Harmonic Continuum Theory - The New Physics and Cosmology by Andrew Hennessey.pdf

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The New Physics and Cosmology
Andrew Hennessey
PART 1. The old Paradigm.
It would be fair to say that for the last hundred years, the human
race has not made any progress in the understanding of life and
the Cosmos. Even copious technology, which has greatly
improved our understanding of the particle physics that runs it
all, has remained paradox ridden and incomplete. Thus far, it is
only by the greatest bit of luck that the misled thankfully haven't
succeeded in completing a black hole of any magnitude in the
Hollywood and the film industry has ceaselessly presented The
Teutonic eggheads of post World War II and made the Germanic
contribution to science legendary. The popular understanding of
the mad scientific genius always has a German accent: Einstein,
Von Neumann, Heisenberg, Max Plank, etc. The only problem
with this myth of supremacy is that it has led us all nowhere for
70 years and is a load of old baloney.
Einstein and the establishment agreed in the late 1930's, in
Copenhagen, that having a paradox at the heart of physics was a
good idea. Also, that the speed of light should be fixed at a
constant and that there was no ether or grainy bits in space that
would hold traveling photons up. Logically therefore the sky
should be white at night noted Olbers c.1920.
A paradox suggested the establishment. Olbers Paradox.
An entire century of human evolution has been lost by that
nonsense and denial.
Did you know that the reason why the sky isn't white at night is a
real paradox and scientific mystery? Because if Albert Einstein
and cronies have rationally decided, that there is nothing holding
the passage of light through the cosmos up (i.e. that there is no
ether), then they would also expect the sky to be completely
white at night. The dark night sky disproves Einstein’s Theory of
We know the sky is black at night and that was the paradox
noted by Olbers in 1920. Something is holding up the light to
make it dark, and that whole paradox is really proof for the ether
that Einstein and the establishment wanted so badly to ignore.
Of course people will answer to Olbers that the Universe has
been measured finite, but how could we ever rationally say that
when we have never measured the Dark Matter within it.
We build TV's and computers or any other black box, yet our
understanding of the vital processes at the heart of it all is
actually less than nothing. If we look closely, and we have to
(because no one wants to admit it to you), there are paradoxes
not just at the heart of physics, but at the heart of everything we
think we know about the universe.
Our logic isn't logical, [Göedel], our philosophy of arithmetic is
about nothing in particular, [Frege] and our physics is an
ignorant tragedy. [Superstring theory]. The odd thing is that the
thirty or so really crippling paradoxes are all really the very same
one, but just dressed up differently in the specialist language of
each discipline. That is, every paradox could be solved by taking
into account its interaction with the bigger picture. The very
opposite of how every scientist today has been trained to think.
Coming back to physics and cosmology, (because we have to. .
.well somebody does anyway) our particle physics today is a
gargantuan monstrosity of mathematical nonsense that will
never produce any results. It’s called super-strings, and at the
heart of all the real problems of 21st century academic physics,
is the in-built failure of Einstein and his theories of relativity.
How much irrational nonsense and social engineering has been
written on the back of the problems of uncertainty posed by the
mathematical nonsense and paradoxes in physics? The
nonsense of quantum physics is being used to justify all sort of
impulsive and irrational social leaps and experiments. Whole
theories of human behavior and the occult are based upon these
foundations of sand.
Let’s be clear, though, about what I'm saying. Yes, there is
plenty of scientific evidence and results to talk about particles
and show what particles can do. But current quantum physics
and super-strings is a model or a construct. It is a vehicle on
which to drive forward; it is a frame on which to hang the
experimental results. There are better frames and better
vehicles. However, what quality of vehicle are we talking about
when we talk of quantum physics? The answer has to be a
In comparison, the amount of Rolls Royce genius that has been
repetitively ignored for at least the past hundred years by the
establishment, has been criminal. We had Maxwell and Faraday
in the 19th Century, Tesla and Brown in the early 20th Century
and De Palma in the 1990's. Also, a whole gaggle of others; all
these people knew how physics really worked and how to tap
into the really free energy of the cosmos in addition to
interplanetary space travel. Of course, this was all against the
wishes of the Einsteinian theorists and the oil companies.
But, if you thought that the problem was a modern one, well have
I got news for you. Having developed and rediscovered Tesla’s
Theory of Environmental Energy [1938] and how free energy
works, I studied the principles of philosophy of science, and
developed a new scientific world-view. I found ways to argue in
philosophy that could educate modern scientific thinkers away
from the paradoxes by using the same jargon that they use, but
in a different way.
