The Limey.1999.DVDRip.XviD-VLiS.txt

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{161}{240}Tell me...
{246}{332}Tell me!
{338}{423}Tell me about Jenny.
{3092}{3200}- Edward Roel?|- Eduardo Roel.
{5299}{5338}Edward Roel?
{5384}{5484}- Eduardo Roel.|- You're home, then.
{5668}{5727}My name's Wilson.
{5825}{5923}You wrote me|about my daughter.
{5988}{6063}Oh, uh... yeah, come in.
{6069}{6128}- Who done it, then?|- Huh?
{6134}{6209}- Snuffed her?|- What are you talkin' about?
{6217}{6267}I sent you|the newspaper clipping, OK.
{6270}{6295}I tell you what I know.
{6301}{6379}I never said|anyone was snuffed.
{6443}{6487}There was an investigation, OK?
{6493}{6576}The car was stolen.|Jenny was...
{6582}{6645}Her neck was broken,|on impact.
{6691}{6751}She wouldn't have felt|the effects of the fire.
{6755}{6830}Those streets up them hills,|you gotta' be careful.
{6833}{6883}Gotta keep your eyes|on the ball.
{6886}{6978}Two o'clock in the morning,|it's dark, your mind's agitated.
{6989}{7053}You're driving too fast.
{7084}{7136}Those curves|don't kid around.
{7142}{7181}Could've happened|to anybody.
{7187}{7231}I didn't know her to be reckless
{7237}{7328}but she'd have a drink|and smoke pot and that was it.
{7334}{7431}No, not my girl.
{7437}{7474}Self-control, she had.
{7488}{7535}It was a point of pride.
{7541}{7634}Where did she get it?|This grass or whatever.
{7650}{7749}Oh, no. Look, I am no|drug dealer. What do you think?
{7755}{7847}You didn't get that|ink doing National Service.
{7853}{7944}I already told you.|Corcoran, you know.
{7950}{8018}You know what that is?|State prison.
{8029}{8136}I did my time. My sister's man|is in Chino, doin' eight years.
{8142}{8193}I go to work.|I put my life together.
{8199}{8233}Put all that shit behind me.
{8239}{8312}Five years in the joint!|That's it!
{8340}{8403}I just got out meself,|didn't I?
{8617}{8682}This bloke|she was bunked up with,
{8688}{8756}- Terry Whatsit...|- Terry Valentine.
{8777}{8826}What's he got to say|for himself?
{8832}{8887}I dunno.|What he gonna say?
{8893}{8953}They had a fight,|she drove away. She was upset.
{11091}{11150}Couple of weeks|before Jenny died,
{11161}{11206}she asked me|to drive her downtown.
{11212}{11312}She said she wanted to talk|to her boyfriend, Valentine.
{11345}{11388}I think|she was looking for him.
{11404}{11443}To catch him|with another bird?
{11449}{11495}Exactly,|that's what I thought,
{11501}{11541}but we didn't go to no hotel.
{11552}{11613}- We went someplace else. -|Whereabouts?
{11664}{11734}Some bad place,|bad people.
{11737}{11807}Some guy unloading trucks.|Some kind of deal going down.
{11823}{11871}I dunno and I don't care, OK?
{11887}{11935}Could've been shipping|fava beans to Eskimos.'
{11966}{11995}Did Jenny know?
{12016}{12046}Valentine wasn't|there, so...
{12057}{12133}if he was involved, or she was,|who knows?
{12173}{12211}But I wanna tell you...
{12245}{12280}Jenny stood|right in front of those guys,
{12298}{12367}eyeballing them,|checking them out.
{12389}{12451}It felt like|she was covering MY ass.
{13968}{14002}I can't believe that.
{14008}{14089}Really? What'd she say?
{14125}{14148}Hang on.
{14154}{14187}Can I help you?
{14193}{14240}You can't be|too careful nowadays.
{14246}{14319}- Lot of tea leaves about.|- Excuse me?
{14335}{14430}Tea leaves. Thieves.|Terry Valentine. D'you know him?
{14436}{14482}And... who are you?
{14488}{14577}- Wilson. My name's Wilson.|- Well, Wilson, to start...
{14583}{14664}- I never heard of you.|- I'm not that well known.
{14670}{14734}Except in except some districts,|some police nicks.
{14740}{14809}- Police what?|- Me? No. Can't be bothered.
{14815}{14892}Who the fuck are you?|How did you get in here?
{14898}{14942}Only a little bird|told me
{14948}{15005}that you and Terry Valentine|have business dealings...
{15011}{15067}I don't know anybody|named Terry Valentine.
{15073}{15138}- Don't you?|- Now, take a walk, pal.
{15144}{15229}You're making a big mistake.|Get the hell out of here.
{15310}{15352}What you been up to, pal?
{15359}{15462}What you been doing?|You got to buck your ideas up.
{15559}{15597}What you been doing?
{15601}{15681}Jennifer Wilson.|Jennifer Wilson...
{15687}{15785}- That name mean anything?|- What's the deal here?
{15875}{15962}Hold on. What the hell...|Who is this guy?
{15968}{16016}The only reason|you're not dead
{16022}{16063}is I want to find out|who the fuck you are.
{16069}{16150}Jennifer Wilson|was my daughter.
{16156}{16210}- Who the fuck is...|- Wasn't she the chick
{16216}{16276}that showed up down here?
{16282}{16331}Yeah, talked the same|as this cocksucker.
{16337}{16425}Terry Valentine|is a friend of mine.
{16431}{16525}I don't talk about my friends|with strangers.
