should never see your face; they shouldn’t even know
you’re in the room), to realize the full advantage of the
small blade. A stab in the back with a dagger is enough to
kill a man, as opposed to lashing out with three or more
frantic strikes in a frontal attack against an armored guard
brandishing a three-foot sword.
In the worst case scenario of melee combat, the dagger
will serve you well as your best toe-to-toe weapon when
facing off against a foe.
Tools of the Trade
This section reviews the many tools you have at your dis-
posal for your thieving ways. Familiarize yourself with the
tools of the trade.
Common thief
attributes are speed,
stealth, and skill. A
thief’s weapons should
complement, not
hinder, his line of
work. The tools of a
serious professional
are silent, light, and
deadly. Learn to use
them as if they were
extensions of your
own body and mind;
they are essential to
your success.
The blackjack is a small
leather-covered club, a
weighted span with a flexible
handle. When swung, the
handle bends to add more force to the blow. This is a non-
lethal weapon. Its leather padding makes it a tool for inca-
pacitation, not death by blunt-force trauma. There really is
honor among thieves. If we don’t need to kill, we don’t—
but there is nothing wrong with leaving a few hindrances
behind with nothing more than a serious headache.
The blackjack is your primary weapon. If you must take
someone out, reach for this first, because it has several
advantages over your other weapons. First, and most
important, it keeps your victim silent. A stunned opponent
has no time to let out a desperate cry for help, although
they sometimes utter some sleepy, delirious words before
they crumple into a heap for a nice long nap. Second, it
offers clean technical execution—in other words, no messy
evidence like bloodstains to clean up.
One disadvantage of using the dagger is that it allows
your victim a second to scream in pain before he expires,
potentially drawing more guards and consequently more
trouble. Second, it leaves a telltale pool of blood on the
floor. Sloppy thieves who leave a trail of blood won’t be
around long.
Bows are always
popular weapons in
our profession. The
appeal is the ability to
strike from a distance, while your victim goes about his
business unaware of an impending attack. By the time your
target notices a curious whistling noise in the still night air,
it’s already too late. But choose optimal circumstances to
use your bow. Only amateurs allow stray arrows to shoot off
through the city streets. Choose your targets well and make
every shot count.
Victims of your stealthy blackjack attacks will not wake
up during the course of your mission.
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Don’t fire an arrow into a crowd. It creates a chaotic mess
that you should avoid at all costs. Focus on removing the
unsuspecting lonely guard, ideally in areas where you can
reach your victim quickly and dispose of the evidence.
This is a noncombat arrow used to extinguish
any open flame—candle, torch, or fireplace. Use
water arrows to help you move in darkness from
one point to another. Use them sparingly; you
can never put out all the lights on any level (nor
is it necessary to attempt it).
You can also use the water arrow to wash away
bloodstains on the floor from certain events that
you don’t want traced back to you.
Look for elemental water crystals in fountains, pipes,
wells, pools, and other water sources.
This combat arrow is anything but stealthy; it
streaks through the dark night and explodes
upon contact into a ball of flame, igniting
whatever is nearby—a victim, oil puddle,
extinguished torch, or even more dramatically, a
well-placed explosive barrel. Save these arrows
for special occasions.
When possible, attack from a distance without revealing
your location. If your victim doesn’t fall in one shot to the
head or torso, however, it could be trouble. Undoubtedly
someone will start looking for the archer, and more guards
will probably come along.
The bow is undeniably the most versatile weapon, consid-
ering the many choices of arrow types—especially the
arrowheads constructed from elemental crystals that have
various offensive and defensive properties. There really is an
arrow for every occasion.
Look for elemental fire crystals in fireplaces, campfires,
and other sources of flame.
Moss arrows are noncombat tools that are
extremely useful as sound-dampening devices.
When fired at the floor, they cover the area in
soft, noise-muffling patches of moss. When you
plan an attack that requires crossing a type of
flooring that amplifies footfalls, carpet the area
first with a couple of moss arrows. This tactic
works great if you want to quickly approach a
guard whose patrol pattern leaves you only a few
seconds to get close while his back is turned.
Moss arrows can also be used to choke guards temporarily.
When shot into the face, the weapon covers the target’s
head in moss. The guard is then unable to hear, see, or
make noise as you run past them.
This is the most basic type of arrow and also the most deadly.
A single broadhead arrow, striking the head or torso, is
enough to kill most men outright. But if the arrow hits the
victim’s arm or leg, it will not deliver a critical strike or a fatal
blow. Obviously, the victim is now alerted to your presence,
so be ready for a quick escape. Also, it is important to note
that the broadhead arrow is not a stealthy kill—the victim
often lets out a dying moan before he falls. Nearby guards
definitely come to investigate, and they will find the body
before you can get there to clean up the evidence.
A well-placed broadhead arrow to the head or torso
will kill human guards in one shot if they’re unaware of
your presence.
Look for elemental moss arrows in plant beds, trees,
grass, and other organic sources of growth.
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