I was trying to get them to adopt a ‘holistic’ approach. Boy, what
a waste of ten years that was. The cosmos runs on harmony,
resonance, musical scales, and the mathematics of wave theory
and ‘eightness’. It is definitely not a coincidence that the Chinese
I CHING symbolism is made up like it is, ancient mankind
allegedly flew ships through the sky called Vimanas. It is exactly
the same symbolism used inside every modern computer chip
renamed as Boolean Arithmetic.
So, there is the look of real antiquity about this truth, but it gets
worse. Having been an avid follower of the Chaos Theory
(coming out of the Santa Fe Institute), I noticed that one of the
fundamental natural laws that seemed to underpin the cosmos
(that nobody wanted to talk about), was ‘emergence’.
That ‘order emerges out of chaos’ was being proved on the
Santa Fe computers, and some conspiracy buffs will tell you that
it is also part of the motto of a very high Masonic degree. This
was the one connection no scientist was trained to ever want,
yet it was the key to understanding everything: unity, Tesla,
time-travel, anti-gravity, possibly even the soul and eternal life.
It was the very cornerstone of reality.
More shocks lay ahead for me, however. Taking a rummage
through a dusty old cupboard in the Edinburgh Theosophical
Society one day, I found this bundle of yellowed paper (dated
1920) with instructions to destroy in the event of the owner’s
death. It was an esoteric secret school Illuminati Degree. I
opened up the bundle with glee, but discovered to my horror
(well, it was for my ego), that in those pages was the theory that I
thought I had invented; the theory of ‘emergence,’ ‘threeness’
and harmony, based on Hindu and Sanskrit writings dating back
10,000 BC. [as; ‘Logos, Outpourings and Vehicles’. Vol 1 Secret
Doctrine, Blavatsky, HP, 1875, Madras]
As we all know, there is nothing new about real truth, but the
Illuminati Schools have been teaching the reality of science, free
energy and emergence to people for millennia. The Platonic and
Aristotelian school’s harmonic math briefly emerged into art
schools during the renaissance, but it never made it into science
and technology. If it had, we could all have been flying anti-
gravity machines in the 16th century---much like the technical
designs of the Vimanas of the ancient Hindus, which were
preserved in caves written on palm leaves. Presumably, after
some cataclysmic Earth change thousands of years BC, that
may have sunk what we think of as Atlantis and given the Sphinx
12000 year old water erosion..
The same theories written in Sanskrit have been re-invented time
and time again by bright human scholars. The recent spate of
really, (obviously) good theorists have come to grief looking for
peer acceptance and publication. People like; Peter Plichta
[1997] 'prime number code', Ray Tomes [1992] 'Tomes harmonic
theory on redshift], Frank Searle [1999], Townsend Brown [1935],
'bifield-Brown effect', and myself have tried till we're blue in the
face to get scientists to see sense and save the world with
sanity, as did Lord Kelvin in 1903 with his atomic vortex theory
and other late 19th Century contemporaries such as; Boyle [Gas
Laws], Hooper's etheric field theory of 1903.
Thankfully an American book deal obtained through the Internet
from the spirit of free enterprise published a version of my 'free
energy' paper in a 'conspiracist anthology' called 'The Universal
Seduction .com' in 2003 CE.
Many of us today are beguiled by the technological advances of
genetics and computers, maybe even satisfied that the pace of
medicine is just about holding back the tide of new super bugs.
Many of us are happy to listen to the great mathematician,
Stephen Hawkings, speculating badly that the unity will come to
physics in twenty years. We all know that’s a pretty safe thing to
say because we may have been hit by Earth changes before
then, and any cronies perpetuating the science conspiracy, will
have passed over before then, anyway.
The reality of the matter, though, is that the crop of modern
science gurus like Hawking and Dawkins do not give us the
truth. Whether they know the truth and are hiding it from us is
another story. If they were hiding this, they would be criminals
of civilization - stifling the young minds that could save our
However, maybe the basis of the matter is that they are merely
victims of bad peer and non-rigorous peer review.
The new theorists like Plichta, Tomes, Brown, and myself who
have come forward, can argue the most profound and real
scientific arguments, using the highest form of scientific
language and analysis and are willing to be proved wrong. We
satisfy all the criteria for good science: simplicity and prediction,
which is more than can be said for refuted theories like the ‘big
bang’ and super-strings.
Where, oh where, did we hear that reality is so difficult that it
needs incredible hyper-dimensional mathematics, and ivy towers
to even have the time and inclination to contemplate the
complexities? It is just not true that reality is intuitively complex.
Thousands of scientists, millions of hours, billions of dollars
have been spent, yet no results, no progress has been
forthcoming---just a beckoning Dark Age and a good mortgage.
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