Thank you for your interest in Paragon Backup & Recovery 10 Free (English)! The product is registered with: PRODUCT KEY: PSG-134-FRE-PL-4956134 SERIAL NUMBER: 09170-2975C-4F4C6-F36EE Please find below some hints how to avoid registration errors: Instead of typing your data, please copy them by clicking "Ctrl" + "C" and then paste them using "Ctrl" + "V" to prevent misprints. Please note that the data is case sensitive! IMPORTANT: When inserting the data please check that there are no blank spaces inserted by accident in front or behind the registration data. Please note that the error message 'Invalid Serial' might be confusing as the error can be in BOTH the product key and the serial number field. Additional information about this software can be found in Paragon's Knowledge Base available at PARAGON'S CUSTOMER SERVICE SYSTEM You can check the information hold by us about you by entering Paragon's Customer Service System using your LOGIN: PASSWORD: PBZSGHVQ