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After The Deluge
by Chris Carlsson
Thanks for downloading After The Deluge .
I hope you like it and would love to hear from you. I would also
be really appreciative if you felt it worthwhile to throw me a few
bucks. One of the curious aspects of this experiment is that I’ve
sold about 500 books and had 12,000+ downloads after the first
year.The fantasy of all authors is that you might some day make
your living as a writer. I’d sure like to! But unless a good chunk
of the next 10,000 downloaders all send me $2-10, you can be
sure that won’t be the case... keep it in mind if you like the book.
You can find a donation button on my website, listed below.
© 2004 Chris Carlsson
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial License.To view a copy
of this license, visit
nc/1.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan
Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
1st Printing
ISBN 0-926664-07-7
Full Enjoyment Books
2844 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Cover and maps by Hugh D’Andrade
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W riting a novel has been a surprising experience.While it is mostly a rather solitary
effort, this story would not be finished without the help of many friends, some old
and some new.
Thanks go out to two writers’ retreats that allowed me to hide out from the inces-
sant chatter of daily life and see if there was really a novel kicking around in my head.
The Mesa Refuge in Pt. Reyes Station, California, gave me two glorious weeks in
October 1999, when I first took a stab at creating some of the characters and scenes for
After The Deluge . Nearly two years later (Aug.-Sept. 2001), I practically started over
when I was blessed with a whole month at Blue Mountain Center in New York’s
Adirondacks. I was delighted to make many new friends at both retreats, and look for-
ward to future encounters with great anticipation.
I give thanks to the readers who gave me the most detailed and useful feedback:
Kurt Lipschutz, Elizabeth Creely, Jim Fisher, Daniel Steven Crafts, Laura Lent, Glenn
Bachmann, Karen Franklin, Jon Christensen, Hugh D’Andrade, Jeff Mooney, and my
parents, Dick and Bente Carlsson. Adam Cornford, Marina Lazzarra, Pete Holloran,
Giovanni Maruzzelli and David Rosen gave me crucial encouragement, as did my
amazing daughter Francesca Manning.
Special thanks to Jim Swanson, my business partner, for all the hours, days, weeks
and even months I was able to squeeze out to work on this book. Couldn’t have done
it without his holding down the fort in my frequent absence.
Special thanks too to Hugh D’Andrade for the maps and the wonderful cover. I’m
honored to have his work gracing this book.
Lastly, thanks to my love, Mona Caron, for her ongoing enthusiasm for my crack-
pot ideas and her warm support and steady encouragement for me to go the extra mile
to make things as strong as possible. Mona is a great muse and inspiration; this book is
inconceivable without her.
All those thanks aside, none of these people should be held accountable for the
flaws and inadequacies of this work. Failures in this book are all mine!
I did not conceive this book as a blueprint, but more as a stab at describing the
world I’d like to wake up into. And I wanted to spin a good enough yarn to transport
you, dear reader, into that world with me. Having been involved in radical politics for
my entire adult life I felt it necessary that I make some effort to articulate and describe
how much better life really could be.Think of it as a starting point for a more detailed
discussion rather than a full-fledged “answer.” If you are left wondering, pondering,
scratching your head, and trying to answer such questions for yourself, this book will
have exceeded my fondest aspirations.
—Chris Carlsson, August 25, 2004
After the Deluge
Map 1 (in the book)
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After the Deluge
Map 2 (in the book)
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