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Bob Boyce Electrolyser - WATER as FUEL - review of available technol...
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BOB BOYCE electrolyzer: (page created at November 2007 Update)
## BOB BOYCE, Hydroxy Adventurer: :
From the Trenches -- One Man's Experience with Free Energy
Bob Boyce tells about how he built a carburetor using hydrogen and oxygen split using proper
From: "Bob Boyce" To: Sent: October 07, 2002 8:38 PM
È into hydrogen research where I was building small electrolyzer type units that used distilled water mixed
with an electrolyte and I would resonate the plates for optimal conversion efficiency. I discovered that with
the right frequencies, I was able to generate monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen, which when recombined,
produces about 4 times the energy output of normal diatomic hydrogen and oxygen molecules since the
process of combustion does not have to break apart the molecules first before recombining into water vapor.
Diatomic hydrogen requires about 4% to air to produce the same power as gasoline, while monoatomic
requires slightly less than 1% to air for the same power. The only drawback was storage at pressure causes the
monoatoms to start joining into diatomic pairs, and the mixture weakens, so it must be produced on-demand
and consumed right away.
I used modified LP carbs on the boat engines to deal with using vapor fuel. I even converted an old chrysler
with a slant six engine to run on the hydrogen setup and we tested it in the shop.
ÈIt requires a lot of plates made of 316 stainless so it will withstand the more exotic electrolytes that are
more efficient, a plastic box to contain the plates, 1/8" spacers to keep the rows of plates apart, the
electrolyte, and an adjustable frequency modified psuedo-sinewave inverter can be used for the drive
electronics. I used 61 of the 6" square plates to give a large surface area and scoured the surfaces with coarse
sandpaper in an "X" pattern to give a fine crosshatch grain to add fine sharp points. I found this improved
efficiency as well. The top of the box had two threaded ports, a small one for injecting replacement distilled
water, and a larger one for extracting the vapor. Under the top cover sitting on top of the plates I cut a piece
of plastic matting to prevent sloshing.
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Bob Boyce Electrolyser - WATER as FUEL - review of available technol...
It's very important to keep the total electrolyte level at or below the tops of the plates to prevent voltage from
bypassing any cells and creating excessive water vapor. I placed a 5 PSI cutoff switch in a tee on the water
injection port that shut the drive electronics down when the pressure in the unit hit 5 PSI. This allowed the
unit to be able to supply on demand without building up too much pressure in low demand situations. I built a
bubbler from a large home cartridge type water filter housing to prevent any backfire from traveling back up
the fuel feed to the unit. Without some sort of bubbler you run the risk of the unit exploding if a flame front
from the engine flows back to it. I have seen copper mesh screens designed for welding gasses offered for use
on plans I seen years later online for similar devices, but hydrogen has a much higher flame propagation speed
so the copper mesh may not be reliable enough to risk using.
Place the unit close to the engine to limit the amount of monoatom loss to diatomic recombination and feed
the fuel vapor to the vapor portion of an LP carb system. The carb will have to be modified for hydrogen use
(different mixture rate than propane) and adjusted with the system running for best performance. The best
electrolytes I found to use were sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. While sodium hydroxide works
well, it's much easier to get (red devil lye in most department stores) than the much harder to get but slightly
more efficient potassium hydroxide. Whatever you do, be very careful of materials! Make absolutely sure
they are compatible with the electrolyte used. Never use glass containers for mixing or storing potassium
# Update from Forum -> Electrolysis & Hydrogen Applications, message
Bob Boyce, Regular Poster, Joined: 23 Jan 2005, Posts: 500, Location: Eastern TN
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006
I was too tired to respond last night when I first read that, but it did make me chuckle. It doesn't bother me in
the least, especially when it's from someone that makes it their lifes work to be a detractor against anything
and everything different. I stopped going to most of the public forums because of people like that trying to
egg me on.
To group me in with people that were, or are, out to run cars on water, is actually kinda funny, because that
was never my goal at all. My goal never was to seek publicity or fame, far from it, I wanted to be left alone.
Now, I just want to try to educate people on the benefits of properly constructed series cells, and how to
properly condition to get an efficient catalytic reaction. Let these people take what they learn and apply it in
their own ways.
I did run an older carburated car, but it was as a test jig, up on jack stands, not driving on the road. I regretted
moving to that phase ever since. While I was running those small marine race engines on straight DC series
cells, I never had any problems with outside interference. Nobody seemed to care. It wasn't until after I
discovered the resonance reaction by accident, then started the resonance research on the car engine, that
someone apparently took a keen interest in what I was doing.
