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answersModule5,StudentALanguage11 buffalo 2 panda 3 lion 4 cheetah 5 polar bear2Across: yacht coach canoe motorbike

Module 5, Student A Answer Key

1              1 buffalo / 2 panda / 3 lion / 4 cheetah / 5 polar bear

2              Across: yacht coach canoe motorbike

              Down: van

3              1 hostels / 2 backpackers / 3 sightseeing / 4 equipment / 5 campsite

4              1 took / 2 trip / 3 robbed / 4 earning / 5 nowadays

5              1 scientist / 2 photographer / 3 zoologist / 4 model / 5 film maker

6              1 I’ve already finished my project. / 2 Has John gone home yet? / 3 We’ve never flown in a helicopter. / 4 Sue hasn’t phoned me yet. / 5 Have you ever touched a snake?

7              1 ’ve sailed / 2 ’s had / 3 ’ve never sailed / 4 ’s always been / 5 ’ve had / 6 ’ve been / 7 ’ve felt / 8 Have you ever sailed? / 9 ’ve tried / 10 ’ve fallen

8              1 Sitting on the beach is relaxing. / 2 Visiting castles is interesting. / 3 Going shopping is tiring. / 4 Going to amusement parks is exciting. / 5 Playing football is good fun.

9              1 looks / 2 sounded / 3 look / 4 sounds / 5 looks

10              1 e / 2 a / 3 c / 4 b / 5 d

11              1 C / 2 B / 3 B / 4 A / 5 A


Module 5, Student B Answer Key

1              1 giraffe / 2 tiger / 3 koala / 4 hippo / 5 gorilla

2              Across: paraglider helicopter metro canoe

              Down: lorry

3              1 luxury / 2 speaking / 3 watching / 4 conditioned / 5 seaside

4              1 stolen / 2 actually / 3 brought / 4 won / 5 journey

5              1 writer / 2 farmer / 3 police officer / 4 politician / 5 secretary

6              1 We haven’t seen the chimp sanctuary yet. / 2 She’s already visited seventeen countries. / 3 Has Tom ever talked about his grandfather? / 4 I’ve never learnt Chinese. / 5 Have you finished your lunch yet?

7              1 ’ve flown / 2 ’s taken / 3 ’ve always enjoyed / 4 ’ve never felt / 5 ’ve flown / 6 ’ve not been / 7 Have you ever flown? / 8 ’ve just returned / 9 ’ve had / 10 ’ve never been

8              1 Mountain biking is good fun. / 2 Speaking English is cool. / 3 Walking down this street at night is scary. / 4 Eating a lot of fruit is healthy. / 5 Wearing this ring is lucky.

9              1 looked / 2 looks / 3 sounds / 4 sounds / 5 looks

10              1 d / 2 a / 3 e / 4 c / 5 b

11              1 B / 2 A / 3 C / 4 C / 5 A


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