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?-wstep, rozwiniecie, zakonczenie
-poprawnosc gramatyczno-leksykalna
-bogactwo jezykowe (skladniowe, np strona bierna, mowa zalezna itp)
-komunikatywnosc (głośnośc i płynność)
-znajomosc tematu (bez konspektu)
-pomoce wizualne (zdjecia, plan oddzialu) - to nie koniecznie
-tresc: rodzaj szpitala i oddziału, opis oddzialu, pomieszczenia szpitala, typowy dzien na oddziale
-szczegolne wydarzenia
-relacje lekarze/pacjenci
-opinia na temat praktyk wraz z uzasadnieniem

I did my 1-month nursing practice in July, on the surgical ward in hospital of the Department 
of the  Interior in Wrocław. Actually it wasn't all month, because the nursing officer 
released me after two weeks. On the ward were working: 5 surgeons(3 on the shift), 11 nurses(but only 4 on the shift), 
physiotherapist and rehabilitation expert. 

There were 31 beds plus 4 beds in some kind of surgical high dependency unit. There were also
two rooms provided for minor operations. A ward had access to two fully equipped operation rooms.
I noticed that there was dirty annex which included the sluice room.

There was individual nursing station and doctors duty office, but only nurses had their cloakroom. Doctors were changing
near separated cabinets for each of them, which were located in the corridor close to their office.

There were other students except me. One girl on the same year as me, and two girls and one boy on the 4 year of medicine.
They all were from Wroclaw Medical University.

I usually came on duty at 7:45. First, there was ward round at 8:00, and i was obligated to carry disinfectant and stethoscope
and pass it to the doctor if need was. After that i had to transport patients on their beds to the operation room and back.
There was a schedule for routine operations and examinations.
At Tuesdays and Thursdays there were hernia operations. At Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there were colonoscopies.
Other operations were arranged with patient after he entered hospital.
Sometimes i was ordered to prepare drips or give intramuscular injections. Rest of my duties were less impressive. 
For example i had to make the beds or fetch clean sheets.

On the first day there was admitted a man with post alcoholic varicose veins of the oesophagus. When i came off duty he
was still alive, but the next day i found out that he died. He was the only person who died on the ward during my practice.

On the 4 day there was admitted an old man who was mentally ill, and he stank awfully, because he was neglected and dirty. 
He had necrosis of the leg and its stench was sensible at all ward. Finally his leg was cut but there was needed certificate
from psychiatrist that patient was incapacitated, because he didn't agree with amputation.

The doctors were nice and when i asked if i could spectate the operation they agreed. Thanks to that, i could watch
hernia operation and amputation of the leg. It was very educational. The most impressive for me, was a chance to assist
operation of hernia. I didn't expect that it's so exhausting.

The doctors always kept patients at a distance, and i think, they really tried not to involve emotionally in the case.

This practice for me, was the first chance to see how the hospital works. It assured me that studying medicine was a good choice
and I'm on the right place.

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