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Kramer’s Water Car - Part 4: 


Watercar Part 10: 
Magnetic Electrolysis

By Thomas C. Kramer 
December 2003

What is a ‘Magnet’?
A polarized piece of iron. Close enough, but there are other kinds of magnets too. 
What is an ‘Electromagnet’?
A piece of iron with copper wire wound around it and with the wire ends connected to a DC power source. Close enough, but there is a large variety of electromagnetic devices to choose from. 
What is “Magnetism”?
It’s the thing that holds the Universe together. There are a whole lot of different theories as to where magnetism comes from. Some say it’s a result of particle spins. Others say it’s a wave effect. Still others say that it manifests as a result of cosmic pulses. And there may be positive, neutral and negative magnetism and a whole lot of degrees in between. Some even go so far as to say that gravity is “compressed magnetism”. But no one seems to know for sure except the Creator. But we do know that it manifests itself as a duality in most forms. 
It is clear that magnetism manifests itself as a polar effect, positive and negative, north and south, plus and minus. But when scientists cut a magnet in two to find just north or just south, they always get both and just ever smaller and smaller magnets. This goes right down to the smallest particles known. They all end up with a top and a bottom polarity regardless of spin direction or overall charge. 
This magnetic force can, in N-S configurations, form magnetic bonds, as has been demonstrated by Professor Santilli and others in forming “magnecules” or magnetically bonded atoms in gases, liquids and even solids. In ‘magnecules’ the atoms and molecules align themselves in a N-S manner as a result of exposing them to strongly induced electromagnetic fields. 
Repulsive and Attractive Forces
We also all know that N-to-N poles and S-to-S poles repel each other and N-to-S or S-to-N poles attract each other. This causes a PUSH-PULL EFFECT, which is used to either generate electricity or to turn an electric motor or do other work. It is this polarity and push-pull effect that actually cause electrons, positrons, protons and anti-protons to bond together forming various chemicals and neutrons (an electron and proton pair) or anti-neutrons. These form in a N-S and positive and negative manner for the most part (those that don’t generally decay very quickly) This N-S alignment can form into complex layers of atoms and molecules all generally forming polar alignments like heads and tails. These are called ‘dipoles’. Even our DNA forms a dipole antenna. Water is also one of the great magnetic dipoles. And from Professor Santilli’s plasma research, we now know that a whole new world of chemical reactions can be created called ‘magnecules’ and ‘magnegases’ and ‘magneliquids’ and ‘magnesolids’ that form as a result of ‘magnetic bonding’ and not traditional valence bonding. These highly magnetized and polar aligned atoms allow for a whole new world of chemistry and physics to be explored. Understanding magnetism is thus one of the most important elements of human knowledge as it goes to the very core of our existence. 
Types of Magnets:
Generally there are several types of natural magnets with the most common being those associated with iron (Fe) or ferrite compounds originally found in ‘magnetite’, an iron ore that got hit by lightning. Iron when exposed to a DC electric field naturally aligns its atoms in a N-S polar fashion. Iron mixed with various other materials such as some other metals or even plastics can also be magnetized. These magnets, however, generally are not as strong. Relatively recently a newer class of stronger and longer lasting magnets have been discovered and are now in regular manufacture. These are called ‘rare earth permanent magnets’ as they retain their magnetism much longer (except when overheated). These are made from various rare earth elements and are often mixes of several rare earth and conductive metals, including iron. The most common type of magnet, however, is the “electromagnet”. This is a magnetic device that has an iron core wrapped with insulated wire (usually copper) and takes many forms from simple electromagnets used in almost all electric motors, to electrical transformers and generators of all sizes. Electromagnetic coils generate the high voltages that drive your TV or monitor screen and then adjust the electron beam that creates the picture. These are sometimes wound as “solenoids” that when charged force the iron core to move in one direction or the other. Your automatic doors and car locks used these. 
Electromagnetic Coils
The neat thing about an electromagnet is that it can be wound around just about any core shape. These can be as simple as winding a copper wire around a nail, or a horseshoe, or as complex as multi-legged transformers or donut shaped rings. S Coil N Horseshoe + - DC + N S Spiral Cone 
Pancake Spiral
(OK you draw a spiral using Word)

