Jet Mykles - Dark Elves 01 - Taken.txt

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Praise for the writing of Jet Mykles 



Dark Elves 1: Taken 



Dark Elves 1: Taken is sinfully erotic. Like the bad boy your best friend hates and you'd die 
before introducing to your mother, it tantalizes with the power of deep, dark fantasies and 
the promise of pleasure unparalleled. Rather unlike most of those bad boys, Dark Elves 
delivers. Jet Mykles knows exactly what readers want – and serves it up with striking prose 
and stunning images. 

-- Sage Grayson, author of Computer Crimes: Comming Home (coming this summer from 
Changeling Press) 


Ms. Mykles has woven a wonderfully decadent and rich tapestry of lusty high fantasy. Taken 
is everything Erotic Fantasy should be! 

-- Morgan Hawke, author of ISD: Victorious Star (Loose Id) 


There's nothing more compelling than art that tells a story, and I find myself following Jet's 
story through her images, wondering what the next scene will bring. 

-- April Martinez, Loose Id cover artist ( 


Exotic, erotic and sinfully spicy. 

-- Daria Karpova, author of Loose Damonds (Loose Id) 


Taken's graphic imagery, both in words and pictures, is a hot and delicious feast for the 
senses. The reader will enjoy each bite. 

-- Treva Harte, author of The Deviants (Loose Id) 
















Jet Mykles 














This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered 
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they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers. 

* * * * * 

This book is rated: 




For substantial explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers 
may find objectionable (multiple partners, homoerotic sex, BDSM). 


DISCLAIMER: Many of the acts described in our BDSM/fetish titles can be dangerous. Loose 
Id publishes these stories for members of the community in which these acts are known and 
practiced safely. If you have an interest in the pleasures and pains you find described herein, 
we urge you to seek out advice and guidance from knowledgeable persons. Please do not try 
any new sexual practice, whether it be fire, rope, or whip play, without the guidance of an 
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Dark Elves 1: Taken 

Jet Mykles 


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or 
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the 
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or 
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 



Published by 

Loose Id LLC 

1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-29 

Carson City NV 89701-1215 



Copyright © March 2005 by Jet Mykles 

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of 
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, 
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. 



ISBN 1-59632-096-6 

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader 



Printed in the United States of America 

Editor: Raven McKnight 

Cover and Interior Artist: Jet Mykles 


Chapter One 


Even in the early evening noise of the tavern, Diana’s silence was deafening. Gala sat 
beside her, nursing an ale gone flat. Waiting. 

“I’m going after him,” Diana finally announced, standing. 

Gala shot to her feet, her hand darting out to take Diana’s wrist. “You can’t!” she 
protested, even though she knew it was hopeless. Diana had that look on her face. 

Diana’s fine, dark brows lowered. “I can. And I will.” 

“But you’ve heard the stories about the mountains,” Gala insisted, following as Diana 
stormed toward the stairs that led up to their rented room. 

“Bah! That’s just what they are. Stories. I’ll agree that passing over the mountains is 
probably a hard trek, but they’ve not even been gone a day! We can catch them, get my 
money back, then come back here.” 

Gala wasn’t so sure. Although they were new to the area, she and Diana had heard tale 
after tale of both the Rhaen Mountains and the Dark Forest. The mountains, it was said, were 
impassable save by a very few caravans owned by masters who’d traveled the route countless 
times. But even they were often beset by natural forces, and people almost always 
disappeared through travel misfortunes. 

The stories about the Dark Forest were more sinister. Those included tales of entire 
bands entering the depths of the forest and simply disappearing, then the bones of some of 
the victims showing up neatly arranged toward the safer outskirts of the forest. Neatly 
arranged so that it was sure no animal could have accomplished it. And the bones, from what 
anyone could tell, were always those of the male victims. Female victims were never seen 
nor heard from again. Rescue parties sent after those missing either never returned or 
returned with wild stories of black phantoms and sinister magic. 

But Gala had known Diana since childhood and had traveled with her as her only 
companion for the past five springs. She was the untrained healer, the pickpocket, the 
negotiator. While Diana was the fighter, the instigator, the lure. Together, they’d managed to 
get enough odd jobs to stay alive as they continually wandered. 

The previous night, Diana had been cheated, her money stolen, and the culprit had 
taken off in the morning -- while Diana was passed out cold -- with one of the mountain 
caravans. It had taken Diana most of the day to recover from the thief’s blow to her head, but 
once she’d recovered, her anger flared. And Diana’s anger, once sparked, did not die easily. 

Diana hefted her bag, quiver, and unstrung bow and faced Gala across the tiny room 
they’d shared. “I know you don’t like this idea,” she said, visibly trying to rein in her anger. 
“You don’t have to go with me. I can be back by tomorrow night.” 

Resolute, Gala shook her head. “Where you go, I go. We’ve been through worse 

Even angry, Diana had to smile. But it was brief. Then she was out the door. 

* * * * * 

The track was easy enough to follow. The thief, in fact, had been the one to tell them 
what they now knew of the caravans that crossed the mountains. There were only two tracks 
that any caravan would take, both wide enough to fit the typical merchants’ wagons. The 
High Road was actually faster, but more treacherous, as it went over one of the tall 

mountains. The Low Road added weeks to a trek, but it was safer, even if it skirted the edges 
of the Dark Forest throughout most of the journey. 

“Camp is held on the road, as well,” Gala recalled the charming man telling them. “No 
one’s allowed to step foot off the road.” 

“Why not?” Diana had asked, already intrigued by him. 

“Too dangerous. Anyone who loses sight of the road never returns.” 

Diana had laughed. “Never?” 

Gala recalled the oddly serious look in the man’s sparkling blue eyes. “Never.” 

Gala, for one, believed him. 

Although the twisted oaks and soaring elms that lined the path were gorgeous, there 
was a sinister cast to them. With true night fast approaching, Gala became certain that eyes 
were upon them. Diana was mostly silent, still smarting on the back of her skull where the 
thief had struck her. What words she did utter either had to do with their travel or with the 
questionable parentage of the thief they now tailed down the Low Road. The forest closed in 
around them. Sunlight was left behind. Evidence of plenty of wildlife grew around them. 

“These people are insane,” Diana said suddenly, gesturing toward a covey of quail that 
scurried boldly across the road. “This place is a wealth of game.” 

Gala stirred at the change of subject, but only nodded. She adjusted her seat in the 
saddle, yawning to shed the apathy caused by the gentle roll of her horse’s gait. 

“Where’s this ‘dark danger’ we were warned of?” Diana scoffed as the last vestiges of 
sunlight disappeared and plunged them into thick, gray twilight. Even so, Gala saw her 
friend’s hand drift toward the sword at her belt. 

“Should we make camp?” Gala asked, spurring her mount to walk abreast of Diana’s. 

“No. Let’s keep going. The caravan will be making camp soon. We should catch them 
before daybreak.” 

Gala nodded, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow. Night had fallen on them 
abruptly, and only the scant moonlight provided illumination to the path ahead of them. To 
either side was inky darkness. 

They rode in silence for a time. 

“It’s warm,” Gala realized. 

Diana took a moment to judge, idly rubbing a hand against her chest. “It’s got to be the 
trees,” she stated. “No breeze.” 

Gala nodded, but continued to look about. Why was she flushed? Of a sudden, her 
tunic was either far too tight or her breasts had swelled. The saddle between her legs grew 
increasingly uncomfortable as she realized she felt ... aroused? 

“Diana,” she murmured, finally conv...
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