Silman - The Neo-Sveshnikov.pdf

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By Jeremy B. Silman, IM
Chess Enteprises, Inc., Coroapolis PA 15108
© by Jeremy B. Silmn. All righs reseved.
Published 1991
Printed in he United Sates of America
95 94 93 2 91
543 2 1
ISBN: .-94547.-134
Editor: B.G. Dudley
Profreader: Thoms Magr
Tyeettng: M.L. Ranala
Cover Design: E.F. Witalis Jr.
Table Of Contents
Key of Sllols.......................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................ 2
Key Strategic Plans .................................................................. 4
Analysis Of Neo-Sveshnikov:
Chapter One 5.Nf5 ................................................................. 10
Chapter Two 5.Ne2 .............................................................. 15
Chapter ee 5.N3 ............................................................. 19
Chapter Four 5.Nb3 .............................................................. 24
Chapter Five 5.Nxc6 ............................................................. 34
Chapter Six 5.Nb5 ................................................................ 41
Index of Variations .......... . ............ . .......... . ..................... . . . ... . . Ill
Bibliogaphy ............................................................................ 113
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