{16531}{16592}But that cunt daughter of yours,|she come here,
{16598}{16712}sticking her tits in my face.|Who am I? How do I know Terry?
{16716}{16774}What's the nature|of our business together?
{16785}{16840}I admire Terry a lot, but I|gotta say,
{16846}{17031}he let himself get royally|pussy-whipped by that bitch.
{17037}{17102}You know what I would|like to have done to her?
{17108}{17186}You know what I would|like to have done?
{17244}{17279}I bet she|would've like that.
{17295}{17391}Too bad she had to take|a nosedive off that cliff.
{17397}{17438}Probably dried her all up.
{17484}{17547}Got him!
{17599}{17680}Keep your cool.
{17748}{17823}Get him out.
{17853}{17968}- You want to call an ambulance?|- NO!
{18042}{18128}Call Avery.
{18196}{18291}Go, man!|Just get outta here.
{18725}{18790}Come back here, Pop,|and we'll kill you.
{18796}{18846}Understand?|This is private property.
{18852}{18911}We'll shoot you, fuck-o.|Get it?
{18917}{18987}Fuckin' old fart coming here.|BIG, dangerous gun!
{18993}{19065}We're quakin'!|We're quakin'!
{19071}{19144}Yeah. Shit!
{19150}{19234}Hey, you come back|and visit and trespass.
{19240}{19365}We look forward to it, asshole.|Stupid English fuck!
{19901}{19943}Hey! What...
{20091}{20126}What the...
{20455}{20519}You tell him!|You tell him I'm coming.
{20532}{20615}Tell him I'm fucking coming!
{20636}{20673}Tell 'em I'm coming?
{20679}{20739}"Tell HIM I'm coming."
{20745}{20838}- Who?|- Nobody knows.
{22724}{22783}I remember telling your parents,|if you're looking for a name,
{22789}{22854}you can't go wrong|with a constellation.
{22860}{22938}I used to hate it.|Now I like it.
{22944}{23005}It could be worse.|They could have called you...
{23011}{23088}Reticulum, Pleiades.
{23132}{23197}God, you're beautiful.
{23203}{23293}Is there anything|in this world you want or need?
{23299}{23387}I want to know why you need|that scary man here.
{23393}{23448}Gordon?|He's been with me for years.
{23454}{23496}He's not as tough as he looks.
{23502}{23573}- Then what good is he?|- Heard of loyalty?
{23579}{23661}Yeah... I'm loyal to things|that make me happy.
{23667}{23770}- Oh, am I a "thing"?|- You're certainly not a person.
{23776}{23843}- I'm not?|- No.
{23849}{23920}You're not specific enough|to be a person.
{23926}{23999}You're more like a vibe.
{24005}{24092}God, I'm glad we're having|this little chat. Come here.
{24098}{24138}Get out of the pool.
{24302}{24353}I don't know|what transpired exactly.
{24359}{24415}- What?|- Our friends downtown.
{24421}{24454}Someone took them out.
{24460}{24513}Took them out?|What the fuck does that mean?
{24519}{24600}It used to mean, it was similar|to a gangland slaying.
{24606}{24714}- Maybe it still is.|- Well... well, who?
{24720}{24745}- Well...|- Blacks?
{24751}{24852}Blacks? No Terry,|it's not their style.
{24858}{24932}No, from what I gather,|it was a lone gunman.
{24938}{25029}You sound like the 5 o'clock|news. Why tell me this shit?
{25032}{25066}If you don't know,
{25069}{25120}I didn't want you to hear it|and then freak out.
{25126}{25173}Fuck you, Jim.|I don't freak out any more.
{25219}{25282}Well, it's probably nothing.
{25299}{25375}It's what senseless mayhem|comes down to, isn't it?
{25381}{25481}Bad loan, bad judgement,|bad faith.
{25487}{25548}These were bad people,|involved with worse people.
{25569}{25592}Cops got leads.
{25598}{25671}Great, as long as nobody|connects anything to me.
{25677}{25718}No one'll connect|it to you.
{25724}{25816}That was a one-off deal,|like a moving freight train.
{25822}{25906}Anything else,|I would've had you walk away.
{25912}{25999}- You never saw them again.|- Are you crazy?
{26005}{26076}They're your friends,|not mine.
{26082}{26184}What?|Your "clients"?
{26190}{26282}I befriended them|when you needed them.
{26288}{26339}Well, the cops.|I mean, you know, I'm...
{26345}{26422}Are they satisfied with this...|gangland shit, or what?
{26428}{26495}You know the cops don't get|satisfied. They get placated.
{26501}{26566}They're talking|to the kid who got away.
{26572}{26649}The kid who called me.|Well, I called them...
{26655}{26689}Scared out of his wits.
{26695}{26781}All he can say is that|the shooter is some crazy guy.
{26787}{26824}"Shooter"?|Jesus Christ.
{26830}{26870}Yeah, he said|he went nuts.
{26876}{26951}He was yelling and screaming,|"Tell him I'm coming."
{26957}{26994}"Tell 'em I'm coming?"
{27000}{27065}"Tell HIM I'm coming."
{27116}{27164}Nobody knows.
{27170}{27246}Great. This is sure|making the fuck out of my day.
{27252}{27330}Terry, relax,|would you, please.
{27336}{27400}The goods are long gone.|Money's been turned around.
{27406}{27470}Middlemen are dead.|This is a good thing.
{27476}{27519}So, don't panic, OK?
{27525}{27574}No one can link|anybody to you.
{27632}{27687}Jenny did.
{27750}{27799}Yeah, well,|Jenny could.
{27845}{27889}She'd already got to you.
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