Generally coils can be made in a whole variety of shapes and sizes and this is where the fun begins. And then you have left-handed and right-handed windings. The strength of an electromagnet is based on the number of winds in the coil, the size of the wire used and the amount of volts and amps applied in the circuit to drive the coil. Simply the more times you wind the wire around the core the higher the voltage will be and the more resistance you will encounter. Resistance also generates some heat, which is a problem with electromagnet design. Pulsing also causes heat build up as a result of resistance in the wires and the core. The number of wraps will also determine the natural frequency of the coil, but this can also be influenced by the frequency of the power source (50-60 Hz for households, rectified to 25-30 half wave Hz for DC) and other electronic circuitry. Victor Walgren has kindly added a formula and a website where you can easily calculate the number of winds needed to generate a specific frequency. This is based primarily on the length of the wire needed for wrapping your cores. 

The formula is – 
f (frequency) = kHz (kilohertz) 
L (length of wire) = 300,000/ f / 4 * (3 / 0.9144) 
And I haven’t the foggiest as to who figured out this formula, but apparently it works. But if you want a simpler way, just go to – 

Victor has also contributed some key resonance frequencies that you might try in your preliminary windings. These are – 

Magnetic Resonance Frequency(f) Length of Wire 
H (hydrogen) = 106.663 MHz 2’ 3 11/16” (27.6875”) 
H2 = 15.351 MHz 16’ 0 11/32” (16.029118’) 
H3 = 106.663 MHz 2’ 3 11/16” (2.3069193’) 
O2 (oxygen) = 13.557 MHz 18’ 1 13/16” (217.8125”) 
If you use the website calculator, be sure to adjust your figures in ‘kilohertz’ particularly if the resonance frequencies are in ‘megahertz’. 
Here are a few more frequencies for you to try as taken from my chapter on resonance electrolysis. “The first to do this was John Wesley Keely way back in the 1800’s. He accomplished this by using tuning forks placed in water. He found that resonance dissociation occurred around 600 Hz and specifically at 620 Hz (1st octave) and 630 Hz (2nd octave) and 12,000 Hz (3rd octave) and 42.8 kHz. A century later Dr. Andrija Puharich independently discovered these and other frequencies using his own designed resonance device and using AM amplifiers and AC current in a saltwater solution. He found his greatest success at only 25-38 mA and 4-2.6 volts or a power input of 0.1 watts was needed to create resonance within an output range of 59.748 kHz-66.234 kHz. The interesting thing that happened though was that the frequency input in the reactor cell with distilled water in it DROPPED from the 66.234kHz to 1.272 kHz to 1.848 kHz and the waveform changed from a sine wave to a rippled square wave. He also noted that if he removed one lead (created an open circuit) the frequency would jump back up to 5-6 kHz, and the cell would generate unipolar pulses of 0-1.3 volts, noting that the water was acting as a capacitor with a charge cycle of .0002 seconds (which happens to correspond to how the human nervous system works!) 
When Dr. Puharich added salt (NaCl) to create a 0.9% saline solution (seawater), the electrolyte resonance effect of course changed. At this point he was using 1mAmp and 22 volts and testing at various frequencies for saltwater resonance. The waveform in the saltwater changed from the rippled square wave to a rippled sawtooth wave, which apparently is the best waveform for maximum efficiency. The resonance frequencies and their harmonics using this electrolyte solution were noted as: 

		Initial frequency 	  3.98 kHz
		1st Harmonic		  7.96 kHz  
  		2nd Harmonic		15.92 kHz
		3rd Harmonic		31.84 kHz
		4th Harmonic		63.69 kHz
One of Dr. Puharich’s friends and brother outcaste from the 
scientific community was Dr. Bob Beck.   
The importance of Dr. Beck’s research in low frequencies is 
that he found that hydrogen naturally resonates at about 8 Hz.  
This is a primary healing frequency.  However,
 what I find more interesting is the following relationship-

	Multiples of    8Hz		Keely (f)	 8.152 Hz

	X   75		 600 Hz	  610 Hz	611.4 Hz
	X   78		 624 Hz	  630 Hz	635.9 Hz
	X 150		  1.2 kHz	  1.2kHz	1.223 kHz
	X 5250		42.0 kHz...
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