patch 1.17a README.txt

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                           The Modders from TitanQuest.Net
                    Fan-Patch v1.17 for Titan Quest/Immortal Throne


0. Last minute notes [LMN]
1. Introduction [INT]
2. Disclaimer [DIS]
3. Installation and Technical Details [TECH]
4. What is fixed? [FIX]
5. FAQ [FAQ]
6. Troubleshooting [TBL]
7. Feedback [FEED]
8. Credits [CRE]


1.17a was released because of compatibility issues with digital versions (D2D,
Steam, Impulse, etc...). This caused the version number not to update.
If you have a retail version of 1.17, there won't be a difference. For digital
users, you can simply apply 1.17a to 1.17. 1.17a will simply be referred to as
1.17. In the game menu, instead of 1.17a, you will simply see 1.17.


Thanks for downloading the Titan Quest/Immortal Throne Fan-Patch 1.17! 
Titan Quest, and its expansion set, Immortal Throne, were the flagship product
of IronLore Entertainment. Unfortunately, the studio has since closed down,
and there will be no more fixes or additions to the already great game.

This is where the Fanpatch comes in; the Fanpatch fixes many remaining bugs
and flaws within the game and is the culmination of the hard work of many
modders from The goal of the patch is to ensure that even
though IronLore has closed it doors, Titan Quest will be continually updated
through the efforts of its fans. 

The patch tries its best to fix the game such as to the intent of the designers,
and does not make any balancing changes or creative changes (unless as necessary 
for the resolution of a particular problem).


Titan Quest and Immortal Throne were created by IronLore Entertainment, 
The intellectual property of Titan Quest and Immortal Throne is owned by THQ.
This fan-patch does not claim to owe any assets of the game. 
Users of this patch use it entirely at their own risk.


3. Installation and Technical Details [TECH]

Note: if you have modified your existing game files, the installer might not 
recognize your version of the game or install correctly. In this case, restore 
the files you changed before running the patch. If you're not sure which files 
you changed, simply reinstall Immortal Throne to be sure (this will not affect
your character/save data). Also, we've made a number of optimizations to the 
patch since 1.1.16, so installing on a fresh installation of Immortal Throne 
will have the best results.

If this is your first time installing the community patch, please be read up
on the the quest-reward fixes here:

Patch installation

Unzip the file and run the provided installer. It updates 1.1, 1.15 and 1.16 to 1.17

After the patch has installed, you should see the version number on your main 
screen has changed to "v1.17." If not, check the trouble-shooting section.

If you want back to the original version, use the uninstaller. (the uninstaller comes with
the game.dll and engine.dll from the retail version)


4. What is fixed? [FIX]
Bugs fixed in patch v1.17

- Outsider's damage does not increase past level 15.
- Liche King's Soul Blight projectile has no sound and no visible impact.
- Nymph has no aggressive or defensive controllers.
- Nymph's weapon attack does not use flat damage from pet bonuses.
- Briarward does not get Epic or Legendary health boosts.
- Shaman's Leggings still give double recharge bonuses.
- Spellbreaker projectile fails to affect targets half the time.
- Revenant Greaves still don't drop, and Epic and Legendary variants aren't linked.
- Gigantes defensive auras fail to activate because of an animation problem.
- Gigantes monster gear and monster infrequent gear is a mess.
- Normal Scepter of the Liche King has irregular damage values.
- Monster Infrequent leg armor from Act 4 monsters can drop without affixes.
- Percentage poison damage completion bonuses on relics and charms do not work.
- Percentage poison damage boosts on Battlemarker shrines do not work.
- Ravages of Time icon is too large.
- Traps became dumber in 1.1.16.
- Inzu the Dune Raider is a Beastman (should be Demon).
- 6678 should be 6788
- Removed fix notes from previous patch change logs that have been confirmed
  as not having been implemented, or not working as intended.

Additional Features of v1.17

o Allskins: all the skin bottles from the latest AllSkins mod 0.8a have been added
  so players can see each others' skins online and trade bottles. We've also included
  optional vendors so that players can purchase skin bottles from all versions, past
  and present, of the allskins mod. To access this option, use the menu's "Unlock Content" 
  button and type in this code: 123. This will drop 2 artifacts, each of which will spawn 
  the appropriate vendor when equipped. Additionaly, we also included specialty skin 
  vendors for adult skins, dress-mesh skins, and skirtless-mesh skins (unlock code:
  12345). Note: a player must be using the dress mesh or skirtless mesh in order to 
  properly display skins purchased from those vendors (found in Allskins 0.8). Also, 
  summoned vendors will not disappear until you exit the game, so we recommend summoning 
  them in a city. 

o Custom Item Support: items from some custom-game mods have been included in the patch
   to prevent their loss when accidentally loading a custom-game character into a 
   different mod or into the regular game. If you bring these items into the original 
   game, they will appear in your inventory as unusable parchments until returned to 
   the originating mod.
  	Custom games currently supported:
		Occult 1.0
		Uber 1.1
		StreetFighter BETA

   If you have a mod with new items, and would like take advantage of the custom-item
   support in the next fanpatch, register on and go to the fan patch 
   forums to request your mod's inclusion:

Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.16

- Polyphemus now gets the proper resistance across difficulties
- Frozen monsters with unique spears are now fixed
- Odontotyrannus (Beast) no longer drops Demons Blood charm
- Double resistances from undead were removed

- Removed double -%recharge for normal Shaman's Helm. Normal Shaman's Helm now gets 
  a single -5%recharge bonus.
- Nightmistress' Staff projectile range has been restored, and new projectile 
  is more visible
- Legendary Tiger Claw now gives a proper OA bonus
- Attackspeed of Shiverblood fixed
- Hermes Sandals now has proper bonuses for all three difficulties
- Hermes Sandal movement speed bonus increased to 5/6/7 for N/E/L
- Scepter of the Liche King's base damage fixed
- Might of Hephaestes now activates it's granted skill properly
- Batrachos Greaves have been restored to give +%DA instead of DA again

- Coredweller now casts Taunt when in agressive mode
- Mortal Wound now has consistent increase levelling up.
- Ravages of Time icon is now replaced with a square to show it's an active 
- Vision of Death now properly causes all successfully feared monsters to flee 
  instead of sometimes getting stuck
- Liche King's Arcane Blast can now be used if the Liche is lower than level 5

- Persephone's mesh is now fixed
- Near invisible projectiles on staffs without base damage are now replaced by
  a more visible projectile

- The attribute points you get from the Great Emperor are no longer forfeited 
  if miss your opportunity to talk to the emperor's ghost. 
- Hades Generals quest reward now finally works. 
- Stygian Lurker quest reward can now be regained. 
- Hidden Treasure quest no longer gives incorrect experience if you complete 
  quest before talking to quest giver.

Note: All changed quests will no longer be visible in your quest log. The game 
  will check your character when you load a game in 1.1.16 and let you know if 
  your character has any missing quest rewards and give you a one-time message 
  telling you to visit Laches at the Helos portal, who will recover your missing 
  rewards and restore your quest log entries (though other rewards previously 
  obtained on those quests will not be displayed). For more information about
  Quest Reward Recovery, visit the bugfix forums at

Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.15

- Controllers Fixed for megalesios spirit
- Chest Traps Fixed (fire, frost, plaque, and poison)
- Dark Obelisk Soul Fixed
- Charon Minion Fixed
- Night Mistress Hero Fixed
- Many NPCs in Act 4 Fixed
- Mob pools through out all acts Fixed
- About ...
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