(1991) The Adjuster.txt

(33 KB) Pobierz
00:02:37:I'll be right there.
00:03:55:It's me.
00:04:07:I'm just on my way|to a client...
00:04:11:and I just began to think|about our house...
00:04:17:It just seems like|I was imagining things.
00:04:29:As I was leaving,|you were moving around.
00:04:33:I'm not sure... I don't know...
00:04:38:I never know whether or not|to wake you during a nightmare.
00:05:20:I work for your|insurance company.
00:05:23:I'm an adjuster.
00:06:36:Thank you...
00:06:43:Thank you...
00:08:15:Yes chiquito LA LA LA LA LA
00:08:20:LA LA LA LA
00:09:00:the boy has sat upon|his mother's lap
00:09:08:lost who have|played love love
00:09:17:the boy has dreamed
00:09:31:God bless you my joy
00:09:35:the boy has lain|so close to my heart
00:10:15:I'm leaving now.
00:10:16:Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:10:19:Bye... take care.
00:10:32:I said: "Lick it!"
00:10:34:Lick it all over this cunt...
00:10:37:That's it...
00:10:39:Look at what I have for you!
00:10:43:It's your favorite toy...
00:10:47:Ooh!... ooh!... hum...
00:10:49:Does that feel good, daddy?
00:10:52:Does that feel good?
00:10:54:Tell me it feels good, daddy!
00:10:57:Oooh!... oooh!...
00:10:59:Here we go!
00:11:02:Your favourite part!
00:14:12:Well, it seems like|it's electrical.
00:14:16:Did you sleep?
00:14:19:Was it too noisy?
00:14:23:Was the room okay?
00:14:26:I... I usually recommend it...
00:14:30:It's very important that|you stay some place that...
00:14:35:you feel comfortable.
00:14:36:You may not feel it but...|you're in a state of shock.
00:14:44:Ah!... ah!... ah!...
00:14:51:Stop! Please! Stop! Please!
00:14:54:Ooh!... aah!... aah!...
00:15:04:Please, stop!...
00:15:11:Aah!... aah!...
00:15:31:Watch your step.
00:15:35:You must itemize|all the contents.
00:15:37:Everything that was in the house
00:15:40:at the time of the fire.
00:15:43:Beside each item,
00:15:44:you put the approximate value.
00:15:47:It helps to draw a plan.
00:15:50:It makes things clearer.
00:15:52:Unless you have|photographs, then...
00:17:04:I'll take you back to the motel.
00:17:09:No! No! Please! Stop!
00:17:18:We seem pretty much in accord.
00:17:21:25 A's, 13 B's, 2 C1's,|43 E's, 39 F's...
00:17:28:No G... surprising.
00:17:30:And 3 H's.
00:17:31:Any comments?
00:17:36:Jerry, what have you got next?
00:18:10:It looks good.
00:18:16:I gave you my numbers,|if you need anything else...
00:18:28:Do you eat out a lot?
00:18:33:It's an additional cost
00:18:35:we can cover.
00:18:37:There's a lot I need to know|before I can submit your claim.
00:18:43:What you had...
00:18:44:What your standard
00:18:46:of living was...
00:18:50:But you're tired.
00:18:52:We can start this|tomorrow, okay?
00:19:13:Hi, Noah!
00:19:14:Hi, Noah!
00:19:20:How are you?
00:19:25:Hello, mister render.
00:19:26:How are you doing, Louise?
00:19:29:Fine... and you?
00:19:30:Good... good.
00:19:32:Listen, someone|just moved into 92.
00:19:35:Her name is arianne.
00:19:37:She's very tired.
00:19:40:A pretty bad one.
00:19:41:She'll stay long?
00:19:43:I think so.
00:19:44:I'll let her sleep.
00:19:46:Are these new?
00:19:48:The prayer cards?
00:19:49:No, we've always had them.
00:19:52:They're nice, aren't they?
00:20:15:Hi, mister render.
00:20:21:Hi!|- Hi, Noah.
00:20:22:How are you doing?
00:20:38:Hi, Tim.
00:20:39:What a surprise!
00:20:41:I was just passing by.
00:20:43:Come on in.
00:20:46:Of course!
00:21:03:Where's Lorraine?
00:21:05:She went out.
00:21:06:They all work?
00:21:08:There's some water|damage on the shades,
00:21:12:What's the matter, Tim?
00:21:14:I just don't seem
00:21:16:to see the end of this.
00:21:19:I understand.
00:21:21:Any word on the claim?
00:21:23:It's taking so long!
00:21:25:It's complicated when you live
00:21:28:at your place of business,
00:21:30:sorting out inventory
00:21:32:from personal belongings...
00:21:33:We did that weeks ago!
00:21:35:You have the list.
00:21:37:No, I'm waiting too.
00:21:39:The sooner we settle this,
00:21:42:the happier we'll be.
00:21:44:It won't be much longer.
00:21:50:We owe so much to you.
00:21:53:You've been so... caring.
00:21:59:I deal with people, okay?
00:22:03:I mean, you're in|shock, it's normal.
00:22:20:I'd better go.
00:22:38:Say hi...
00:22:39:Say hello to Lorraine.
