35 rhums.txt

(16 KB) Pobierz
00:02:10:Thirty-Five Shots
00:06:24:I'll take this one.
00:07:42:You smell like cigarettes.
00:07:46:I smoked again.
00:08:05:There's tomato and lettuce.|Want a salad?
00:08:08:Sure, if you want. That's fine.
00:08:30:It's nice!
00:08:34:It's great you remembered.
00:09:41:It's ready.
00:09:44:I'll hurry!
00:10:11:Just right.
00:10:36:Some more?
00:10:46:Thank you, Daddy.
00:12:35:Fucking pains in the ass!
00:12:45:Hey, daddy-o.
00:12:47:I got back late.
00:12:52:Move it, fatso.
00:14:49:Today's not my day.
00:14:51:Couldn't someone need|to go to the airport?
00:14:56:Nope. Short, local rides.
00:14:58:Taxi drivers always complain.
00:15:00:If you're not happy, change jobs!
00:15:03:It's what's called "flexibility. "
00:15:06:Not at all, sir.|I love my job, believe me.
00:15:10:Never the same thing.
00:15:13:I'm happy behind the wheel.
00:15:17:No boss breathing down my neck.
00:15:19:I meet interesting people.
00:15:22:Okay, whatever...
00:15:25:Keep the change.
00:15:27:Want my card, just in case?
00:15:29:You never know|when you need a driver.
00:15:35:- Have a nice day.|- You too.
00:15:43:Explain yourself. You say|either too much or not enough.
00:15:47:What I mean is...
00:15:49:debt is a way|of dominating the Global South.
00:15:54:Creditors have the privilege|of deciding the rules of the game.
00:16:01:used to manage|international debt load
00:16:04:and imposed on countries in debt.
00:16:09:I don't think|we can ignore Stiglitz.
00:16:13:You say it|as if it's totally self-evident...
00:16:18:It's a little pedantic.
00:16:20:Annoying for your classmates.
00:16:22:Unlike you, they didn't have|to prepare today's class.
00:16:26:If you could be less pedantic,|it would be nice.
00:16:34:Yesterday on the radio|someone from an NGO
00:16:38:was discussing|the power of the weak.
00:16:40:But you're saying there's no hope.
00:16:43:You're not here to hope or despair,
00:16:46:but to develop critical faculties,
00:16:48:rhetorical skills,|analytical frameworks.
00:16:51:Conceptualize your ideas.
00:16:53:That's what we're trying to achieve.
00:16:55:Josephine, answer.
00:17:00:It's neither right nor wrong.
00:17:02:You're begging the question.
00:17:04:Debt can be discussed|without getting all emotional.
00:17:09:It should be discussed|precisely, rigorously, technically.
00:17:14:Just technically?
00:17:15:I disagree.
00:17:17:Stiglitz, Brenton Wood|and the IMF are fine.
00:17:20:But debts are relative.|Which debt do we mean?
00:17:24:The Global South|still owes the North.
00:17:26:But I have a question.
00:17:28:Why not demand restitution|for the slave trade?
00:17:32:Debt, the IMF, is always us.|Always the same.
00:17:35:Blacks get flushed down the drain.
00:17:38:I think the problem is systemic.
00:17:42:The system must be changed.
00:17:45:As Frantz Fanon says...
00:17:49:You should read him. It can't hurt.
00:17:53:When we revolt,|it's not for a particular culture.
00:17:58:We revolt simply...|because, for many reasons...
00:18:02:we can no longer breathe.
00:19:55:You can't fall apart now.
00:19:59:Not in front of everyone.
00:20:07:Good luck, Ren?. Happy retirement.|You deserve it.
00:20:10:Let's hear it for Ren?!
00:20:13:Here's to you!
00:20:18:From the girls.
00:20:33:And now from your brothers!
00:20:37:We picked it out ourselves.
00:21:00:We're not done.
00:21:15:All your music at your fingertips.
00:21:26:You can listen to FM Tropical.
00:21:30:To Ren?!
00:21:43:My friends...
00:21:45:Thank you all for being here.
00:21:51:I've waited so long for this.
00:21:55:It's a deliverance, you know.
00:22:10:You okay?
00:22:18:Tonight I feel like...
00:22:22:I have wings.
00:22:28:- To you!|- Another round.
00:22:29:To all of you!
00:22:31:Another round!
00:22:42:I've had enough.
00:22:48:Down the hatch!
00:22:50:14, 15...
00:22:59:Your turn, Lionel. Go for it.
00:23:03:The time's right for the 35 shots.
00:23:06:What's this thing... about 35 shots?
00:23:14:It's an old story.
00:23:17:But I won't drink them.
00:23:20:Not tonight.
00:23:52:My stop.
00:23:55:See you tomorrow.
00:24:18:What were you saying?
00:24:25:Surrendering to this condition|is what's so hard.
00:24:35:I'd like to have died young.
00:24:37:But I'm at the age I'm at.
00:24:43:And healthy as an ox.
00:24:46:I'll die at 100, at this rate.
00:25:00:I don't have this life in me.
00:25:06:The subway and all that...
00:25:12:It hit me unarmed and unprepared.
00:26:27:- Were you playing soccer?|- Yes, Detective.
00:26:32:Your dad's not back. No lights on.
00:26:35:He had the party for Ren?.
00:26:37:He'll probably stay late.
00:26:47:Wort you come over for a bite?
00:26:49:Thanks, Gab. I can't tonight.
00:26:52:There's yesterday's pork roast.
00:26:54:I have exams. I can't stay up late.
00:26:58:It was easier when you were a kid.