Maybe some day, the resonant reaction effect will be fully understood. Until then, more research still needs to
be done to continue to improve upon the hardware to make the reaction more predictable and stable. I am
working towards continuing that research.
Bob // 2H+O+Spark=BOOM!
# And a second post in the same thread:
When I discovered the resonance reaction, I was running a pair of small water-jet powered race boats off of
hydroxy on demand systems. Both boats had identical systems, which were comprised of 2 pairs of 6-cell
stacks. Both used a pair of dedicated propane carbs with 1" vapor fuel lines coming from the bubblers.
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Bob Boyce Electrolyser - WATER as FUEL - review of available technol...
Each cell in the stack was 4 parallel cells containing 3 cathode plates and 2 anode plates, with 1/8" (3 mm)
spacing. The cell stacks were 18" square, so plate surface are for these was massive. It was essentially a brute
force system, although I was taking advantage of the series cell and the efficiency boost of the catalytic
electrolyte. I had discovered this design in my attempts to improve efficiency of the basic electrolyser, and it
turned out to be much more efficient than the electrolysers of the day in all of the literature I could find in the
I had modified the battery system to use marine deep cycle batteries, with a heavy solenoid to engage and
disengage power to each unit. Power draw for each on a full charge was about 350 amps at the 12 volts.
Battery run time needed was only in the minutes, so I just changed batteries before each heat, and kept
batteries on charge during the event.
The resonance effect happened when the alternator on one of these marine engines failed (rectifier
shorted),and superimposed an AC waveform onto the DC power bus. The effect was limited to a particular
RPM range, and was as if someone kicked in an afterburner, it made such a difference in engine horsepower.
After identifying the cause of this unusual burst of horsepower, I set out to find ways to intentionally create
this reaction. The rest is history as they say.
The auto engine I ran was using a 60 series cell unit operating from a resonance generator and driver. At
resonance, it took about 55-60 watts to generate enough hydroxy gas to just idle the engine, and about 160
watts to run the engine where the speedometer read 60 MPH in gear. This was with the car rear end up on
jack stands, so no vehicle load at all on the engine. The engine was a chrysler 170 CID slant six (inline 6
cylinder) lean burn system with a carb and a distributor type ignition. I used a propane adapter plate on that
engine to adapt it to vapor fuel.
In answer to the question on gas volume, yes, the volume increased dramatically during resonance, while
current draw went way down. I think the limiting factor on those early 60 cell designs was the amount of gas
that could evolve out of solution and come out of the chamber given the plate area being blocked by the
bubbles. It was as if the water was boiling during resonance, and the bubbles came out of solution, not just at
the plate surfaces. I endeavored to find solutions to stabilize and further improve reaction efficiency.
Unfortunately, I was unable to continue my research after it was so rudely interrupted.
Bob // 2H+O+Spark=BOOM!
# And:
I tried straight AC, but that seemed to destroy the catalytic surface layers on conditioned plates. Using AC to
condition produced no catalytic layer at all. It did not seem to work well for regular electrolysis as well. I did
not exhaust all possibilities of course, but I did try enough to discourage me from heading in that direction.
Bob // 2H+O+Spark=BOOM!
(to link the article above use: #BBOY)
# LAST UPDATE about BOB BOYCE, on January 8, 2007, at:
Bob Boyce's Electrolyzer Plans Available to All, by Michael Couch, for Pure Energy Systems News
A system for high-efficiency electrolysis that involves the alleged production of monatomic hydrogen, which
has highly unusual and effective properties in accentuating mileage.
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Bob Boyce Electrolyser - WATER as FUEL - review of available technol...
Bob Boyce was winning races in mini power boats down in Florida, using Hydrogen for fuel.
... One day he started noticing that at a certain RPM his power kicked up suddenly; as though he had a nitro
boost or something.
... It turned out that one of the diodes in his Alternator had failed and was pumping an AC into his
electrolyzer. When that certain rpm was reached the output from the electrolyzer suddenly increased.
... he found that when the frequencies kicked in he was producing much more monatomic hydrogen. He went
on to perfect his electrolysis to the point that it generates a large volume of gas and mostly monatomic
... The electrolyzer cell itself is either 61 plates for torches and small motors; or 81 plates for larger gensets, ...
