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Problem 2

a)      If we increase TV ads expenditures in March 2011 by 2500 PLN, we expect that sales increase by 42,23 * 2500=105575 PLN in April 2011, ceteris paribus.

b)      Estimated variance of error term will be RSS/(n-K)= 0,5218/(20-4)=0,3216

c)      t0,05=2,11991



Confidence interval is equal to:(-5,86898; 4,624577)

d)      BIC=lnei2n+K*ln⁡(n)n, BIC1 –model in the introduction, BIC2 – model in sub point
BIC1 = ln(0,521820) + 4*ln⁡(20)20=-3.047

e)      BIC2 = ln(3,23821) + 2*ln⁡(21)21= -1.580
Better is model in introduction (BIC1).



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