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250g /9-10 oz turkey breast, 250g/9-10 oz beef fillet (tenderloin), 250g/9-10 oz boneless pork chops (loin), 1 larger onion, 4 bunches spring onions, 500g/1 lb spinach, 4 teaspoons sugar, 3 tablespoons oil, 200ml/ ¼ pint soy sauce, salt, 1 tablespoon vegeta


Thinly slice semi defrosted meat. Heat the oil in a heavy skillet (a thick base pan), add the meat gradually piece by piece and fry the whole quantity. Sprinkle with sugar and stir. Sauté shortly stirring until the meat changes color and pour in some soy sauce. Move the meat aside and gradually add the vegetables cut into small pieces. Sauté shortly, pour in the rest of soy sauce, add vegeta and cook for a further few minutes. Sukiyaki is served with rice or rice noodles.





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