... he makes his own PWM3 Controller for Hydroxy torches and gensets. They aren't for sale but you can find
the info in files on the Web. The controller uses three 556 Dual 555 timers. Each dual uses one 555 for pulse
width and the other for frequency, generating 42,800; 21,400; and 10,700 cps respectively.
These frequencies drive the 25% modulation on top of the pulsed DC carrier "bias" current. The DC Bias
voltage is input at the Toroidal Transformer's inputs which gets filtered into DC before reaching the plates of
his electrolyzer with the AC Voltage riding on it.
... Bob says this causes a magnetic circuit through the center of the plates in the electrolyzer. The result of all
these refinements is that when the water is split, the bias voltage keeps it from recombining, and H molecules
have plenty of electrons to absorb, preventing the two Hs from joining. Thus the extra large volume of
monatomic Hydrogen molecules.
... The 6"x6" Plates are spaced 3mm apart exactly and sealed on the sides and bottom. Water levels must be
maintained in each cell. Bob's has a supply pipe with holes drilled along it for each cell.
... Bob says, you will get another area of separation in the water between the cells as well as on the plates.
... Mr. Boyce is a true humanitarian and has placed his system in the public domain in the hopes of helping the
planet reverse global warming, end oil wars, and deliver free energy to the poor peoples of the world.
(to link the article above use: #BOB1)
# A message from Bob Boyce: Water is Life
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Bob Boyce Electrolyser - WATER as FUEL - review of available technol...
Water IS life... and so much more... So, why all of the excitment about common H2O?
Water is the glue that bonds all of life together. Without it we would not exist. With it, not only do we
survive, but we may have a solution to our growing global energy problem.
How so you may ask? Water can be transformed into a perfect energy supply. It is abundant,
non-polluting, and eternal in nature. You split it efficiently and combust it efficiently. After harvesting that
released energy, you again have H2O as the by-product. Hard to beat!
Will the greed of big oil and big business ever be satisfied enough that they can stop destroying this planet? I
seriously doubt it.
There is energy aplenty in the wind, the sun, in flowing rivers and waterfalls... Even in a cup of water, latent
there, just waiting for the adventurous... Go for it!
(to link the article above use: #BOB11)
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# Bob BOYCE full details, diagrams and electronic to reproduce his superefficient electrolyser, page
10 to 29 from 'D9.pdf' available at
# Short extracts: Bob boyce is easily the most experienced and knowledgeable series-cell designer. He
achieves a massively increased gas production rate by using an electrolyser with a large number of cells in it.
Bod uses one hundred cells (101 plates) in his electrolyser. Units with just 60 cells are inclined more to
brute-force DC electrolysis, tending to mask the gains produced by pulsing. As there is a voltage drop across
each stainless steel electrode plate, it is usual to allow about 2 volts across each cell. However, Bob finds that
for high-efficiency pulsing, the optimum voltage per cell is about 1.5 volts. This means that a voltage of
about 1.5 x 100 = 150 volts is needed to power its to its maximum output.
To get this higher voltage, Bob uses a 110 Volt inverter.... The output from the inverter is converted from
Alternating Current to pulsing Direct Current by passing the output through a 4 diodes bridge rectifier.
... An electrolyser with a hundred cells, built in this style will have 101 metal plates and 10 separate bodies of
electrolyte. In spite of these large numbers, the size of the overall unit does not have to be excessive. The
spacing between the plates is set to, say, 3mm (1/8 inch) and the plate thickness might be 16 gauge (0.7 to 1
mm), so the width of any cell is not great, being roughly the same size as a vehicle battery.
The size of the plates may be determined by the space available in the engine compartment. It there is a large
amount of spare space, then the plate size may be selected by allowing from two to four square inches of area
on both sides of each plate, per ampere of current. Each side of every plate is in a different electrolysis cell so
a 6 inch by 6 inch plate will have 36 square inches on each face and so would carry between 36/4 = 9 to 18
amps of current. The choice of current density is made by the builder of the electrolyser and it will be
influenced by the size and cost of the inverter chosen to drive the electrolyser and the allowable current draw
from the battery.
A 600 watt electrolyser would have an absolute maximum output current capacity of 600W/ 110V= 5.45
Amps. The inverter will run much better if not used at its maximum load all the time, so perhaps a current of 4
Am;s might be used as the target current. At four square inches per Amp, that indicates a plate area of 16
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