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ASSIGMENT – zadanie – task given as part of you studies or your job

AUTONOMY – niezależny – the power to make your own decisions

AUTHORITATIVE – wiarygodny? - adjective used for telling people what to do

AS SUCH- taki jak – used after a noun when you are referring to the usual meaning of the word

BEATING – lanie – the act of hitting someone hard a number of times as a punishment

(be) THE DONE THING – phrase to be the correct thing to do or be the way that people think you should behave

BURST INTO TEARS – phrase to suddendly start crying

BLAME – winic – to say who or what is responsible for an accident or problem

COMMITMENT – determination to work at sth or intention to support sth

DRESS CODE – to set of rules about what you should wear in particular place or at a particular event

DOG EAT DOG – phrase a situation in which ppl compete very hard and will do anything to be succesfull

DIVE – to jump into water head first

DEADLINE – a specific time or date by which you have to do sth

DOGMATIC – adjective so sure that your beliefs and ideas are right that you expect other ppl to accept them

ETIQUETTE – to set of rules for behaving correcly in particular situation

INTERN – stażysta – a student or recently qualified person who works in a job in order to get


NEGLECT – zaniedbywac – not to do sth that you should do

NICKEL – five cents, coin in us & canada

ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS- phrase used for saying how often sth happens

ORGANIGRAM – a drawing or plan that gives the names and job titles of all the staff in a organization or department

OVERVIEW - opis cech czegos, przeglad – a description of the main features of sth

POLISH – to rub the surface of something in order to make it shine

PICK UP – to learn information or a new skill wtihout trying or without meaning to

PREDECESSOR - poprzednik – the person who had the job before

SKIVE OFF – to stay away from school or work when you should be there

STRESSED OUT -zestresowany– adjective suffering because of pressure at work or other problems

SUCCESOR - nastepca – the person who has job or postion after someone else

TURN OUT – to be discovered to be sth, have sth

TAKE OVER – to take control of sth

TACTFUL- taktowny – adjective carefoul in the way you speak and behave so you do not upset other people

THREATENING - grozny – adjective showing or saying that someone is likely to do something that will harm you


Wouldn't you agree that …?

Actually, I think …

Don't you think …?

Why don't you …?

You might want to...

You could maybe...

It seems to me that...

Wouldn't it be better to …?

You'd do better to

I think perhaps...

Ceo – chief executive officer





Hold on

Get through

Put you through

Hang  up

Call back

Speak up

Get back

Ring back


Take initiative

Make a commitment to

Be a good listener

Work to strict deadlines

Build good working relationships

Work closely with

Make a valuable contribution to

Manage a  busy workload

Possess strong negotiating skills

Take on a busy workload






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