Le Dossier 51 - Akta 51 1978 (Anna Prucnal).txt

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{234}{350}DOSSIER 51
{600}{649}Jean de Malarielle,
{654}{746}appointed Ambassador|of France in Copenhagen
{762}{810}will be replaced as head
{814}{890}of the French|delegation to ODENS
{967}{1021}by Dominique Auphal.
{4021}{4068}"October 12, 1977.
{4096}{4140}"From: Minerva.
{4163}{4205}"To: Mars.
{4271}{4382}"Following the announcement of|Dominique Auphal's appointment..."
{4418}{4522}By the way, did you ask Archives|about the Auphal documents?
{4622}{4695}"Subject: Dominique Auphal's nomination
{4700}{4810}"to the Organization for the Development|of North-South Exchange,
{4815}{4859}"i.e. ODENS.
{4904}{5024}"We hereby request all available|information on Dominique Auphal."
{5075}{5112}New line.
{5154}{5284}"Auphal will be designated|by code name 51."
{5593}{5653}{Y:i}- Ah, the Senate.|- Exactly.
{5713}{5819}some footage of the subject,|shot per your October 12 request.
{5824}{5896}- He's a senator?|- No, diplomat.
{5915}{5978}Just tell us which one he is.
{6012}{6130}- The one who just turned around.|- Good. The one with his back to us.
{6135}{6221}The problem is that his back is to us.|Typical Mars.
{6301}{6373}He'll have to turn around eventually.
{6612}{6661}About that "Er..."
{6675}{6721}OK, let's move on.
{6744}{6877}Born March 31, 1940, in Paris, to|Lucien Auphal, M.D., deceased in 1970,
{6905}{6973}and Monique de Servas, no profession.
{6978}{7092}Married to Liliane de Maupertain, 30,|also without profession.
{7097}{7149}Here, he's leaving home,
{7154}{7222}13, avenue Observatoire, Paris 6th.
{7303}{7379}Two.|St?phane, 6 and ?lodie, 4.
{7404}{7480}- When does he leave for Luxembourg?|- Soon.
{7485}{7542}- His family coming along?|- No.
{7547}{7606}They'll join him later.
{7610}{7641}Go on.
{7678}{7811}I'll skip over elementary and high school|straight to National School of Management
{7837}{7967}and on to Foreign Affairs,|which he joins March 1, '67.
{8022}{8105}Appointed Commercial Attach?|in Madrid, July '68.
{8158}{8212}That's him in the circle.
{8219}{8276}April '71, appointed
{8297}{8375}Second Assistant Ambassador|in Stockholm,
{8383}{8507}where he pursues a specialty in economic|and financial affairs. No pictures.
{8540}{8650}First Assistant in Rabat, May '72.|There, our man acted up.
{8655}{8741}To sum up:|Hassan II escapes assassination.
{8746}{8853}51 holds back the Ambassador|who wanted to rush to the palace
{8858}{8920}to congratulate Hassan.
{8924}{9020}51 reminds him of the lingering|Ben Barka controversy,
{9029}{9076}explaining, I quote,
{9081}{9192}"Hasty congratulations would|be inconsistent with France's dignity."
{9220}{9270}Well?|Next document!
{9274}{9346}Right away, sir.|Just a small glitch.
{9356}{9458}He was absolutely furious with|the royal clique. I quote...
{9463}{9511}No, we already saw this!
{9515}{9598}He made enough waves|to get recalled to Paris.
{9603}{9689}51 is on the right.|His wife is in the middle.
{9696}{9830}Things settled down thanks to the esteem|in which 51 is held in some high circles,
{9843}{9903}notably, that of Michel Debr?.
{9936}{10032}Report from our agent in Rabat,|from August 25, '72:
{10045}{10124}"Liliane Auphal,|wife of Dominique Auphal...
{10129}{10236}"First Assistant at the French Embassy|in Rabat..." -- That's her.
{10251}{10384}"is mistress to Marcello Comi, Cultural|Attach? at the Italian Embassy in Rabat."
{10425}{10519}"They meet in the early afternoon|on Tuesdays and Fridays."
{10524}{10599}- This picture is from a Tuesday.|- You're sure?
{10604}{10665}- Looks more like a Friday.|- Enough!
{10670}{10754}"At Comi's villa,|94, Cesario Alley.
{10787}{10878}"It doesn't appear that|Dominique Auphal knows."
{10895}{10955}In February '73, finally,
{10960}{11058}he's promoted to the Foreign Affairs|Office as Director of the
{11063}{11143}Technical Cooperation Service.|No documents.
{11154}{11191}{Y:i}No documents.
{11199}{11263}{Y:i}In the end,|very few documents.
{11268}{11348}{Y:i}October 12, 8 days ago,|we requested, I quote,
{11353}{11427}{Y:i}"All available information|on Dominique Auphal."
{11432}{11514}{Y:i}January 9, '77,|Jupiter ordered, I quote,
{11536}{11623}{Y:i}"The utmost caution in|operations involving France."
{11628}{11664}{Y:i}Bad timing.
{11685}{11728}{Y:i}No, read it yourself.
{11733}{11798}{Y:i}- It's dated...?|- October 17.
{11803}{11869}{Y:i}- 3 days ago. From...?|- Jupiter.
{11899}{11965}{Y:i}"Under the pretense of... etc.,
{11994}{12079}{Y:i}"ODENS is becoming|the economic spearhead
{12084}{12149}{Y:i}"of Western Europe in the Third World.
{12154}{12269}{Y:i}"800 billion dollars worth of contracts|swiped in one year from under our noses."
{12274}{12326}{Y:i}Are you starting to get it?