00:23:18:He wants to know|if you're an Indian!
00:23:22:What if I say yes?
00:23:26:He'll believe you.
00:24:48:You're so good to me.
00:24:54:The boy has lain|so close to my heart
00:25:03:love a long day
00:25:34:No... no...
00:25:39:You were having a nightmare.
00:25:42:How do you know?
00:25:44:You were moving around.
00:25:46:I don't scare you|when you move around.
00:25:50:I move around?
00:25:58:All the time.
00:26:01:When I'm asleep?
00:26:07:Then too.
00:26:19:What's the matter?
00:26:22:I'm not sure.
00:26:28:I suppose.
00:26:38:It becomes so...
00:26:48:In what way?
00:26:54:Sorting things out, ...
00:26:57:deciding what has value and...
00:27:02:What doesn't, you know?
00:27:06:I know what you mean.
00:27:09:It's the same thing I do.
00:27:15:You're a censor.
00:27:20:You've got nothing to do
00:27:22:with my job.
00:27:28:Do I make you feel stupid?
00:27:37:What do you mean?
00:27:38:When I say something which|deserves consideration
00:27:42:and you respond without thinking,
00:27:46:how do you feel?
00:27:50:I feel fine.
00:27:52:I thought you might feel stupid.
00:28:01:Yes... that's it.
00:28:03:Look what I have for you.
00:28:06:It's your favourite toy.
00:28:09:Aah!... aah!...
00:28:15:Does that feel good, daddy?
00:28:18:It's like a high school|a high school confidential
00:28:28:it's like a high school|a high school confidential
00:28:36:she makes friends with those|who stop her in the halls
00:28:42:they tease her with catcalls
00:28:46:she's a combination Anita|Ekberg mammies van Doreen
00:28:53:a high school
00:28:56:high school confidential
00:29:02:a high school a high|school confidential
00:29:09:what's the principal|doing with her
00:29:13:who's there
00:29:15:is he screwing with her
00:29:18:what's her perfume
00:29:20:tigress by faberge
00:29:22:it makes me cream my jeans|when she comes my way
00:29:27:a high school a high|school confidential
00:29:34:a high school a high school
00:29:42:she drives a great|big pink Cadillac
00:29:46:if I don't get her soon|I'll have a heart attack
00:29:51:when she passes me a look|I want to burn my book...
00:30:19:A graphic or prolonged scene
00:30:22:of violence torture, crime,
00:30:24:cruelty, horror
00:30:25:or human degradation.
00:30:28:The depiction of physical abuse|or humiliation of human beings
00:30:33:for the purposes of|sexual gratification
00:30:36:or as pleasing to the victim.
00:30:40:A scene where a person is
00:30:43:or represents
00:30:44:a person under the age of 16.
00:30:49:Nude or partially nude,
00:30:51:in a sexually suggestive|content or text, or...
00:30:56:A scene of explicit
00:30:58:sexual activity.
00:31:00:How old are you, Tyler?
00:31:03:You still live at home?
00:31:05:How did you know?
00:31:08:I called you yesterday,
00:31:10:an older woman answered.
00:31:12:Your mom?
00:31:14:There's nothing to be
00:31:16:embarrassed about.
00:31:17:I lived at home till I was 35.
00:31:21:It's common in Italy,|for example.
00:31:24:Are you Italian?
00:31:26:Do I look Italian?
00:31:31:Let's continue.
00:31:34:Ah... d...
00:31:36:Explicit and gratuitous|depiction of urination,
00:31:39:defecation or vomiting.
00:31:44:A scene where an animal has been|abused in the making of a film.
00:31:57:I like the way you recited|the guidelines, Tyler.
00:32:01:The slight hesitation|in your voice...
00:32:05:Your tone seemed to indicate
00:32:08:a certain flexibility.
00:32:09:It's important.
00:32:11:Our role here has changed recently.
00:32:14:We're here to classify.
00:32:16:Censorship is not a priority.
00:32:28:Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:32:41:I can't tell you
00:32:43:how helpful these are.
00:32:46:A friend took them last year.
00:32:50:This couch?
00:32:52:About... $800.
00:32:58:Was it a... foldaway?
00:33:02:This was a guest room?
00:33:06:I suppose.
00:33:10:These butterflies,|they're pictures?
00:33:12:They're butterflies.
00:33:14:They're real butterflies?
00:33:16:Yeah, mounted.
00:33:19:What would be
00:33:21:the approximate value?
00:33:25:That blue one, 60;
00:33:27:that one, 80...
00:33:32:340 for the whole thing...
00:33:34:With the frame...
00:33:43:The certificate?
00:33:45:That's my diploma.
00:33:47:What did it cost to frame?
00:33:54:50... 50 $.
00:33:56:50 $...
00:34:00:Let's try to itemize
00:34:02:the stuff on the fireplace.
00:34:05:They're mostly personal things.
00:34:09:The more we could list,|the more you could get back.
00:34:49:Was this a purebred?
00:35:05:How much did you pay|for it, 500, 600 $?
00:35:13:What was...
00:35:15:The approximate value?
00:35:29:Any word about the claim?
00:35:33:Not yet.
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