00:27:02:You'd fall asleep on the table,
00:27:04:then I'd take you into my bed.
00:28:01:I'll buy my ticket tomorrow.|You two coming?
00:28:05:I don't know. Any good?
00:28:06:If we wait too long,|it'll sell out.
00:28:09:I was taking my shower.|Excuse me...
00:28:12:- Your dad will want to.|- For sure!
00:28:17:Good night.
00:28:57:{y:i}To all residents:|Please be reminded
00:28:59:{y:i}bikes belong in the shed.|Thanks in advance.
00:29:08:Don't wait up for him all night!
00:30:54:You look sort of sloshed.
00:31:02:Fighting fire with fire.
00:32:27:Come closer.
00:32:40:There's something I want.
00:32:43:Don't feel I need|to be looked after.
00:32:52:I want you to think of yourself.
00:32:54:You're getting rid of me.
00:32:57:You don't love me anymore.
00:33:13:Don't be sad.
00:33:18:I love you.
00:33:42:Just feel free.
00:34:18:I'm coming!
00:34:47:- Faster?|- If you want.
00:35:03:Nice and warm.
00:35:06:Stupid ass!
00:35:25:You're crazy!
00:36:20:I'm out of milk.
00:36:22:Not a problem.
00:36:36:Where to, this time?
00:36:38:If you really care,|come along and you'll see.
00:37:09:Didn't you say|you'd sell everything?
00:37:14:It's not suffocating, living here?
00:37:18:It's all that's left of my parents.
00:37:22:A table, some furniture.|What the hell do I care?
00:37:30:Like with this apartment.|I don't get attached.
00:37:39:What's holding you back?
00:37:42:I don't know.|I must have my reasons.
00:38:22:Here are the keys.
00:38:24:I bet you haven't eaten a thing.
00:38:27:You redid the place?
00:38:29:It was Jo. She repainted.
00:38:34:It's nice.
00:38:38:Give him a plate.
00:38:41:I'll stay for a few minutes.
00:38:53:Taking your car or the subway?
00:38:57:I'll take my car.
00:38:59:I'll leave it in the lot.
00:39:27:No? is something!
00:39:29:His old furniture,|his old cat, his trips...
00:39:33:You think he's happy?
00:39:36:- I think he's lonely.|- Don't overdo it.
00:39:42:He has us.
00:39:54:We have everything here.
00:39:57:Why go looking elsewhere?
00:41:32:Happy to have the place to yourself?
00:41:44:{y:i}Welcome to the Free Zone
00:41:53:{y:i}Anthropology on Strike
00:42:08:Move... Don't just stand there.
00:42:10:It's blocked!
00:42:13:Let us through!
00:44:01:{y:i}Working late. Jo.
00:44:29:Lina, Th?o...
00:44:32:My colleagues.
00:44:51:You're quiet. Upset I'm here?
00:44:54:The less you know, the better I feel.
00:45:08:Your friend's here.
00:45:12:Hey, rascal.
00:45:14:Remember Gabrielle?
00:45:18:I never forget a beautiful woman.
00:45:21:Let me buy you a drink.
00:45:24:No thanks, Ren?. I'm on the job.
00:45:27:I thought you left the city.
00:45:31:For where?
00:45:32:I don't know. Far away somewhere.
00:45:37:It's best that I go.|I'll leave you.
00:45:43:So long, Gabrielle.
00:45:47:Take care.
00:45:54:Got any plans?
00:46:13:You lent it to me.
00:46:25:I forgot all about it.
00:46:41:I'm not well. I'll walk.
00:48:00:They're closing Anthropology.
00:48:03:They claim it serves no purpose.
00:48:08:My name's Ruben.
00:48:17:See you soon.
00:48:20:Coming to the concert?
00:48:23:I don't know, maybe.
00:48:38:Waiting for me?
00:48:39:I don't like these night hours.
00:48:42:I worry when you come home so late.
00:48:47:You should quit this job.
00:49:05:I enjoy riding like this.
00:49:12:Me too.
00:49:36:Why do you do this?
00:49:38:I don't know. I don't mind.
00:49:43:You can't wear wrinkled shirts.
00:49:45:It bothers me. I prefer to do it.
00:49:48:- Is it the right one?|- I'll do it.
00:49:50:Okay, do it then.
00:49:52:And what's that thing?
00:49:58:What's he up to?|He knows the traffic's bad.
00:50:02:Hurry up, Lionel!
00:50:04:We're ready and waiting.
00:50:06:I'm coming.
00:50:18:You like to be last.|You can't help it.
00:50:20:Got your wallet?
00:50:23:We're not late.|No? isn't even here.
00:50:31:I got tickets for the concert.|I thought you'd like it.
00:50:37:In fact I'm already going.
00:50:41:We're about to leave.
00:50:45:Wait for No?. I'll get the car.
00:50:56:I have to run. I'm double parked.
00:50:59:See you at the concert, maybe.
00:51:02:What's his name?
00:51:04:Ruben. A classmate of mine.
00:51:10:Am I running behind?
00:51:40:Lionel, take the tickets.
00:51:41:I'll drop you off|and park in the lot.
00:51:49:We're not even near.
00:52:21:We haven't gone out|as a family in ages.
00:52:28:Can you lower the music a little?
00:52:32:We can't talk.
00:53:22:- Hold on!|- Gabrielle, get behind the wheel!
00:53:25:I can't believe this!
00:53:27:It's no big deal.
00:53:29:It'll be fine. Turn!
00:53:30:Be careful! Not so fast!
00:53:33:- Calm down!|- I am calm...
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