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  Pre-intermediate Tests Answer Key

Quick Check Test 1A

1:                2 Where does he work?

              3 When did you go to her party?

              4 How often do you stay at home on your own?

              5 Who does she go out with on Friday nights?

              6 What did they have/do in February?

2:                2 met, got  3 became, made 

              4 went, didn’t buy  5 had, travelled  6 decided, moved

3:               2 I’d love a drink, thank you.

              3 Did you see him on Monday?

              4 My exams are in October.

              5 What are you doing
this afternoon?

              6 She met him in Italy.

4:                2f  3e 4a 5c 6d

5:                2 gets  3 did (they) fall  4 met 

              5 argued 6 got

6:                2b  3a  4a  5b  6b



Quick Check Test 1B

1:                2 Where does she go every Friday night?

              3 What did you have/do last weekend?

              4 What do they do (in the health centre)?

              5 When was her wedding?

              6 How often does Paul stay at home on his own?

2:                2 had, travelled  3 sold, moved

              4 met, got 5 became, lost 
6 went, didn’t buy

3:                2 What are you doing this evening?

              3 He met her in Estonia.

              4 I’d love a coffee, thank you.

              5 Did he phone her last night?

              6 My holidays are in August.

4:               2c  3f  4a  5e  6d

5:                2 argued  3 got  4 got/gets 

              5 did (you) fall  6 met

6:                2a  3b  4a  5a  6b


Quick Check Test 2A

1:                2 Is he studying hard for his exams now?

              3 So what does she want to do?

              4 Why are they selling their house?

              5 Where are you working at the moment?

              6 Do you often read the newspaper online?

2:               b) 4 are moving

              c) 5 are currently working

              d) 6 don’t like

              e) 2 is working

              f) 3 wants

3:                2 once in a while  3 hardly ever 

              4 usually  5 rarely  6 occasionally

4:                1 boss  2 office, customers 

              3 company, staff, salaries  4 tasks

5:                2 deal  3 pressure, risk  4 team 

              5 with, problems  6 lives  7 fashion

6:                2 personal trainer

              3 motorcycle courier 4 sales rep

              5 foreign correspondent

              6 fashion designer

7:                2 being  3 working  4 dealing 

              5 working 6 getting  7 doing 

              8 swimming  9 going 

              10 become  11 do


Quick Check Test 2B

1:                2 What are they doing at the moment?

              3 Do you often write comments on websites?

              4 Is she working in a restaurant now?

              5 So what does he want to do next?

              6 Why are you selling your house?

2:                b) 4 ’s studying  c) 5 wants

              d) 6 am moving

              e) 2 are currently working

              f) 3 don’t like

3:                2 once in a while  3 usually  4 rarely

              5 occasionally  6 hardly ever

4:                1 boss  2 tasks  3 office, customers

              4 company, staff, salaries

5:               2 lives  3 education  4 deal

              5 pressure, risk  6 team

              7 with, problems

6:               2 IT consultant  3 personal trainer

4 sales rep  5 fashion designer

6 motorcycle courier

7:               2 working  3 being  4 meeting

              5 dealing 6 working  7 spending

              8 learning  9 playing  10 do

              11 become

Quick Check Test 3A

1:                2e going 3b doing  4f are

              5a feeling 6c do 

2:                2 What  3 Which  4 How many 

              5 Whose  6 Which

3:                2 Which film did they go to see?

              3 How many books did you buy yesterday? 4 ü 

              5 Which TV programmes do you like?  6 ü

4:                2a  3m  4m  5m  6a  7m  8m  9a   10a  11m

5:                1 exhibition, paintings  2 songwriter

              3 classical  4 audience   

6:                1...

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