{12331}{12400}{Y:i}Jupiter wants to infiltrate ODENS.
{12404}{12479}{Y:i}How?|By recruiting one of its members.
{12491}{12541}{Y:i}So far, we have failed.
{12552}{12651}{Y:i}A newbie has shown up.|A golden opportunity: it's 51.
{12668}{12715}{Y:i}We NEED 51.
{12746}{12857}{Y:i}- Did I make myself clear?|- Quite. But I repeat, he...
{12890}{12975}"November 5, '77.|Minerva to Mars.
{13033}{13146}"As soon as 51 leaves Paris,|a close watch is to be established
{13151}{13238}"on his wife,|designated henceforth as 52.
{13266}{13375}"You are also to deploy a|surveillance network in Luxembourg.
{13405}{13525}"Should 51 move into the house|formerly occupied by his predecessor,
{13546}{13618}"make sure it's permanently bugged."
{13676}{13736}51 took office on November 16.
{13766}{13866}He moved into the official residence|left by his predecessor.
{13871}{13982}As you requested, we've hidden|in it a micro transmitter.
{14006}{14066}I still maintain it was risky.
{14074}{14197}The French secret service might well have|inspected the place before 51 arrived.
{14201}{14324}Anyway, it's not working. A nearby|transformer is jamming transmission.
{14402}{14454}Paris, November 18, '77.
{14533}{14580}- The wife...|- Yes, yes...
{14585}{14651}Rabat, Friday.|Sorry, Tuesday.
{14662}{14721}- 51's wife...|- I.e. 52.
{14730}{14782}... To be precise.
{14813}{14861}15:11.|35, rue S?vres.
{15007}{15138}Verified: the person accompanying 52|is her sister, Genevi?ve de Maupertain.
{15171}{15232}17:14.|Boulevard Raspail.
{15265}{15349}17:20.|29, rue Lieutenant Carr?.
{15415}{15454}Datsun 260Z.
{15480}{15552}Unidentified man behind the wheel.
{15561}{15618}52 is sitting beside him.
{15650}{15684}November 22.
{15689}{15760}17:26.|Same address.
{15799}{15904}The subject buzzes at the door|of the 2nd floor apartment.
{15931}{15983}{Y:i}You're early again...
{16013}{16075}21:02.|Same car, same driver.
{16118}{16212}He's been identified:|Philippe Lescarre, 40, single.
{16217}{16251}52's lover.
{16256}{16331}Well done!|Let's call him 52b.
{16346}{16376}And then?
{16403}{16481}November 21. Paris.|Luxembourg Gardens.
{16509}{16629}Marguerite Marie, born in Maupertain,|housemaid in the 51 household.
{16645}{16686}His children.
{16735}{16768}Our agent.
{16784}{16865}I had this scene shot to get|footage of the children.
{16870}{16950}Conversation partially|captured by lapel mic.
{16997}{17061}{Y:i}What about your bosses?|They're cool?
{17065}{17106}{Y:i}As you say, cool.
{17111}{17195}{Y:i}- Does he hit on you?|- He's not the type.
{17200}{17313}{Y:i}He's pretty cold, if you ask me.|She can't be having a ball...
{17322}{17397}{Y:i}Maybe she finds solace elsewhere?
{17401}{17443}{Y:i}That's her business.
{17447}{17483}{Y:i}What's it to you?
{17488}{17570}{Y:i}You're nice.|I'd love for us to be friends.
{17575}{17634}{Y:i}- I like you...|- Drop the violin.
{17638}{17719}{Y:i}Put a ring on my finger,|you get whatever you want.
{17724}{17781}{Y:i}So are we on for Sunday?
{17859}{17983}The same two, the following Sunday,|at a dance hall on the Champs Elys?es:
{18050}{18140}{Y:i}No, I mean,|maybe they have their fights in private.
{18144}{18220}{Y:i}No way.|They're all diplomats.
{18242}{18319}{Y:i}Now stop with|all the talk about my boss.
{18324}{18384}{Y:i}I really like you.|Listen...
{18426}{18530}{Y:i}No more music. And we never even|stopped talking for a second!
{18535}{18582}{Y:i}Let me tell you one thing...
{18587}{18714}Our agent noted that Marguerite became|very standoffish during the 2nd meeting.
{18732}{18812}- She didn't show for the 3rd.|- We'll see.
{18817}{18882}Very well.|One thing for sure:
{18887}{18938}52 is having an affair.
{18947}{18989}What about 51?
{19001}{19053}What's new with 51?
{19061}{19160}He still hasn't tried to fill up|his loneliness in Luxembourg?
{19165}{19233}No, he has not been seen with a woman.
{19238}{19325}Except for his ODENS secretary,|Sylvie Mouriat.
{19330}{19380}- Is this her?|- Yes.
{19429}{19501}Dig around her a bit.|She's not bad.
{19511}{19558}He's alone.|It might work.
{19562}{19644}If she's protected by|French intelligence, we risk a lot.
{19649}{19717}It's worth it|to get 51 under control.
{19744}{19801}- By the way...|- Just a second.
{19806}{19930}I also want that guy's apartment bugged,|the Datsun driver, 52b.
{19959}{20006}Record what they're saying,
{20011}{20046}52 and him.
{20051}{20138}If it's interesting,|we'll move on to visuals.
{20173}{20277}November 28, 1977.|From: Mars. To: Minerva.
{20336}{20447}Recording of a conversation|between 52 and 52b
{20464}{20540}by a Mars technician on November 26,
{20559}{20668}starting at 18:41,|29, rue Lieutenant Carr?.
{20719}{20786}{Y:i}- How long has he been gone?|- Who?
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