Inst brew spreadsheet.doc

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To download the spreadsheet, click on the appropriate program: Excel, Lotus, QuatroPro, Symbolic Link

To download the spreadsheet, click on the appropriate program: Excel, Lotus, QuatroPro, Symbolic Link. Then follow the instructions in the article. Enjoy!

Click here to download the Brewing Spreadsheet

While jotting down brewing notes on the back of receipts and scratch paper may work for the short term, an organized and more permanent log will keep you brewing great beers consistently.

Are you a serious homebrewer? If so, are you able to reproduce beers that you have brewed in the past? If not, perhaps you need to keep better records. The key to good record keeping is knowing what information to keep and what to omit. Spreadsheets are an easy and fun way to sort this information and make it presentable.

Popular spreadsheets on the market are Excel, Quattro Pro, and Lotus 1-2-3. It doesn’t matter which one you use, as they can all perform the basic calculations required in brewing.

The spreadsheet that we will set up is aimed at the all-grain brewer. If you are using extracts, we will explain how to make the necessary modifications. The program will allow you to formulate a recipe. It will also track the brew, calculating extraction efficiencies and other useful information.

Metric Madness
Every brewing system is different. Therefore, 10 pounds of grain in one system might be equal to eight pounds in another system. This difference is called extraction efficiency.

Instead of basing a recipe on pounds of grain used, select the original gravity you’d like for the beer and calculate the weight of grain required to reach that gravity. Thus, the first entry on the spreadsheet is the starting gravity (SG) of the beer. This may be converted to degrees Plato (DP), another measure for specific gravity (see box, page 52). Don’t be daunted; this calculation is the most complex on your spreadsheet.

A much easier, though not quite as accurate, way to figure this is to take the last three numbers of the specific gravity and divide by four. The equation looks like this:

DP = [(SG-1)/4] x 1,000

Next, we must decide how much to brew. This is the post-boil volume (PBV). The PBV is larger than the "knockout" volume — the amount that actually makes it into the fermenter — due to the loss of the solid material, called trub, that remains in the kettle. The loss will vary depending on whirlpool techniques but is generally 5 to 10 percent. You may enter this in any unit you choose, but it should be converted to liters since this is the unit of measurement for our calculations.

1 gallon = 3.7853 liters = 0.03226 barrels

Malt Calculations
Each brewing system has its own extraction efficiency. This is based on the theoretical yield of the grain based on the brewing equipment and techniques employed. Yield is the percent of fermentable materials contained in the grain that becomes dissovled in the wort.

The theoretical yield of two-row pale malt is approximately 80 percent. For most specialty grains it is slightly lower (77 percent). Most brewing systems will only yield about 68 percent from two-row grain and about 65 percent from speciality malts. If you don’t know your system yield, use these two numbers.

Next, we will choose the amount of speciality grain (grain other than the base pale malt) used in the batch. However, instead of choosing the weight of speciality grain, we will choose the percent of specialty grains in the total grist. After entering the percent of each speciality malt, the spreadsheet will compute the percentage of pale malt.

% Pale Malt = 100% - Total of speciality malts.

Now each of these percents can be used with the other information to determine how much malt you need. PBV (post-boil volume) should be expressed in liters, and percent of grist and extraction efficiency should be expressed as decimals (50% = 0.50).

kg. malt =

(SG)(DP/100)(PBV)(percent of grist)


extraction efficiency

Kilograms of malt may be converted to pounds:

1 lb. = .4536 kg
2.205 lbs. = 1 kg

If you’re using dry malt extract, the extraction efficiency is about 98 percent. For canned malt you may use 85 percent. This is a very rough estimate, but after completing the brew we will figure the exact extraction efficiency. You may then use this number for future brews.

Calculating Bitterness
Now that the grist has been determined, we must decide how much hops to use. Figuring utilization for hops is more of an art than it is for grain. The amount of hops required is determined by the desired bitterness, the alpha-acid content of the hops, and the extraction efficiency.

First, select the desired amount of bitterness in International Bitterness Units (IBUs). This is the same as the total iso-alpha-acid concentration in the finished beer (measured in milligrams per liter). It is the presence of these iso-alpha-acids that give the beer its hop bitterness. An average lager may have 15 to 20 IBU, whereas an IPA or barleywine could have 50 to 70 IBU.

Next, select the number of hop additions, the type of hops, the time in the kettle, and the alpha-acid content of each hop. Enter these values as in the example at left. Choose the percent of the total bitterness you want to come from each hop. The greater the percentage of bitterness coming from the late hop additions, the more hop aroma and flavor there will be.

Finally, enter the utilization of the hop (the art part). Hop utilization is defined as the weight of alpha acid added to the kettle that is dissolved in the finished beer.

Without the use of a spectrophotometer, we cannot determine hop utilization and are instead reduced to guessing. The following are some guidelines to make your guess more educated:

·         For pellets the maximum utilization is around 35 percent for a 60- to 90-minute boil.

·         For leaf hops the maximum utilization is 28 to 30 percent for a 60- to 90-minute boil.

·         For a 30-minute boil, utilization is about two-thirds that of a 60-minute boil.

·         For a 10-minute boil it is around one-third that of a 60-minute boil.

·         For less than five minutes there is almost no added bitterness (utilization is less than 5 percent).

·         Utilization decreases as specific gravity increases. An increase in gravity from 1.037 to 1.067 may cause utilization to decrease from 28 to 23 percent.

·         Utilization decreases as total IBUs (bitterness units) increase.

·         Utilization increases with length and rigor of the boil.

