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Edited by Vivek Patel
Edited by Vivek Patel
Edited by Vivek Patel
Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
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First published March, 2012
Printed in Croatia
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Petrochemicals, Edited by Vivek Patel
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0411-7
Preface IX
Part 1
Introduction 1
Chapter 1
Petrochemicals: Cellulosic Wastes
as an Alternative Source of Feedstock 3
Solomon Gabche Anagho and Horace Manga Ngomo
Chapter 2
A Possibility to Use a Batch
of Ashless Additives for Production
of Commercial Transmission and Motor Oil
Milena Dimitrova and Yordanka Tasheva
Chapter 3
Chemical Reactor Control 33
Azzouzi Messaouda and Popescu Dumitru
Part 2
Modeling and Simulation
Chapter 4
Modeling and Simulation
of Water Gas Shift Reactor:
An Industrial Case 53
Douglas Falleiros Barbosa Lima,
Fernando Ademar Zanella, Marcelo Kaminski Lenzi
and Papa Matar Ndiaye
Chapter 5
Simulation of Non-Newtonian
Fluids Through Porous Media
José Luis Velázquez Ortega
and Suemi Rodríguez Romo
Chapter 6
Simultaneous Elimination of Carbon
and Nitrogen Compounds of Petrochemical
Effluents by Nitrification and Denitrification
Anne-Claire Texier, Alejandro Zepeda,
Jorge Gómez and Flor Cuervo-López
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