20. Menaces to human existence ( + tłumaczenie słówek).doc

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Menaces (zagrożenia) to human existence

1.What were the greatest dangers to human survival in ancient times?

2.What are the greatest dangers to human survival nowadays?

3.Will the human race exist forever?

a)      Apocalyptic scenarios became an inseparable part of human existence as soon as people understood that their lives are dependent on a variety of forces including the spiritual, social and environmental. Ancient civilisations feared divine (boży) forces that inhabited almost all the visible and invisible objects around them. They were apprehensive (lękliwy) of gods living in the sky that could send down forces of destruction at any given time. They prayed and made human and animal sacrifices (poświęcenie/ofiara) of life and blood to ward off (zapobiec czemuś) evil forces and to ensure safe living on earth and peaceful existence after death. Prophets (prorocy), like the famous Nostradamus, would provide people with visions of the future, which in many cases abounded (abound in sthobfitować w sth) in grim (groźny) and petrifying (przerażający) stories about what would come about.

b)      For centuries, human populations were forced to believe that their collapse is imminent (bliski, nadciągający) and so they lived under the permanent threat of the devastating fury of their gods. As civilisations progressed, more realistic threats to human existence were pointed out and people began working on ways of avoiding deadly events. Slowly, the fear of the divine shifted towards the fear of earthly hazards. Plagues and epidemics appeared to take a greater human toll (żniwo(śmierci)/ opłata), than divine forces did. And as the exploitation of the planet in pursuit (pogoń, dążenie) of a better, more advanced level of existence gained its momentum (rozpęd), environmental and social problems started to prevail(przeważać, dominować, panować, zwyciężać, przetrwać).

c)      At the current level of development, people still tend to voice apocalyptic prophecies. The year 2000 was supposed to witness the total annihilation (zniszczenie) of the human race but, luckily, the prophecy proved fallacious (błędny). However, many potential risks still continue to haunt our human civilisation. Some of the following beliefs may just be superstitious (przesądny, zabobonny) and exaggerated but they are worth taking into account when one realises how unforeseeable (nieprzewidywalny) our development has been so far.

d)      The next ice age. - Ice ages have occurred at intervals (przerwy) of 15,000 years and have always influenced life on earth to a large extent(zasięg, zakres). Ice ages result from the changes in the inclinations (skłonność) and shifts of the earth’s orbit caused by the gravitational effects of other planets. The next ice age is possible in the next 1000 years and it is more than certain to occur in the next 10,000 years. It is ruled out (to rule out - wykluczyć) in this century.

e)      Global warming is currently mentioned as the most probable menace. It carries the risk of widespread (powszechny, rozległy) desertification (pustynnienie) of agricultural (rolniczy) areas and a rising sea level. It is also known to contribute to extremes in weather conditions.

f)       Earthquakes have always posed serious threats to local populations. However, they are not regarded as a hazard to the whole of mankind.

g)      Epidemics of infectious diseases have already taken place in the history of the human race and have wiped out (zmieść z powierzchni ziemi) vast populations. The black plague that occurred in the 14th century in Europe is known to have left one-third of the European population dead. An influenza (grypa) epidemic in the 20’s killed 20 million people world-wide. Diseases with a delayed onset (nadejście, początek) and high mortality (śmiertelność) like AIDS are possible but the risk may be largely reduced owing to advances in medical science.

h)      Nuclear wars. - The idea posed a serious danger in the cold war era. There was a real risk of a global-scale military conflict between the former Soviet Union and the USA. Now, it seems to have passed, but certain military regimes still wage wars and are responsible for the deaths of thousands. A colossal risk arises when the warring states possess access to nuclear power. However, specialists are convinced that a global nuclear conflict is rather unlikely these days. They point out to the dangers of an ‘economic’ war.

i)        Terrorism - both political and economic constitutes a feasible (wykonalny, możliwy, prawdopodobny) menace with a high loss of life each year. As terrorists become more unscrupulous and merciless (bezlitosny), gain wider access to the latest military advances and are supported by powerful organisations and individuals, the threat becomes more potential. Yet, it is probably incapable (nieudolny) of annihilating (annihilate - unicestwić) the global population.

j)        A large asteroid collision. - An event like this is believed to have wiped out dinosaurs 65 million years ago. There are many large celestial (niebieski [np.ciało astronomiczne]) objects capable of approaching and hitting our planet. However, the response from astronomy and space warning systems might be a reasonable solution.

k)      Alien invasion. - It has been predicted for centuries by prophets and science fiction writers. It has not occurred for four billion years, so why should it be likely now?

l)        There are many speculations about menaces to the sustainability of human life on the planet. Futurists are more than sure that one day the human race will disappear from the earth’s surface in consequence of either environmental or self-imposed technological developments and transformations. Computer simulations have depicted the mutated forms of life to appear in thousands of years. They have not predicted human participation, though. Our short but extremely influential history of existence on the planet is highly probable to result in dramatic changes. Isn’t it ironic that it is our own intelligence and our own evolutionary achievements that create the greatest dangers?


Speak your mind.

1.Which of the above menaces do you consider to be the most likely to occur?

2.What dangers to the existence of mankind can be avoided? How can it be achieved?

3.Are there any other potential dangers to human survival?

4.Is it worth taking notice of prophecies? Was Nostradamus right in his ones?

5.What do you imagine life on the planet will look like in 10,000 years’ time?

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