·         Foaming and boilover can greatly decrease utilization. Hop iso-alpha-acids cling to foam and the sides of the kettle.

·         For beginners: 60 minutes = 33%, 30 minutes = 22%, 10 minutes = 10%.

The amount of hops required may now be determined (again, percents are expressed as decimals):

g hops =

(IBU) (liters of wort)
       (desired a-acid fraction)       


(% a-acid)(extraction efficiency)
(1,000 mg/g)

Grams of hops may then be converted to pounds or ounces:

1 lb. = 16 oz. = 453.6 kg

For the final hop addition, the time (0) and desired alpha-acid fraction (0) were entered to signify that these hops were being added to the whirlpool for aroma and would provide almost no bitterness.

The cost of malt and hops were computed by adding the total weights and multiplying this sum by the cost per pound.

Mash Calculations
I noted any necessary water adjustments but did not choose to have the spreadsheet figure them.

The liquor-to-grist ratio of the mash should be selected (3 is a good value for an infusion mash and 4 for a decoction). The volume of mash water (VMW) may be determined:

VMW in liters = (Total weight of malt in kg) x (Liquor to grist ratio)

Choose a mash-in temperature (MIT) and have the spreadsheet determine the strike temperature (ST) by the following:

ST =

(Kg malt)(1.6)(MIT-20)

+ MIT + 3



All temperatures are expressed in degrees centigrade, and 1.6 is the specific heat of the malt, 4.18 is the specific heat of water, 20 is the temperature of the grain before mashing in, and 3 is a fudge factor for heat lost to the outside air and mash tun.

I have found that this equation works extremely well, and I can almost always hit my mash temperature within one degree centigrade. However, I preheat my mash tun and work in a temperate environment, so you may want to adjust this equation accordingly.

I chose a yeast strain and mash profile and left a small space for additional comments. This recipe fits on a single sheet of paper.

Putting It to Work
Everything thus far has been based on theory. Page two of the spreadsheet is the reality — trying to hit the numbers and analyzing the results. I use a blank page two and fill it in with pencil on brew day. I transfer the data to the computer later.

The first section is a record of the actual mash temperatures. I record everything in degrees centigrade. Remaining is a column for decoctions if needed.

Since mash temperature determines enzyme action and malt extraction, it is very important to keep an accurate record. For infusion mashes I used to check the temperature every 15 minutes, but I now know exactly how much heat my mash tun loses. For temperature-controlled mashes you may want to record temperatures more often.

I record the specific gravity of the first and last runnings. If the gravity of my last runnings is high (greater than 1.010), I know that my lautering procedure is inefficient. I also record the pre-boil volume and gravity of the wort. If I want to hit a certain specific gravity, this information can tell me how long to boil. A rule of thumb is 10 percent evaporation equals 11.5 percent gravity increase, and 20 percent evaporation equals 25 percent gravity increase. Remember that specific gravity is based on a temperature of 60° F. (See correction table).

The post-boil volume (PBV) of the wort is the volume on which all of my figures were predicated. It is also the volume used to determine extraction efficiencies. This volume differs slightly from line two on page one of the spreadsheet because it is measured at 212° F and line two is computed for 60° F. I use a long dowel, which I have calibrated with water at 60° F, to measure all kettle volumes.

The next value, the "knockout" volume, is the volume of the wort in the fermenter. I recommend permanently marking each fermenter in half-gallon increments. Original gravity (OG) is recorded as the cool wort exits the kettle. This is converted to degrees Plato as in the first equation. Use the simple method — the last three digits of specific gravity divided by four — or the more accurate and complex calculation listed below.

Now your system’s actual extraction efficiency (EE) may be determined:

EE (%) =

   (PBV x 0.96)(OG)(OE)  

x 100%


Total Kilograms of malt used

OE should be expressed as a decimal (12° Plato = 0.12) and PBV should be in liters. A correction factor of 0.96 compensates for the decrease in volume when wort cools from 212° F to 60° F. EE is the overall extraction efficiency; the efficiency of the pale malt is actually slightly higher (0 to 2 percent) than this number and the specialty malt is slightly lower (1 to 3 percent). Use these extraction efficiencies to refine your next batch. Once you have made several batches, you can pinpoint your accuracy and gain control over your system.

The fermentation date, time, strain, generation, pitching rate and temperature, and fermenter type are all recorded. Gravity readings may be taken (though are not necessary) to monitor fermentation. Apparent Terminal Gravity (ATG) is recorded, and from this several estimated values may be obtained.

Apparent Extract (AE) is the Apparent Terminal Gravity converted to degrees Plato.

Here are more equations used on the spreadsheet. Original Extract (OE) and Apparent Extract (AE) are expressed as decimals.

Apparent Attenuation (AA) = (OE-AE)/(OE) x 100%

Alcohol % volume =

(OE-AE) x 100%



Alcohol % weight = (Alc % volume)(.794/ATG)

I conclude my spreadsheet with information about conditioning and packaging. Because I use kegs, I record the temperature and pressure to obtain the volumes of carbon dioxide. Taste comments are provided by several willing subjects.

I urge everyone serious about brewing to develop a spreadsheet suited for their own use. Every brewer and brewing system is unique and in a constant state of change. The format I use has undergone several major modifications in the past several beers. I am assuming it will change just as much in the future.

Longtime homebrewer Scott Lowry is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, brewing program.

Use this equation for an exact conversion of specific gravity to degrees Plato:

DP = [(SG)2 (-205.347)] + (668.72)(SG) - 463.37


Correction Table

Temperature (F)

Specific Gravity Correction

















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